Untitled (original) (raw)


I’m just realizing I never actually posted my fucking Kofi link on the main blog and I’ve just been promoting it on the side we’re like a single person has liked a single post on that sideblog (it’s @yeetspace-s-omnitrix )

I’m in need of money. Like just outright. flat out

Like I want to properly create the comedy here enough to convince you to give me money, but also convey as genuinely as I can while not just being a dour little bitch about it, holy shit I need money, I’m like 300 bucks in med debt and separately I’m not able to get a job proper this is my kind of only direct source of income (other than YouTube and that can’t happen because of mechanical difficulties that can only be mitigated through having money enough to buy better parts after everything else 😭)

I got 20 open character commissions, and then unlimited other stuffs.



(It’d probably fucking help if I also additionally actually put the proper actual fucking link MY GOD)

One year gone

One year of killing civilians

One year of bombing hospitals

One year of bombing schools

One year of destroying a whole city

One year of starving people to death

One year of making people leave their homes to live in tents

One year and still the world just watching us dying

One year thousands are missing under the rubble thousands arrested with unknown future

One year of thousands of children lost either one of their parents or both

Thousands lost parts of their bodies

I can’t imagine this will continue for a year

Fuck this world fuck everyone

This is Ahmed's cousin's gfm. Please donate if you can - donations are trickling in very slowly and they need all the help they can get.

€20,413 / €30,000 as of Oct 6. only 3 donations in the past 24 hours.

Ahmed has done so much work in boosting other campaigns, his cousin's gofundme should not be moving this slowly. please donate

Support Humanity and Childhood🙏🧡

This is my kids Rakan 13 and Seba 10 years old.👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 Thier childhood changed dramatically since Gaza war.💥

I want to share with you my wishes as a mum, I don’t want to search for my little children in the devastating rubble, I don’t want to write thier names on thier bodyies parts so they can be recognized.😭💔

We are humans. We are alive. We are a family. We have names, and we are not numbesr.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

We deserve peaceful and happy life; sweet dreams and do need your help. If you care about humanity and if these words touch your heart please donate or at lease share our story to save our lives.🙏🍉

Hitting a sick nasty blinker but sick nasty in the way that it tastes like fucking butter Like what huh why why why is it buttery huh why huh why

Weed is what made me gay

Like to be as accurate as possible that is a factual statement that holds truth. Cuz like you ever get so blasted that you end up playing reality in third person?

More accurately, you ever accidentally take more gummies than you intended to because you got hungry, and didn’t think about it, and then ate a bunch more edibles?

Well when that happens, apparently if it happens hard enough, additionally your brain will start realizing “Hey wait if this is the third person game, then I fucking hate my avatar. How do I fix this?” like 4 years ago and it’s just been me being very very gay and very very girl since then


My mom did my hair after she initially helped me finally rip off the bandaid and cut off the SUPER fried unsuccessfully dyed chunks at the end of my hair that’s been there for 4 years


(now i just need to shave (and then shave three hours later again when it’s mostly grown back 🙃)).

So im working on a random OC lore of Dragonball stuff and i might compile it. It involves like two new races, no transformations (yet 🫡), and a handful of characters i could semi-confidently describe in detail.

I'm not explaining too much as I'd like to wait till the compilation, except in showing off this big one:


His name's Wanichi, based off of the "wide mouth" translation of crocodile and alligator in Japanese.

His Dragon balls are the four pink starred dragon balls.

His wishes are different from both Toronbo, where he'll kinda wheel and deal within his capacity and pull strings like he did with Granolah just seemingly off the bat, and Shenron, who is similar in working with his allies, but 200% HARD-LINES on his restrictions with anyone else, Wanichi will try and "anti-monkey's paw" the wishes (2) to most advantage the wisher.

No spoilers about it but he does it cuz of who his creator is, and the situation they were in when they had to do it, needing, verbatim, "someone big, scary, and who wants to help us!"


Super rough color digital

fag and dyke does not mean man and woman. transmasc and transfem does not mean man and woman. guy and girl dont even mean man and woman to me anymore

if we work hard enough we can achieve a world where even man and woman don’t mean man and woman anymore

So im working on a random OC lore of Dragonball stuff and i might compile it. It involves like two new races, no transformations (yet 🫡), and a handful of characters i could semi-confidently describe in detail.

I’m not explaining too much as I’d like to wait till the compilation, except in showing off this big one:


His name’s Wanichi, based off of the “wide mouth” translation of crocodile and alligator in Japanese.

His Dragon balls are the four pink starred dragon balls.

His wishes are different from both Toronbo, where he’ll kinda wheel and deal within his capacity and pull strings like he did with Granolah just seemingly off the bat, and Shenron, who is similar in working with his allies, but 200% HARD-LINES on his restrictions with anyone else, Wanichi will try and “anti-monkey’s paw” the wishes (2) to most advantage the wisher.

No spoilers about it but he does it cuz of who his creator is, and the situation they were in when they had to do it, needing, verbatim, “someone big, scary, and who wants to help us!”

Recently saw an insta vid where a musician was singing lyrics that described their intrusive thoughts as a person with OCD, and in the comments every so often there would be people writing like "bro what is this 🤨🤨" and "keep this between you and your therapist dont post it on the internet" and it just further fueled my belief that OCD symptoms and intrusive thoughts need to be talked about more because a majority of the struggle with the disorder is the shame surrounding its symptoms. OCD is not able to be easily romanticized or 'quirky'fied like other disorders or neurodivergencies have been*, and as a result its symptoms are more quickly met with disgust or repulsion.

Other people in the comments were thanking OP because it captured the struggle of real intrusive thoughts instead of impulsive ones. Impulsive thoughts are more of the 'I'm gonna dye my hair randomly on a thursday night' thoughts vs the intrusive 'what if I drove my car into that family and suddenly killed us both' thoughts, the latter of which make OCD as a disorder truly debilitating. And the people that immediately assign bad morals to intrusive thoughts? They only further condemn people with OCD to never wanting to talk about the symptoms they've already been struggling with shame about.

I feel it needs to be made more blatantly explained to the public that OCD intrusive thoughts aren't desire based. They're fear and disgust based. You fear hurting anyone so badly your mind can't stop thinking about what if you hurt someone. You fear molesting anyone so you never want to even touch anyone. Your mind fixates on the 'what ifs' and distorts them into the idea that, because you think this way, you must want to act this way--when the reality is the exact opposite.

If a person with OCD ever confides to you one of their intrusive thoughts and you feel a knee-jerk reaction of disgust towards them, it needs to be reiterated that:

1. the person does not want to be thinking about this, their brain is legit hardwired to make those thoughts pop up

2. the person themselves also feels this disgust, often intensely, and they very likely resent themselves for ever thinking it


3. they have no desire to enact the intrusive thought, because its intrusive nature hinges on the person's fears and dislikes.

*And to clarify what I mean by romanticization and 'quirk'-ifying, I do not mean to imply that romanticizing any disorder or condition is inherently a good thing. It's only to state that conditions like anxiety and ADHD have been made such common/'trendy' topics recently that they're less taboo to speak about--leading to more people talking about their struggles with it, and helping others realize they might have it too and aren't alone. Because certain OCD traits aren't as marketable (obviously) a lot of those with it are left rather isolated.


The person watching them, not leaving food to feed the lion, not for the sake of the deer but simply for the sake of the life of an animal that is hungry, is the one who is evil