Young Hercules Fans, Unite! (original) (raw)
Found this on one of my old tapes, and moved it over to my computer. One of my most favorite commercials of all time.
Current Mood: bouncy
I made a new vid for the first time in WAY too long. I am just SO excited to have these new, cleaner clips of YH to play with. <3
Song Title: High School Never Ends
Vidder: Dea Brynhild Ensomhet Spikess
Artist: Bowling For Soup.
Category: Humor, action, show summary, character study.
Characters: Hercules, Iolaus, Jason, Lilith, various.
Pairings: various.
Warnings: None.
Finished: 7/15/09
Tech stuff: wmv file, 31.0 MB, 3min 26sec.
Summary: Overview of Hercules and his friend, and life at Cheiron's Academy. Clips from "Young Hercules" and "Hercules the Legendary Journeys". In my head so many clips matched the lyrics that I couldn't resist making the vid, and I think it turned out really well. "And I still don't have the right look, and I still have the same three friends. And I'm pretty much the same as I was back then."
Current Mood: accomplished
Hi everyone :) I'm Erin, and I'm a new fan of Young Hercules! I've been a Ryan Gosling fan for years and have always wanted to see the show, having missed it when it originally aired, and thanks to Hulu I've finally been able to start watching and am really enjoying it. I was wondering if there were any good places to find YH fanfiction online? I'm curious if there's any Herc/Iolaus slashfic, but since the show has been over for so long I'm not sure where to start looking as the fandom is pretty small.
In exchange, I can offer screencaps that I've been doing -- I have the first three episodes capped from the video files off Hulu. You can also see some icons I made of Ryan from the caps I made from the first three episodes here if you're interested in that.
It may have been a while since you guys have seen this, but I thought I'd post it for fun.
Current Mood: bouncy
I know there's only a few of us now, but I was wondering if you guys had any ideas of what we could do to reach more Young Hercules fans and invite more members? Let me know if you have any ideas!
Also, what would you like to see out of this community? More pictures? Fanfiction? LJ moodthemes? Episode reviews and discussions? This is the place to comment about what you want to see happen!
Also, if you have pictures or relics of anything YH-related, feel free to post them! The more the merrier, especially since it's so hard to find good pictures these days!
Current Mood: nervous
I've accumulated a lot of screencaps from television and movies onto my harddrive over the years. And for some reason I kept these even when I got a new computer. Since I'm not sure what to post (my fanfiction takes place during HTLJ) and I have a strange fanlove for Discord and Strife (go figure), here are some really bad screencaps and a really good promo pic (and you might find Iolaus and Jason in there too).
Hi, and welcome! I'm your mod, brynspikess, but you can call me Bryn.
I first saw Young Hercules when it was originally on the air back on '98, and I've been in love with the show ever since.
It's been a busy and a lonely decade, and I've gotten out of touch with a lot of people who I used to be friends with in the YH fandom. Still, my love for this show has smoldered inside, and I wished there was somewhere still active, full of people that still loved the show like I do, no matter how old it is.
So this is me, putting myself and my love for this show out there, hoping to find others who feel the same.
Welcome! Comment, talk a little bit about yourselves and why you like YH!
Current Mood: busy