Nino del Solar Velarde | Ministry of Culture (original) (raw)

Doctoral thesis by Nino del Solar Velarde

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde 2015 _ Contribution of archaeological sciences to understanding Mochica and Cajamarca technical choices: study of ceramics from the archaeological site of San Jose de Moro (8th-10th c. A.D., Peru)

Master's thesis by Nino del Solar Velarde

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde 2012 _ De la ZPPAUP à l’AVAP : bilan prospectif des ZPPAUP et de leur évolution & 50 ans de la Loi Malraux : manifestations et mise en lumière des villes à secteurs sauvegardes membres de l’ANVPAH & VSSP

Stage au sein de l'Association Nationale des Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire et des Villes à s... more Stage au sein de l'Association Nationale des Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire et des Villes à secteurs sauvegardés et protégés Château Neuf-Place Paul Bert 64100 BAYONNE Mars-Juillet 2012 Nino Vadick DEL SOLAR VELARDE M1 Matériaux du patrimoine culturel Maîtres de stage : Madame Marylise ORTIZ et Madame Muriel PERRIN Enseignant référent : Monsieur Christian GENSBEITEL Septembre 2012 4 Conclusion Bibliographie 6 Annexes 6.1 Projet 1 : exemple de Lettre envoyée aux communes à ZPPAUP 6.2 Projet 1 : questionnaire à la base du Bilan prospectif des ZPPAUP et de leur évolution 6.3 Projet 1 : villes ayant répondu à l'enquête 6.4 Projet 1 : exemple de réponses des communes au questionnaire 6.5 Projet 2 : questionnaire pour l'évaluation des caractéristiques des PSMV locaux 6.6 Projet 2 (recensement des villes à PSMV) : résumé des activités, au niveau national, dans le cadre de la commémoration des 50 ans de la loi Malraux 6.7 Appréciation des maîtres de stage 6.8 Attestation de stage

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde 2011 _ La caractérisation archéométrique des céramiques précolombiennes du Pérou : une synthèse historique et méthodologique

(Pérou), aux membres du projet, et d'une façon spéciale à M. Luis Muro, par le travail de sélecti... more (Pérou), aux membres du projet, et d'une façon spéciale à M. Luis Muro, par le travail de sélection et l'envoi des échantillons céramiques depuis Lima, Pérou. Je voudrais aussi remercier à tous les professeurs, les chercheurs, et les collègues du Master Matériaux du Patrimoine Culturel pour son soutien, et pour sa compréhension dedans et dehors les cours. 4 Contexte géographique. Le Pérou est un pays divers et unique par sa pluri-culturalité, par sa géographie (la côte, les Andes et l'Amazonie) et par ses climats très hétérogènes. C'est un pays riche d'histoire avec beaucoup de contrastes sociaux, politiques, économiques et culturels passés et présents. Il possède 1 285 216 Km2 de superficie territoriale, étant 2.3 fois la surface de France (Catinus, 1996; Gilbert, 1997) et une population de 28 220 764 d'habitants (INEI, UNFPA, 2008). Le Pérou se trouve sur la côte occidentale de l'Amérique du Sud entre l'Équateur et le Chili. La capitale du Pérou est Lima (9 millions d'habitants) et les villes les plus importantes: Arequipa,

Peer-reviewed papers by Nino del Solar Velarde

Research paper thumbnail of Muro et al. 2023_The colors of the empire: Assessing techno-decorative innovations in local, hybrid and intrusive ceramic pigments within the Wari interaction spheres, Peru (Journal of Archaeological Science:Reports)

Ancient empires developed diverse strategies of political and cultural domination in their conque... more Ancient empires developed diverse strategies of political and cultural domination in their conquered territories. One such strategy involved introducing imperially branded goods that reinforced a legitimizing ideology. The appearance of intrusive styles may be an indicator of political dominance; however, the introduction of new technologies is a stronger indicator of interpersonal engagement between people in the empire's core and dominated regions. In this paper, we specifically focus on innovations in colors, pigments, and decoration of intrusive, local, and hybrid ceramic styles resulting from the interaction between the Wari Empire (600-1050 CE) of the Central Andes and local societies from the north and south coast of Peru. These innovations can be documented long after the Wari influence faded in each region. By integrating archaeological and archaeometric perspectives, we examine techno-decorative innovations among locally produced pottery within the imperial interaction spheres. This paper presents and compares the results of chemical and mineral analyses conducted on samples of pigments on decorated ceramics from the Valleys of Jequetepeque, Nasca, and Moquegua. Results indicate that Wari could have directly promoted the circulation of specific ceramic pigments that guaranteed a particular "Wari experience of color." We argue that an inter-site approach to the study of colors, pigments, and decoration can better contribute to the understanding of politics and ceramic production relationships, religious syncretism, and cultural change in the Andean past.

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde 2023 _ Revisiting early ceramics from Marcavalle archaeological site (Cuzco, Peru): record and identification of ceramic pastes using a portable digital microscope in situ

Arqueología, 2023

Revisitando las cerámicas tempranas del sitio arqueológico de Marcavalle (Cuzco, Perú): registro ... more Revisitando las cerámicas tempranas del sitio arqueológico de Marcavalle (Cuzco, Perú): registro e identificación de pastas mediante microscopía digital portátil in situ NOTA " Nino del Solar Velarde

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2020 _ Análisis químico y mineralógico de pinturas en cerámicas arqueológicas del valle de Jequetepeque y sus implicancias arqueológicas

Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 2020

o varias entidades colectivas. En el caso preciso de las decoraciones a base de pintura, su estud... more o varias entidades colectivas. En el caso preciso de las decoraciones a base de pintura, su estudio se inicia con el registro adecuado a partir, por ejemplo, de observaciones macroscópicas y microscópicas en superficie o en sección. Estas observaciones se pueden complementar con la determinación de colores mediante el uso de uno o varios sistemas estandarizados de medida de color. Si bien estas prácticas se realizan con el fin de documentar, por ejemplo, la paleta de colores empleada por artesanos del pasado, es importante tener un conocimiento preciso sobre las materias primas y las recetas utilizadas en la producción de dichas pinturas; y es que la caracterización de unas y otras permitirá acceder, al menos de forma inicial, a la definición de las dinámicas socioeconómicas vinculadas a la explotación, uso y comercio de materiales asociados a la producción cerámica. Bajo estas premisas, y en el marco de este trabajo de investigación,

Research paper thumbnail of Dietrich et al. 2018 _ The potential of EBSD and EDS for ceramics investigations – case studies on sherds of pre-Columbian pottery

Archaeometry, 2018

The work focuses on the potential of structural and chemical examinations by scanning electron mi... more The work focuses on the potential of structural and chemical examinations by scanning electron microscopy based methods for archaeometric studies on ceramics. Achieved by a single preparation technique (polished block sections), the feasibility and benefits of electron backscatter diffraction are demonstrated as case studies using polychrome examples of pre-Columbian pottery (Wari, Moche and Cajamarca). Elemental and phase maps allow for separate consideration of clay and temper. Identification of mineral phases and intergrowths of temper particles provide information for clarifying clay procurement and firing techniques with respect to local versus non-local pottery to enlighten trade relations, technological transfer and shared heritage of pre-Columbian cultures.

Research paper thumbnail of Sardos et al. 2017 _ Caractérisation physico-chimique de pigments de peintures murales mochica : San José de Moro (VIIIe-Xe siècles apr. J.-C.)

Journal de la Société des américanistes, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Dietrich et al. 2017 _ Archaeometric case studies on decorations of pre-Columbian pottery using EDS maps and profiles

Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 2017

Material Science and Engineering Technology 3 technologischen Transfers und des gemeinsamen kultu... more Material Science and Engineering Technology 3 technologischen Transfers und des gemeinsamen kulturellen Erbes der vorkolumbischen Kulturen geeignet.

Research paper thumbnail of Ammari et al. 2017 _ Chemometrics applied to cathodoluminescence images: a new approach to classify pre-Columbian artefacts from northern Peru

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017

Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag Ber... more Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2016 _ Characterization of pre-Columbian artefacts in situ through handheld portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry: The case of ceramics from the Mochica site of San José de Moro (Peru)

Heritage Science, 2016

The famous archaeological site of San José de Moro (SJM) located in the Jequetepeque Valley (JV) ... more The famous archaeological site of San José de Moro (SJM) located in the Jequetepeque Valley (JV) represents one of the best-preserved pre-Columbian Mochica cemeteries uncovered along the north coast of Peru. SJM was a regional ritual centre where elites and the general population of all JV met to celebrate ceremonial events. Its role as a place of regional integration and coordination continued long after the disappearance of the Mochica and SJM was continuously occupied throughout the Late Mochica Period (8th-9th c. AD) and into the Transitional Period (9th-10th c. AD). Even though the abandonment of Mochica traditions in SJM (funerary practices and ceramic styles) appears quite rapid, SJM was constantly occupied whereby local traditions were being reshaped. During this time various styles of ritual ceramics from different traditions (Mochica, Cajamarca and Wari) were buried within ceremonial and funerary contexts. This research involves archaeometric studies of excavated painted diagnostic ceramic sherds representing four distinctive pre-Columbian typologies present at this site-Mochica fineline bichrome, Mochica fineline polychrome, coastal Cajamarca and Highland Cajamarca ceramics. For this study handheld portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (HHpXRF) instrumentation was operated in situ in order to (1) perform non-destructive trace element analysis (2) to assess if Cajamarca ceramics were further elaborated using the same raw materials employed by the Mochica potters of SJM, and (3) to establish whether or not Mochica and Cajamarca ceramics were truly technological markers in the lower part of the Jequetepeque valley. Results: The chemical elements detected in the ceramic bodies by the portable technique and used for this analysis were: K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ga, As, Rb, Sr and Y. All sherds that were identified as aesthetically different also differed chemically with the exception of the Mochica fineline bichrome and the Mochica fineline polychrome, which were produced in a coastal workshop using the same local raw materials. In addition, these sherds were not elaborated employing the same recipe used in the Coastal and Highland Cajamarca productions. Conclusions: Mochica ceramic productions are stylistically and chemically different from both Coastal and Highland Cajamarca productions. Ceramics from San José de Moro are technological markers of two cultures (Mochica and Cajamarca) in the lower part of the Jequetepeque Valley that interacted during Late Mochica and through the Transitional periods.

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2015 _ Chronologie mochica : une nouvelle synthèse

Journal de la société des américanistes, 2015

]. (siglos ii-x d.C., costa norte de Perú), este objetivo es aún central en la investigación arqu... more ]. (siglos ii-x d.C., costa norte de Perú), este objetivo es aún central en la investigación arqueológica y arqueométrica contemporánea. En este artículo, proponemos una revisión y una síntesis de las informaciones concernientes a la cronología relativa de la sociedad mochica. Al mismo tiempo, presentamos un inventario actualizado de fechas 14 C mochicas obtenidas desde la década de los 1970. El objetivo es reevaluar la información temporal y estilística conocida y aceptada por la comunidad arqueológica.

Research paper thumbnail of Nickel et al. 2013 _ Material analysis of colored pre-Columbian ceramic shards: identification of black pigments on ceramics of the Huari Viñaque, Mochica Polícromo and Cajamarca Costeño styles

Books by Nino del Solar Velarde

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde & Araóz (ed.) 2019 _ Cusco prehispánico: resultados de nuevas investigaciones arqueológicas

Cusco prehispánico: resultados de nuevas investigaciones arqueológicas, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Chapoulie et al. (ed.) 2018 _ Arqueometría: Estudios analíticos de materiales arqueológicos

Arqueometría: Estudios analíticos de materiales arqueológicos, 2018

Book Chapters by Nino del Solar Velarde

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde & Araóz 2019 _ Introducción: Cusco prehispánico: resultados de nuevas investigaciones arqueológicas

Cusco prehispánico: resultados de nuevas investigaciones arqueológicas, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2018 _ Investigación arqueométrica de producciones cerámicas Mochica y Cajamarca costeño de los periodos Mochica tardío y Transicional del sitio de San José de Moro (siglos VIII-XI a.D., Perú)

La cooperación científica francesa en Latinoamérica: Avances recientes en datación y arqueometría en los Andes, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Chapoulie & del Solar Velarde 2018 _ Microscopía electrónica de barrido, espectrometría de rayos X y catodoluminiscencia

Arqueometría: Estudios analíticos de materiales arqueológicos, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2018 _ Cerámica

Arqueometría: Estudios analíticos de materiales arqueológicos, 2018

Conference proceedings by Nino del Solar Velarde

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2019 _ Avances en el estudio de la cultura material  Marcavalle: registro y caracterización química de  cerámicas del Horizonte Temprano en Cusco (Perú)

Resultados preliminares del estudio de los implementos 91 de pesca y sus implicancias socioeconóm... more Resultados preliminares del estudio de los implementos 91 de pesca y sus implicancias socioeconómicas para el sitio

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde 2012 _ De la ZPPAUP à l’AVAP : bilan prospectif des ZPPAUP et de leur évolution & 50 ans de la Loi Malraux : manifestations et mise en lumière des villes à secteurs sauvegardes membres de l’ANVPAH & VSSP

Stage au sein de l'Association Nationale des Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire et des Villes à s... more Stage au sein de l'Association Nationale des Villes et Pays d'art et d'histoire et des Villes à secteurs sauvegardés et protégés Château Neuf-Place Paul Bert 64100 BAYONNE Mars-Juillet 2012 Nino Vadick DEL SOLAR VELARDE M1 Matériaux du patrimoine culturel Maîtres de stage : Madame Marylise ORTIZ et Madame Muriel PERRIN Enseignant référent : Monsieur Christian GENSBEITEL Septembre 2012 4 Conclusion Bibliographie 6 Annexes 6.1 Projet 1 : exemple de Lettre envoyée aux communes à ZPPAUP 6.2 Projet 1 : questionnaire à la base du Bilan prospectif des ZPPAUP et de leur évolution 6.3 Projet 1 : villes ayant répondu à l'enquête 6.4 Projet 1 : exemple de réponses des communes au questionnaire 6.5 Projet 2 : questionnaire pour l'évaluation des caractéristiques des PSMV locaux 6.6 Projet 2 (recensement des villes à PSMV) : résumé des activités, au niveau national, dans le cadre de la commémoration des 50 ans de la loi Malraux 6.7 Appréciation des maîtres de stage 6.8 Attestation de stage

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde 2011 _ La caractérisation archéométrique des céramiques précolombiennes du Pérou : une synthèse historique et méthodologique

(Pérou), aux membres du projet, et d'une façon spéciale à M. Luis Muro, par le travail de sélecti... more (Pérou), aux membres du projet, et d'une façon spéciale à M. Luis Muro, par le travail de sélection et l'envoi des échantillons céramiques depuis Lima, Pérou. Je voudrais aussi remercier à tous les professeurs, les chercheurs, et les collègues du Master Matériaux du Patrimoine Culturel pour son soutien, et pour sa compréhension dedans et dehors les cours. 4 Contexte géographique. Le Pérou est un pays divers et unique par sa pluri-culturalité, par sa géographie (la côte, les Andes et l'Amazonie) et par ses climats très hétérogènes. C'est un pays riche d'histoire avec beaucoup de contrastes sociaux, politiques, économiques et culturels passés et présents. Il possède 1 285 216 Km2 de superficie territoriale, étant 2.3 fois la surface de France (Catinus, 1996; Gilbert, 1997) et une population de 28 220 764 d'habitants (INEI, UNFPA, 2008). Le Pérou se trouve sur la côte occidentale de l'Amérique du Sud entre l'Équateur et le Chili. La capitale du Pérou est Lima (9 millions d'habitants) et les villes les plus importantes: Arequipa,

Research paper thumbnail of Muro et al. 2023_The colors of the empire: Assessing techno-decorative innovations in local, hybrid and intrusive ceramic pigments within the Wari interaction spheres, Peru (Journal of Archaeological Science:Reports)

Ancient empires developed diverse strategies of political and cultural domination in their conque... more Ancient empires developed diverse strategies of political and cultural domination in their conquered territories. One such strategy involved introducing imperially branded goods that reinforced a legitimizing ideology. The appearance of intrusive styles may be an indicator of political dominance; however, the introduction of new technologies is a stronger indicator of interpersonal engagement between people in the empire's core and dominated regions. In this paper, we specifically focus on innovations in colors, pigments, and decoration of intrusive, local, and hybrid ceramic styles resulting from the interaction between the Wari Empire (600-1050 CE) of the Central Andes and local societies from the north and south coast of Peru. These innovations can be documented long after the Wari influence faded in each region. By integrating archaeological and archaeometric perspectives, we examine techno-decorative innovations among locally produced pottery within the imperial interaction spheres. This paper presents and compares the results of chemical and mineral analyses conducted on samples of pigments on decorated ceramics from the Valleys of Jequetepeque, Nasca, and Moquegua. Results indicate that Wari could have directly promoted the circulation of specific ceramic pigments that guaranteed a particular "Wari experience of color." We argue that an inter-site approach to the study of colors, pigments, and decoration can better contribute to the understanding of politics and ceramic production relationships, religious syncretism, and cultural change in the Andean past.

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde 2023 _ Revisiting early ceramics from Marcavalle archaeological site (Cuzco, Peru): record and identification of ceramic pastes using a portable digital microscope in situ

Arqueología, 2023

Revisitando las cerámicas tempranas del sitio arqueológico de Marcavalle (Cuzco, Perú): registro ... more Revisitando las cerámicas tempranas del sitio arqueológico de Marcavalle (Cuzco, Perú): registro e identificación de pastas mediante microscopía digital portátil in situ NOTA " Nino del Solar Velarde

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2020 _ Análisis químico y mineralógico de pinturas en cerámicas arqueológicas del valle de Jequetepeque y sus implicancias arqueológicas

Boletín de Arqueología PUCP, 2020

o varias entidades colectivas. En el caso preciso de las decoraciones a base de pintura, su estud... more o varias entidades colectivas. En el caso preciso de las decoraciones a base de pintura, su estudio se inicia con el registro adecuado a partir, por ejemplo, de observaciones macroscópicas y microscópicas en superficie o en sección. Estas observaciones se pueden complementar con la determinación de colores mediante el uso de uno o varios sistemas estandarizados de medida de color. Si bien estas prácticas se realizan con el fin de documentar, por ejemplo, la paleta de colores empleada por artesanos del pasado, es importante tener un conocimiento preciso sobre las materias primas y las recetas utilizadas en la producción de dichas pinturas; y es que la caracterización de unas y otras permitirá acceder, al menos de forma inicial, a la definición de las dinámicas socioeconómicas vinculadas a la explotación, uso y comercio de materiales asociados a la producción cerámica. Bajo estas premisas, y en el marco de este trabajo de investigación,

Research paper thumbnail of Dietrich et al. 2018 _ The potential of EBSD and EDS for ceramics investigations – case studies on sherds of pre-Columbian pottery

Archaeometry, 2018

The work focuses on the potential of structural and chemical examinations by scanning electron mi... more The work focuses on the potential of structural and chemical examinations by scanning electron microscopy based methods for archaeometric studies on ceramics. Achieved by a single preparation technique (polished block sections), the feasibility and benefits of electron backscatter diffraction are demonstrated as case studies using polychrome examples of pre-Columbian pottery (Wari, Moche and Cajamarca). Elemental and phase maps allow for separate consideration of clay and temper. Identification of mineral phases and intergrowths of temper particles provide information for clarifying clay procurement and firing techniques with respect to local versus non-local pottery to enlighten trade relations, technological transfer and shared heritage of pre-Columbian cultures.

Research paper thumbnail of Sardos et al. 2017 _ Caractérisation physico-chimique de pigments de peintures murales mochica : San José de Moro (VIIIe-Xe siècles apr. J.-C.)

Journal de la Société des américanistes, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Dietrich et al. 2017 _ Archaeometric case studies on decorations of pre-Columbian pottery using EDS maps and profiles

Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 2017

Material Science and Engineering Technology 3 technologischen Transfers und des gemeinsamen kultu... more Material Science and Engineering Technology 3 technologischen Transfers und des gemeinsamen kulturellen Erbes der vorkolumbischen Kulturen geeignet.

Research paper thumbnail of Ammari et al. 2017 _ Chemometrics applied to cathodoluminescence images: a new approach to classify pre-Columbian artefacts from northern Peru

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017

Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag Ber... more Your article is protected by copyright and all rights are held exclusively by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. This e-offprint is for personal use only and shall not be selfarchived in electronic repositories. If you wish to self-archive your article, please use the accepted manuscript version for posting on your own website. You may further deposit the accepted manuscript version in any repository, provided it is only made publicly available 12 months after official publication or later and provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be accompanied by the following text: "The final publication is available at".

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2016 _ Characterization of pre-Columbian artefacts in situ through handheld portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry: The case of ceramics from the Mochica site of San José de Moro (Peru)

Heritage Science, 2016

The famous archaeological site of San José de Moro (SJM) located in the Jequetepeque Valley (JV) ... more The famous archaeological site of San José de Moro (SJM) located in the Jequetepeque Valley (JV) represents one of the best-preserved pre-Columbian Mochica cemeteries uncovered along the north coast of Peru. SJM was a regional ritual centre where elites and the general population of all JV met to celebrate ceremonial events. Its role as a place of regional integration and coordination continued long after the disappearance of the Mochica and SJM was continuously occupied throughout the Late Mochica Period (8th-9th c. AD) and into the Transitional Period (9th-10th c. AD). Even though the abandonment of Mochica traditions in SJM (funerary practices and ceramic styles) appears quite rapid, SJM was constantly occupied whereby local traditions were being reshaped. During this time various styles of ritual ceramics from different traditions (Mochica, Cajamarca and Wari) were buried within ceremonial and funerary contexts. This research involves archaeometric studies of excavated painted diagnostic ceramic sherds representing four distinctive pre-Columbian typologies present at this site-Mochica fineline bichrome, Mochica fineline polychrome, coastal Cajamarca and Highland Cajamarca ceramics. For this study handheld portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (HHpXRF) instrumentation was operated in situ in order to (1) perform non-destructive trace element analysis (2) to assess if Cajamarca ceramics were further elaborated using the same raw materials employed by the Mochica potters of SJM, and (3) to establish whether or not Mochica and Cajamarca ceramics were truly technological markers in the lower part of the Jequetepeque valley. Results: The chemical elements detected in the ceramic bodies by the portable technique and used for this analysis were: K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ga, As, Rb, Sr and Y. All sherds that were identified as aesthetically different also differed chemically with the exception of the Mochica fineline bichrome and the Mochica fineline polychrome, which were produced in a coastal workshop using the same local raw materials. In addition, these sherds were not elaborated employing the same recipe used in the Coastal and Highland Cajamarca productions. Conclusions: Mochica ceramic productions are stylistically and chemically different from both Coastal and Highland Cajamarca productions. Ceramics from San José de Moro are technological markers of two cultures (Mochica and Cajamarca) in the lower part of the Jequetepeque Valley that interacted during Late Mochica and through the Transitional periods.

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2015 _ Chronologie mochica : une nouvelle synthèse

Journal de la société des américanistes, 2015

]. (siglos ii-x d.C., costa norte de Perú), este objetivo es aún central en la investigación arqu... more ]. (siglos ii-x d.C., costa norte de Perú), este objetivo es aún central en la investigación arqueológica y arqueométrica contemporánea. En este artículo, proponemos una revisión y una síntesis de las informaciones concernientes a la cronología relativa de la sociedad mochica. Al mismo tiempo, presentamos un inventario actualizado de fechas 14 C mochicas obtenidas desde la década de los 1970. El objetivo es reevaluar la información temporal y estilística conocida y aceptada por la comunidad arqueológica.

Research paper thumbnail of Nickel et al. 2013 _ Material analysis of colored pre-Columbian ceramic shards: identification of black pigments on ceramics of the Huari Viñaque, Mochica Polícromo and Cajamarca Costeño styles

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2019 _ Avances en el estudio de la cultura material  Marcavalle: registro y caracterización química de  cerámicas del Horizonte Temprano en Cusco (Perú)

Resultados preliminares del estudio de los implementos 91 de pesca y sus implicancias socioeconóm... more Resultados preliminares del estudio de los implementos 91 de pesca y sus implicancias socioeconómicas para el sitio

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2017 _ Caracterización geoquímica de pastas cerámicas mochica y cajamarca mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido acoplada a un espectrómetro de rayos X en dispersión de energía

Actas deI lI Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Volumen II Primera edición digital, agosto 2017 Lib... more Actas deI lI Congreso Nacional de Arqueología Volumen II Primera edición digital, agosto 2017 Libro digital disponible en: ISBN: 978-612-4126-93-2 Diseño Gráfico: Pedro Cavassa Índice VOLUMEN II SIMPOSIO INVESTIGACIONES EN LA COSTA SUR DE LOS ANDES CENTRALES Avances de las investigaciones arqueológicas de la 7 boca del río Ica, Perú: La Yerba II, un campamento base del periodo Preceramico Medio (8000-4500 BP) Cerro Tortolita, un sitio monumental del periodo 17 intermedio temprano en el valle Ica, Perú

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2018 _ Estudio arqueométrico de producciones de barro del Horizonte Temprano en Cusco (Perú): análisis por FRX portátil de figurinas zoomorfas provenientes del sitio arqueológico de Marcavalle

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2017 _ Vessels, Figurines and Ear Ornaments from Marcavalle, an Early Site at Cuzco Valley, Peru (3000-2200 BP): Observation and Chemical Analyses in situ using pDOM and pXRF

Poster at 14th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC) 2017, IRAMAT-CRP2A & Bordeaux Montaign... more Poster at 14th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC) 2017, IRAMAT-CRP2A & Bordeaux Montaigne University, Bordeaux, France, 09.06.2017

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2015 _ Technological Study of Pre-Columbian Mochica and Cajamarca Ceramics (8th-10th c. AD, Peru) using Cathodoluminescence, SEM-EDS and pXRF Techniques

Poster at 13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC) 2015, N.C.S.R. Demokritos & British Sc... more Poster at 13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics (EMAC) 2015, N.C.S.R. Demokritos & British School at Athens, Athens, Greece, 09.26.2015

Research paper thumbnail of del Solar Velarde et al. 2014 _ Two pre-Columbian Pottery Productions of the Peruvian North Coast: An Archaeometrical Approach to Understand Technical Traditions of the Mochica and Cajamarca Cultures

Poster at 40th International symposium of Archaeometry (ISA) 2014, Getty Conservation Institute &... more Poster at 40th International symposium of Archaeometry (ISA) 2014, Getty Conservation Institute & UCLA, Los Angeles, United States of America, 05.18-23.2014

Research paper thumbnail of Dollwetzel et al. 2014 _ Les pigments des Mochicas : l’apport de la spectrométrie Mössbauer à l’identification de pigments sur des céramiques anciennes (2e – 9e s. AD, Pérou)

Poster at 3rd seminar of the French Group of Mössbauer Spectrometry – 2014, Montpellier, France, ... more Poster at 3rd seminar of the French Group of Mössbauer Spectrometry – 2014, Montpellier, France, 05.21-23.2014