The Wordsmith's Forge (original) (raw)

The Wordsmith's Forge The Writing & Other Projects of Elizabeth Barrette

12:53 pm February 10th, 2025

09:11 pm February 8th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poem: "Everything Happens for a Reason" This poem is spillover from the February 4, 2025 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired and sponsored by . It also fills the "Morning-after Regrets" square in my 2-1-25 card for the Valentines Bingo fest and the "And I'm the monster?" square in my 10-1-24 card for the Fall Fest Bingo. This poem belongs to the series Quixotic Ideas. It directly follows "The Separation of Powers," so read that first or this won't make any sense.**"Everything Happens for a Reason"**They had flown for much of the nightto escape the centaurs who hadtried to enslave the two of them.Luntian had taken an arrowthrough her left wing, butshe had plucked it out andhealed supernaturally fast.A forest clearing offeredthem a refuge at last.Datu managed to getjust a few hours of sleepbefore birdsong woke him.Luntian looked down athim, her body back inits usual configuration."Are you ... havingmorning-after regrets?"Luntian asked him warily."Life is too short to wake upin the morning with regrets,so love the people who treatyou right, forget about those whodon't, and believe that everythinghappens for a reason," Datu said."Most people would be angrythat we had to fly so far away,"said Luntian. "It's a concern.""We needed to escape, andyou got us away," said Datu."If you get a chance, take it.If it changes your life, let it.Nobody said life would beeasy, they just promisedthat it would be worth it.""Do you think this hasbeen worth it?" she said."Considering the alternativewould involve an auction block,this is definitely worth it," he said."Then the question is what to donow," said Luntian. "I am too tiredto fly any more for a while, but wecould walk in search of a road.""That's probably a good idea,"said Datu. "I can't go back home,though -- I'm afraid that someoneat the school may have toldthe centaurs about me."Luntian sighed. "LikelyI was betrayed as well,"she said. "Most humansdon't like me much, so theythink that sort of thing is fine.And I'm the monster?"Datu reached out andcovered her shaking handswith his own. "You are _not_a monster," he said firmly."You saved me yesterday.""You saved me too," she said."I doubt I could have escapedfrom the centaurs by myself.I'm not used to people actuallyhelping me and ... meaning it.""I see you, and you're not alone,"said Datu. "So once we find a roador a trail or something, let's figure outwhere we should go next, together.""I grew up moving around fromone city to another, but I've heardof bagwis villages in the mountains,"said Luntian. "We could look for them.""All right, that sounds good to me,"said Datu. "I bet they don't havemany problems with slavers!""Well ... not for long, anyway,"Luntian said with a laugh.* * * Notes:"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it."-- Harvey MackayTags: cyberfunded creativity, ethnic studies, fantasy, fishbowl, poem, poetry, reading, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: busy busy

11:45 pm February 5th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poem: "The Twin Fears of Men" This poem came out of the February 4, 2025 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by prompts from Dreamwidth users Siliconshaman and Alchemicink. It also fills the" Interracial or Interspecies Love" square in my 2-1-25 card for the Valentines Bingo fest.This microfunded poem is being posted one verse at a time, as donations come in to cover them. The rate is $0.50/line, so 5willreveal10newlines,andsoforth.∗∗Thereisapermanentdonationbuttonon[myprofilepage](,∗∗oryoucancontactmeforotherarrangements.Youcanalsoaskmeaboutthenumberoflinesperverse,ifyouwanttofundacertainnumberofverses  .Sofarsponsorsinclude:DWuserSiliconshamanandFuzzyred.∗∗FULLYFUNDED∗∗  ∗∗66lines,BuyItNow=5 will reveal 10 new lines, and so forth. There is a permanent donation button on my profile page, or you can contact me for other arrangements. You can also ask me about the number of lines per verse, if you want to fund a certain number of verses.So far sponsors include: DW user Siliconshaman and Fuzzyred.FULLY FUNDED 66 lines, Buy It Now = 5willreveal10newlines,andsoforth.Thereisapermanentdonationbuttonon[myprofilepage](,oryoucancontactmeforotherarrangements.Youcanalsoaskmeaboutthenumberoflinesperverse,ifyouwanttofundacertainnumberofverses  .Sofarsponsorsinclude:DWuserSiliconshamanandFuzzyred.FULLYFUNDED  66lines,BuyItNow=33Amount donated = 10Versesposted=5of18Amountremainingtofundfully=10Verses posted = 5 of 18 Amount remaining to fund fully = 10Versesposted=5of18Amountremainingtofundfully=23Amount needed to fund next verse = 1.50Amountneededtofundtheverseafterthat=1.50Amount needed to fund the verse after that = 1.50Amountneededtofundtheverseafterthat=1.50( Read more...Collapse ) Tags: cyberfunded creativity, fantasy, fishbowl, gender studies, poem, poetry, reading, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: busy busy

11:54 pm February 4th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poem: "Constant Kindness" This is today's freebie. It was inspired by prompts from wyld_dandelyon, Dreamwidth users See_also_friend, and Alchemicink. It also fills the "Make New Friends" square in my 2-1-25 card for the Valentines Bingo fest. This poem belongs to the series Daughters of the Apocalypse.( Read more...Collapse ) Tags: cyberfunded creativity, family skills, fishbowl, poem, poetry, reading, science fiction, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: busy busy

01:24 pm February 4th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poetry Fishbowl Open! The Poetry Fishbowl is now CLOSED. Thank you for your time and attention. Please keep an eye on this page as I am still writing.Starting now, the Poetry Fishbowl is open! Today's theme is "I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." I will be checking this page periodically throughout the day. When people make suggestions, I'll pick some and weave them together into a poem ... and then another ... and so on. I'm hoping to get a lot of ideas and a lot of poems.I'll be soliciting ideas for dragons, unicorns, pegasi, griffins, centaurs, merfolk, shapeshifters, boyfriends or husbands, caregivers, first responders, clergy, outreach workers, philanthropists, an anonymous benefactor, activists, volunteers, teachers, parents, comares, superheroes, supervillains, other fantasy creatures or kind men, questing, volunteering, making donations, supporting people in hard times, offering crash space, helping someone move, yarnbombing, planting trees, creating intimacy, making friends, getting to know each other, cooking together, falling in love, getting married, discovering things, improvising, adapting, cooperating, bartering, sharing, fixing what's broke, changing the world, accomplishing the impossible, castles, the forest primeval, dragon hoards, romantic restaurants, Triton Teen Centers, the Peace Store, charities, homeless shelters, clothing banks, food pantries, soup kitchens, sobering centers, mentor circles, support groups, churches, sharehouses, intentional communities, gay bars, social justice departments in schools, clubs, quiet rooms, inclusive workplaces, Thalassia, the Maldives, community gardens, other helper hangouts, magic, enchanted artifacts, romance, the language of flowers, intentional neighboring, altruism, acts of kindness, harm reduction, diversity, inclusivity, safety pin peace signs, other activist symbols, interfaith work, family dynamics, alternative family structures, partnerships not based on sex/romance, emotional closeness, rescue, interspecies relationships, trial and error, teamwork, found family, complementary strengths and weaknesses, personal growth, and poetic forms in particular.Currently eligible bingo card(s) for donors wishing to sponsor a square:Valentines Bingo Card 2-1-25February is Black History Month, and that post lists some of my African and diaspora series.Among my more relevant series for the main theme:Clay of Life depends on the friendship between a blacksmith and a golem.A Conflagration of Dragons is about dragons crushing civilizations, and how some people survive that.Daughters of the Apocalypse has very few men left, but many of those are good.Eloquent Souls features a lot of good men, mostly in the context of soulmates.Frankenstein's Family is led by a queerplatonic male couple, plus diverse subgroups interacting.Hart's Farm features a free love commune in historic Sweden, full of good men.Peculiar Obligations explores the connection between Quakers and pirates, with most but not all of the good men falling on the Quaker side.Polychrome Heroics is largely about people helping people. Threads particularly focused on this include Antimatter and Stalwart Stan, Aquariana, the Big One, Iron Horses, Officer Pink, Rutledge, and Trichromatic Attachments.Schrodinger's Heroes save the world from alternate dimensions, and they take care of each other.Starfather features a young man who accidentally adopts an alien baby.The Yellow Unicorns is about a world where people normally can't see the color yellow, except for the unicorns.Or you can ask for something new.Linkbacks will reveal a verse of any open linkback poem.( New to the fishbowl? Read all about it!Collapse ) Tags: #poetryfishbowl, #promptcall, call for prompts, cyberfunded creativity, event, family skills, fantasy, fishbowl, holiday, poetry, reading, romance, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: creative creative

02:34 pm February 3rd, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Monday Update 2-3-25 These are some posts from the later part of last week in case you missed them:Photos: House Yard and South LotBirdfeedingAromantic Spectrum Awareness WeekValentines Meet and GreetValentines Bingo Card 2-1-25Black History MonthBirdfeedingPhilosophical Questions: AliensBingoTipping Point: Venezuela's Lost GlacierNew Year's Resolutions Check InBirdfeedingFollow Friday 1-31-24: Game of ThronesToday's AdventuresBirdfeedingPoetry Fishbowl Report for January 7, 2025Poem: "No Such Thing as a Poor Doctor"Polycatenated Architectured MaterialsToday's AdventuresAncient IrrigationBirdfeedingGood News"Not a Destination, But a Process" has 99 comments. "Online Friends Are Real Friends" has 40 comments. "The Democratic Armada of the Caribbean" has 53 comments.There will be a Poetry Fishbowl on Tuesday, February 4 with a theme of "I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." Please mark your calendars accordingly, and I hope to see you then. My New Year's check in posts are here:New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 4)New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 10)New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 17)New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 24)New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 31)If you're doing February goals, there is a signup post for that over on .The 2025 Rose and Bay Awards are now open for voting! These are the handlers for the 2025 award season:Art: Nominate art! Vote for art! (0 votes)Fiction: Nominate fiction! Vote for fiction! (1 vote)Poetry: Nominate poetry! Vote for poetry! (3 votes)Webcomic: Nominate webcomics! Vote for webcomics! (0 votes)Other Project: Nominate other projects! Vote for other projects! (1 vote)Patron: Nominate patrons! Vote for patrons! (1 vote)Snowflake season is done. :D These are my posts.Snowflake Challenge promotional banner featuring feet in snuggly socks, a mug of hot chocolate, a notebook with 'dreams' written on the cover, and a guitar. Text: Snowflake Challenge January 1-31.Snowflake Challenge 1: Update Your Fandom InformationSnowflake Challenge 2: Your Fannish Origin StorySnowflake Challenge 3: Opinion (21 comments)Snowflake Challenge 4: Goals (My Goals for 2025)Snowflake Challenge 5: What Has ImprovedSnowflake Challenge 6: CanonSnowflake Challenge 7: WishlistSnowflake Challenge 8: PrimerSnowflake Challenge 9: Create a FanworkSnowflake Challenge 10: Fandom FirstsSnowflake Challenge 11: Favorite TropeSnowflake Challenge 12: Rec CountdownSnowflake Challenge 13: InteractSnowflake Challenge 14: Create Your Own Fandom ChallengeSnowflake Challenge 15: Joyous MomentSnowflake Challenge: Friending MemeThere is one open epic at present."Babes in the Pineywoods" belongs to the Big One. It belongs to the Big One thread of Polychrome Heroics. Bo-Art and Creamjeans are unsure what to make of this big black dog.The weather has been milder here, and muddy. Seen at the birdfeeders this week: two flocks of sparrows, a flock of starlings, a flock of mourning doves, several cardinals, a male downy woodpecker, a tufted titmouse, and a fox squirrel.Tags: blogging, personalCurrent Mood: busy busy

02:19 am February 3rd, 2025

11:57 pm January 29th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poetry Fishbowl Report for January 7, 2025 This month's theme was "Short Forms." I wrote from 1 PM to 4:45 AM, so about 13 hours 45 minutes, accounting for breaks. I wrote 13 poems on Tuesday and another 53 later in the week.Participation was up, with 18 comments on LiveJournal and another 33 on Dreamwidth. A total of 14 people sent prompts. You have new prompter Dreamwidth user Dreadlordmrson to thank for the second freebie.Read Some Poetry!The following poems from the January 7, 2025 Poetry Fishbowl have been posted:Around the Year in 50 Birds: A Haiku Collection"Cableknit Wits" "Never Been Blue" "One of Those Ways""Onism""The Port of Dreams""Seichel v'a Katz""The Talisman of Happiness""Wallscrawling""What to Leave Undone""Zielsmerz""No Such Thing as a Poor Doctor" (The Moon Door, April 2, 2024 Poetry Fishbowl)**Buy some poetry!**If you plan to sponsor some poetry but haven't made up your mind yet, see the unsold poetry list from January 7. That includes the title, length, price, and the original thumbnail description for the poems still available.This session's donors include: Dreamwidth user Fuzzyred, rix_scaedu, and janetmiles. All sponsored poems from this fishbowl have been posted. There is 1 tally toward a bonus fishbowl.The Poetry Fishbowl has a landing page.Tags: cyberfunded creativity, fantasy, fishbowl, poetry, reading, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: busy busy

11:19 pm January 29th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poem: "No Such Thing as a Poor Doctor" This poem is spillover from the April 2, 2024 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by a prompt from Dreamwidth user Readera. It also fills the 'Always in Control" square in my 4-1-24 card for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bingo fest. This poem has been posted as the freebie for the January 7, 2025 Poetry Fishbowl reaching its $150 goal. It belongs to the Moon Door series.( Read more...Collapse ) Tags: cyberfunded creativity, fantasy, fishbowl, poem, poetry, reading, safety, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: busy busy

11:41 pm January 28th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poem: "Peg Legs and Eye Patches" This poem came out of the December 3, 2024 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by prompts from rix_scaedu, Dreamwidth users Siliconshaman">, and See_also_friend. It also fills the "Fair Isle / Fisherman's Sweater" square in my 11-1-24 card for the Sleepytime Bear Bingo fest. This poem has been sponsored by Anthony Barrette. It belongs to the series Peculiar Obligations.( Read more...Collapse ) Tags: cyberfunded creativity, ethnic studies, fishbowl, history, poem, poetry, reading, safety, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: busy busy

08:11 pm January 28th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poem: "Around the Year in 50 Birds: A Haiku Collection" This haiku collection is spillover from the January 7, 2025 Poetry Fishbowl. (I oopsed a book again.) It was inspired by a prompt from Dreamwidth user Srubjayspeaks. It also fills the "WILD CARD: The Peacock Fan" square in my 1-1-25 card for the Public Domain Bingo fest. This collection has been sponsored by Anthony Barrette.( Read more...Collapse ) Tags: birdfeeding, cyberfunded creativity, environment, ethnic studies, fishbowl, form poem, nature, poem, poetry, reading, weblit, wildlife, writingCurrent Mood: busy busy

03:10 pm January 28th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poetry Fishbowl on Tuesday, February 4 This is an advance announcement for the Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Poetry Fishbowl. This time the theme will be "I believe in dragons, good men, and other fantasy creatures." I'll be soliciting ideas for dragons, unicorns, pegasi, griffins, centaurs, merfolk, shapeshifters, boyfriends or husbands, caregivers, first responders, clergy, outreach workers, philanthropists, an anonymous benefactor, activists, volunteers, teachers, parents, comares, superheroes, supervillains, other fantasy creatures or kind men, questing, volunteering, making donations, supporting people in hard times, offering crash space, helping someone move, yarnbombing, planting trees, creating intimacy, making friends, getting to know each other, cooking together, falling in love, getting married, discovering things, improvising, adapting, cooperating, bartering, sharing, fixing what's broke, changing the world, accomplishing the impossible, castles, the forest primeval, dragon hoards, romantic restaurants, Triton Teen Centers, the Peace Store, charities, homeless shelters, clothing banks, food pantries, soup kitchens, sobering centers, mentor circles, support groups, churches, sharehouses, intentional communities, gay bars, social justice departments in schools, clubs, quiet rooms, inclusive workplaces, Thalassia, the Maldives, community gardens, other helper hangouts, magic, enchanted artifacts, romance, the language of flowers, intentional neighboring, altruism, acts of kindness, harm reduction, diversity, inclusivity, safety pin peace signs, other activist symbols, interfaith work, family dynamics, alternative family structures, partnerships not based on sex/romance, emotional closeness, rescue, interspecies relationships, trial and error, teamwork, found family, complementary strengths and weaknesses, personal growth, and poetic forms in particular.Among my more relevant series for the main theme:Clay of Life depends on the friendship between a blacksmith and a golem.A Conflagration of Dragons is about dragons crushing civilizations, and how some people survive that.Daughters of the Apocalypse has very few men left, but many of those are good.Eloquent Souls features a lot of good men, mostly in the context of soulmates.Frankenstein's Family is led by a queerplatonic male couple, plus diverse subgroups interacting.Hart's Farm features a free love commune in historic Sweden, full of good men.Peculiar Obligations explores the connection between Quakers and pirates, with most but not all of the good men falling on the Quaker side.Polychrome Heroics is largely about people helping people. Threads particularly focused on this include Antimatter and Stalwart Stan, Aquariana, the Big One, Iron Horses, Officer Pink, Rutledge, and Trichromatic Attachments.Schrodinger's Heroes save the world from alternate dimensions, and they take care of each other.Starfather features a young man who accidentally adopts an alien baby.The Yellow Unicorns is about a world where people normally can't see the color yellow, except for the unicorns.Or you can ask for something new.Linkbacks will reveal a verse of any open linkback poem.If you're interested, mark the date on your calendar, and please hold actual prompts until the "Poetry Fishbowl Open" post next week. (If you're not available that day, or you live in a time zone that makes it hard to reach me, you can leave advance prompts. I am now.) Meanwhile, if you want to help with promotion, please feel free to link back here or repost this on your blog. ( New to the fishbowl? Read all about it!Collapse ) Tags: cyberfunded creativity, event, fantasy, fishbowl, poetry, reading, romance, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: creative creative

03:22 pm January 27th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Monday Update 1-27-25 These are some posts from the later part of last week in case you missed them:Scamorza RecipesToday's CookingEarly HumansBirdfeedingToday's AdventuresPrairie Moon OrderPhilosophical Questions: MoneyNew Year's Resolutions Check InPhotos: Making the Hippie StrandBirdfeedingRead "The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu"Follow Friday 1-24-25: Fullmetal AlchemistBirdfeedingOPN Seed OrderHow to Survive 3°C+ WarmingBirdfeedingCuddle Party"Not a Destination, But a Process" has 98 comments. "Online Friends Are Real Friends" has 36 comments. "The Democratic Armada of the Caribbean" has 49 comments.My New Year's check in posts are here:New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 4)New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 10)New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 17)New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 24)The 2025 Rose and Bay Awards are still open for nominations! This will be the last of the Monday announcements, so if you have not yet nominated or boosted the signal, please do so now. It would be especially helpful for folks you know via places like Kickstarter or Patreon, as I'm not on those sites. I am eligible in the Poetry and Patron categories this year, if anyone wants to nominate me.It's Snowflake season! :D I'm doing the Snowflake Challenge this year, so watch for my posts on odd-numbered days in January.Snowflake Challenge promotional banner featuring feet in snuggly socks, a mug of hot chocolate, a notebook with 'dreams' written on the cover, and a guitar. Text: Snowflake Challenge January 1-31.Snowflake Challenge 1: Update Your Fandom InformationSnowflake Challenge 2: Your Fannish Origin StorySnowflake Challenge 3: Opinion (21 comments)Snowflake Challenge 4: Goals (My Goals for 2025)Snowflake Challenge 5: What Has ImprovedSnowflake Challenge 6: CanonSnowflake Challenge 7: WishlistSnowflake Challenge 8: PrimerSnowflake Challenge 9: Create a FanworkSnowflake Challenge 10: Fandom FirstsSnowflake Challenge 11: Favorite TropeSnowflake Challenge 12: Rec CountdownSnowflake Challenge 13: InteractSnowflake Challenge 14: Create Your Own Fandom ChallengeGoals_on_dw is a new community for people who like goals and goal setting. A key focus will be New Year's resolutions, that being among the most popular contexts for such activities. Although the most common time is January 1, "new year" can also refer to other calendars or cultures, whatever works for you. Alternatively, just pick a time that works for you and go for it. You can introduce yourself or make new friends here. Are you doing the Fannish 50 challenge in 2025? Sign up at that post, or look for fannish bloggers to follow. See the signup posts for Arts and Crafts Challenges, Writing Challenges, Reading Challenges, and 25 things in 2025. Look back on 2024. See the guide post 2025 New Year's Resolutions and Other Goals. Did you make New Year's resoutions? Share your progress with the check in posts. Look for accountability buddies here.There is one open epic at present."Babes in the Pineywoods" belongs to the Big One. It belongs to the Big One thread of Polychrome Heroics. Bo-Art and Creamjeans are unsure what to make of this big black dog.The weather has been cold here, but most of the snow has melted off. Seen at the birdfeeders this week: a large mixed flock of sparrows and goldfinches, a large flock of starlings, a flock of mourning doves, a small flock of cardinals, a male downy woodpecker, a tufted titmouse, and a fox squirrel.Tags: blogging, personalCurrent Mood: busy busy

06:37 pm January 24th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Photos: Making the Hippie Strand Today I made the hippie strand. I've been collecting parts for about a month, although the rainbow nylon cord is left over from a previous craft.This kind of craft is easy to do and versatile. You can suit the colors and motifs to anything you like. It only took me about an hour to make, and part of that was fiddling around with the camera so I could take pictures of the process. Some folks like to do these in a workshop where you can choose different cords and embellishments. It can be called a strand, string, braid, cord, thong, dangle, or various other names but it's basically just a long thing with pretty stuff attached to it.( Read more...Collapse ) Tags: crafts, how to, personal, photo, photographyCurrent Mood: accomplished accomplished

06:37 pm January 20th, 2025

02:11 pm January 20th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Monday Update 1-20-25 These are some posts from the later part of last week in case you missed them:Poem: "The Wall in the Room We Shared"Sustainable GlueSelect Seeds OrderPrairie Moon OrderPinetree Garden Seeds OrderBirdfeedingOPN Seed OrderBuffalo Seed Company OrderBirdfeedingCreative JamPhilosophical Questions: MoralsFollow Friday 1-17-25: FringeNew Mood ThemesBirdfeedingToday's AdventuresHear a MeteoritePoem: "What's Given by Nature"Photos: Winter SunsetBirdfeedingWhat to Do on MondayCatsBirdfeedingHard ThingsWe have our Poetry Fishbowl Themes for Early 2025, so check those and mark your calendars accordingly. If you often struggle to think of prompts on the spur of the moment, just brainstorm in advance and write down your ideas so you'll have them on fishbowl days."Not a Destination, But a Process" has 95 comments. "Online Friends Are Real Friends" has 33 comments. "The Democratic Armada of the Caribbean" has 46 comments.My New Year's check in posts are here:New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 4)New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 10)New Year's Resolutions Check In (January 17)The Pool Update page has the list of poems it sponsored, which are all linked now. I just have the notes to finish for the last one.The 2025 Rose and Bay Awards are now open for nominations! Please make your nominations and pass the word to all the crowdfunders you know and encourage them to participate. It would be especially helpful for folks you know via places like Kickstarter or Patreon, as I'm not on those sites. I am eligible in the Poetry and Patron categories this year, if anyone wants to nominate me.Snowflake Challenge promotional banner featuring feet in snuggly socks, a mug of hot chocolate, a notebook with 'dreams' written on the cover, and a guitar. Text: Snowflake Challenge January 1-31.Snowflake Challenge 1: Update Your Fandom InformationSnowflake Challenge 2: Your Fannish Origin StorySnowflake Challenge 3: Opinion (21 comments)Snowflake Challenge 4: Goals (My Goals for 2025)Snowflake Challenge 5: What Has ImprovedSnowflake Challenge 6: CanonSnowflake Challenge 7: WishlistSnowflake Challenge 8: PrimerSnowflake Challenge 9: Create a FanworkSnowflake Challenge 10: Fandom FirstsGoals_on_dw is a new community for people who like goals and goal setting. A key focus will be New Year's resolutions, that being among the most popular contexts for such activities. Although the most common time is January 1, "new year" can also refer to other calendars or cultures, whatever works for you. Alternatively, just pick a time that works for you and go for it. You can introduce yourself or make new friends here. Are you doing the Fannish 50 challenge in 2025? Sign up at that post, or look for fannish bloggers to follow. See the signup posts for Arts and Crafts Challenges, Writing Challenges, Reading Challenges, and 25 things in 2025. Look back on 2024. See the guide post 2025 New Year's Resolutions and Other Goals. Did you make New Year's resoutions? Share your progress with the check in posts. Look for accountability buddies here.There is one open epic at present."Babes in the Pineywoods" belongs to the Big One. It belongs to the Big One thread of Polychrome Heroics. Bo-Art and Creamjeans are unsure what to make of this big black dog.The weather has been frigid here. Last night it got down to 2°F with a wind chill factor of -11°F. O_O Seen at the birdfeeders this week: a large flock of sparrows, a large flock of starlings, a flock of mourning doves, 5 male cardinals and a pair of cardinals at a different time, a flock of at least 4 goldfinches, a male and a female downy woodpecker separately, a tufted titmouse, and a fox squirrel.Tags: blogging, personalCurrent Mood: busy busy

10:10 pm January 19th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poem: "The Wall in the Room We Shared" This poem is spillover from the January 2022 Crowdfunding Creative Jam. It was inspired by a prompt from Dreamwidth user Fuzzyred. It also fills the "Honor / Morality" square in my 12-23-21 card for the Story Sparks Bingo. This poem has been sponsored by a pool with Fuzzyred. It belongs to the Polychrome Heroics series.Warning: This poem contains intense and controversial topics. Highlight to read the more detailed warnings, some of which are spoilers. It includes foster teens, child abuse and neglect, superpower manifestation, running away, street teens, gangs, and other challenges. If these are sensitive issues for you, please consider your tastes and headspace before reading onward.( Read more...Collapse ) Tags: creative jam, cyberfunded creativity, family skills, fantasy, poem, poetry, reading, safety, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: busy busy

11:55 pm January 17th, 2025

11:30 pm January 16th, 2025
ysabetwordsmith Flag Poem: "What's Given by Nature" This poem is spillover from the October 3, 2023 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by a prompt from janetmiles. It also fills the "Chimera / Heraldic Beast" square in my 10-1-23 card for the Fall Fest Bingo. This poem has been sponsored by a pool with Dreamwidth user Fuzzyred. It belongs to the Polychrome Heroics series.( Read more...Collapse ) Tags: cyberfunded creativity, family skills, fantasy, fishbowl, gender studies, life lessons, poem, poetry, reading, weblit, writingCurrent Mood: busy busy

11:04 pm January 16th, 2025

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