Yu Yu Hakusho Sues! (original) (raw)

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | I'm an Asshole ]

SUE #1: You'll be safe here... for now! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Ok, this sue is one of those "pretty hair, big eyes, blah blah blah, shit ones. She's also one of those "punks". God, almost makes me ashamed to BE a punk! Yeesh. Here's the link, I only posted chapter 1. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2352176/1/

You'll be safe here
by kurapika12
on fanfiction.net

Summary: Kaila is your average teenage, punk girl. She lives with her mother who is alcoholic and her brother who also did not care about her. No one knows about the power she holds within, not even her. Until she met the rekai tantei. Secrets revealed, past uncovered and the death of a close person. Can she handle it all?

Chapter One: As usual…

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Beep. Bee—Clash!

“ Stupid alarm clock! I’m already awake!” She yelled at the poor alarm clock. And who is this she I’m referring to… well none other than Kaila Urameshi! Kaila Urameshi is your average punk girl. Well, that is what everyone thinks.

She got up, turned on her stereo and listened to Ashlee Simpson’s Shadow. She went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She removed her clothes and turned on the shower. After that, she dressed up quickly with black baggy pants and a cool, black shirt that says” TOUCH AND DIE” in big red letters.

After that, she grabbed her backpack and headed out the door. There she bumped into one of her friends, Jhen.

“ Hey Kaila!” she called out to her. Jhen has straight blonde hair that goes down to her mid-back and blue eyes.

“ How many times did I tell you not to call me Kaila.” Kaila said. Kaila has brown, wavy hair that also goes down to her mid-back and beautiful brown eyes.

“ Fine, Kai. Are you happy now?”

“ Very.”

“ Why do you hate your name so much?” Jhen asked her.

“ I do not hate it. It’s just that it’s very girly. You know I should I ask you the same question, Jennifer.” Kaila said.

“Jennifer is too long. Jhen is shorter and only has one syllable. By the way, have eaten breakfast already?” Jhen asked.

“ Not yet. It’s not like there is any breakfast in our house. Know what I mean. Mom is hardly at home. But when she is, she is neither drunk or have passed out on the couch.” Kai answered.

“ Well, I already guessed that you haven’t. and since I’m a good friend, I brought you breakfast and lunch. Here.” Jhen told her as she handed her two sandwiches.

“ Thank you. Well as much as I want to continue this little chit-chat, I have to run. I’m gonna be late. Bye.” Kai said.

“But don’t forget band practice at my place.” Jhen yelled at her. Kai raised her hand to indicate that she heard it.

Later that afternoon… ( A/N: I’m gonna skip the school part because it is boring.)

Kai was standing infront of a not-so-huge house. She rang the doorbell twice before someone with shoulder length black hair with violet highlights and violet contacts answered.

“ Hey, Ash-lee.” Kai greeted the girl named Ashlee.

“ I thought I told you to call me Ash, Kaila.”

“ And I thought I told you to call me Kai, Ashlee.”

With that, Jhen suddenly popped out of nowhere.

“ I you have finished with your little cat fight, you might wanna come inside. Brad and Chris are already here.

After that, she turned her back on them and headed towards the house. The two, namely Ash and Kai, followed.

“ Why is she in a bad mood?” Kai asked in a very low voice.

“ It is her first day today.” Ash answered in a hush voice.

“ No wonder she is in abad mood. She always get crancky when it’s her period.” Kai said.

The two nodded in agreement.

When they reached the garage, two boys are already waiting for them. Namely Brad who has blonde hair like his twin Jhen only shorter because he’s a boy and blue eyes. And Chris with jet-black hair and dark brown eyes.

“ Okay, let us start our practice.” Kai said.


As shocking as this may sound, Yusuke was at home, bored.

“ Kuwabara is really an idiot. He told me we’ll go to the arcade. Syas that he’ll beat me but never does. Then he tells me that he neede to feed his kitten the last minute!” Yusuke said to no one in particular.

He was alone at the house. His mother went bar hopping with her friends and wont be back for a week. And her little sister… he doesn’t know where she is, as usual.

‘ I wonder where she is’. He thought.

He went upstairs and went straight to her sister’s bedroom. Her bedroom is very clean compared to his room. The walls were painted black even the ceiling, except the ceiling was painted with some kind of symbol on it. The symbol was painted with silver paint. The symbol has three leak-like symbols overlapping each other on top of a circle. (A/N: I you know the symbol of the charmed sisters in the TV shoe Charmed, that is the symbol painted on the ceiling.)

The curtains were red, also the cabinet and carpet and study table. Her computer was black and her bedsheet was black also. But her pillows were red.

“ Wow. For a punk sister like her, she has a neat room.”

He went over the study table and looked at the pictures there.

“ I wonder who are these people.”

The pictures were her friends and her. And there were a group picture composed of Kai in the middle with a guy ,with brown hair and blue eyes, with his arms around Kai. Jhen and her twin brother on the left of Kai and the guy, and Chris and Ash on their left.

He went over to see the calendar.

“ Hmmm, what date is it today?… It’s August 13… let me see… she has a band practice today? I never knew she was in a band… It’s four days before her birthday… What will I give her?… What’s this?” He murmured to himself. He looks at the symbol written on August 14. the symbol is the same as the one painted on her ceiling.

“ What is it with this symbol? Better ask the red head.” He said to himself.


“ I think that is enough. We should be ready for tomorrow night.” Kai said to the band.

“ Okay, we’ll meet tomorrow at 9 pm at the café.” Brad said.

“ I have to go, my mom might worry.” Ash said

“ Me too, I have something to do.” Chris said.

“ Okay bye guys.” Kai said.

“ Bye.” They both said in unison.

“ I’m so happy.” Kai stated… happily.

“ Why?” Brad asked.

“ Well, two years of singing in different cafés and bars actually paid off. Now we have our own club.” Kai said.

“ Yeah. But its more like a café, not bar or club because even though we serve alcohol, we don’t have strippers and bar tenders.” Jhen said.

“ I know.” Kai said.

“ Well, do you want to have strippers? I will be more than happy to have strippers.” Brad said dreamily.

“ Brad! You and your perverted mind!” Jhen shouted at her twin.

“ Well I’m just suggesting.” Brad said defensively.

“ Well, the answer is no. I mean, even though we don’t have strippers, the café was a hit.” Jhen said.

“ Yeah. Even I did not expect that many people would come on first day.” Kai said.

“ I heard that its because of the vocalist of our band. They came to see you Kai.” Brad said.

“ What? Why?” Kai asked, shocked at what she heard.

“ Because your pretty and have a beautiful voice.” Jhen said.

“ I do not believe you.” Kai said.

“ Many boys say that your pretty, you just act boyish.” Jhen said.

“ I do not care what they say. This is the life I’m comfortable with.” Kai stated.

“ That’s the spirit. You know you’ve grown more confident this past few years.” Brad said.

“ Well, if it wasn’t for you guys, maybe I became like my mom, or worse, a stripper in a club. I have to go. I’m already tired. Bye guys.” Kai said.

“ Bye Kai.” Jhen said.

“ Be careful on your way home.” Brad said.

“ Thanks.”