Red Dragon Archfiend (original) (raw)

English sets


Release Number Set Rarity
2008-08-18 CT05-EN002 Collectible Tins 2008 Wave 1 Secret Rare
2008-09-02 TDGS-EN041 The Duelist Genesis Ultra RareUltimate Rare
2010-11-02 CT07-EN025 Collectible Tins 2010 Wave 2 Super Rare
2011-08-04 TU06-EN008 Turbo Pack: Booster Six Rare
2014-10-23 LC5D-EN069 Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack CommonUltra Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-EN023 High-Speed Riders Common
2022-05-05 GFP2-EN182 Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting Ghost Rare
2023-09-21 SDCK-EN045 Structure Deck: The Crimson King Ultra Rare
2024-09-19 MP24-EN025 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors Quarter Century Secret Rare

Search categories

Other languages

Language Name Card text
French Dragon Rouge Archdémon 1 Syntoniseur + 1+ monstre non-SyntoniseurAprès le calcul des dommages, si cette carte a attaqué un monstre en Position de Défense de l'adversaire : détruisez tous les monstres en Position de Défense contrôlés par votre adversaire. Une fois par tour, durant votre End Phase : détruisez tous les autres monstres que vous contrôlez qui n'ont pas déclaré d'attaque ce tour. Cette carte doit être face recto sur le Terrain pour activer et résoudre cet effet.
German Rotdrachen-Erzunterweltler 1 Empfänger + 1+ Nicht-Empfänger-MonsterNach der Schadensberechnung, falls diese Karte ein Monster eines Gegners in Verteidigungsposition angegriffen hat: Zerstöre alle Monster in Verteidigungsposition, die dein Gegner kontrolliert. Einmal pro Spielzug, während deiner End Phase: Zerstöre alle anderen Monster, die du kontrollierst und die in diesem Spielzug keinen Angriff deklariert haben. Diese Karte muss offen auf dem Spielfeld liegen, um diesen Effekt zu aktivieren und aufzulösen.
Italian Arcidemone Drago Rosso 1 Tuner + 1+ mostri non-TunerDopo il calcolo dei danni, se questa carta ha attaccato un mostro in Posizione di Difesa dell'avversario: distruggi tutti i mostri in Posizione di Difesa controllati dal tuo avversario. Una volta per turno, durante la tua End Phase: distruggi tutti gli altri mostri che controlli che non hanno dichiarato un attacco in questo turno. Questa carta deve essere scoperta sul Terreno per attivare e risolvere questo effetto.
Portuguese Dragão Vermelho Arquidemônio 1 Regulador + 1+ monstros não-ReguladoresDepois do cálculo de dano, se este card atacou um monstro do oponente em Posição de Defesa: destrua todos os monstros em Posição de Defesa que seu oponente controla. Uma vez por turno, durante sua Fase Final: destrua todos os outros monstros que você controla que não declararam um ataque neste turno. Este card deve estar com a face para cima no campo para ativar e resolver este efeito.
Spanish Dragón Rojo Archidemonio 1 Cantante + 1+ monstruos que no sean CantantesDespués del cálculo de daño, si esta carta atacó un monstruo en Posición de Defensa del adversario: destruye todos los monstruos en Posición de Defensa que controle tu adversario. Una vez por turno, durante tu End Phase: destruye todos los demás monstruos que controles que este turno no declararon un ataque. Esta carta debe estar boca arriba en el Campo para activar y resolver este efecto.
Japanese レッド・デーモンズ・ドラゴン チューナー+チューナー以外のモンスター1体以上①:このカードが相手の守備表示モンスターに攻撃を行ったダメージ計算後に発動する。相手フィールドの守備表示モンスターを全て破壊する。②:自分エンドフェイズに発動する。このカードがフィールドに表側表示で存在する場合、このターン攻撃宣言をしていない自分フィールドの他のモンスターを全て破壊する。
Reddo Dēmonzu Doragon
Red Daemon's Dragon
Korean 레드 데몬즈 드래곤 튜너 + 튜너 이외의 몬스터 1장 이상①: 이 카드가 상대의 수비 표시 몬스터에 공격을 실행한 데미지 계산 후에 발동한다. 상대 필드의 수비 표시 몬스터를 전부 파괴한다. ②: 자신 엔드 페이즈에 발동한다. 이 카드가 필드에 앞면 표시로 존재할 경우, 이 턴에 공격 선언을 하고 있지 않은 자신 필드의 다른 몬스터를 전부 파괴한다.
Redeu Demonjeu Deuraegon
Simplified Chinese 暗红恶魔龙 协调+1只以上协调以外的怪兽①:此卡攻击对手的守备表示怪兽的伤害计算后发动。将对手场上的守备表示怪兽全部破坏。②:在自己的结束阶段发动。此卡在场上以表侧表示存在的情况下,将此卡以外此回合未攻击宣言的、自己场上的怪兽全部破坏。

Sets in other languages


Release Number Set French name Rarity
2008-08-19 CT05-FR002 Collectible Tins 2008 Wave 1 Boîtes à Collectionner 2008 Vague 1 Secret Rare
2008-09-02 TDGS-FR041 The Duelist Genesis La Genèse du Duelliste Ultra RareUltimate Rare
2010-10-28 CT07-FR025 Collectible Tins 2010 Wave 2 Boîtes à Collectionner 2010 Vague 2 Super Rare
2011-08-11 TU06-FR008 Turbo Pack: Booster Six Paquet Turbo: Numéro Six Rare
2014-10-23 LC5D-FR069 Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack Collection Légendaire 5D's Méga Pack CommonUltra Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-FR023 High-Speed Riders Riders à Grande Vitesse Common
2022-05-05 GFP2-FR182 Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting Fantômes du Passé : La 2e Incarnation Ghost Rare
2023-09-21 SDCK-FR045 Structure Deck: The Crimson King Deck de Structure : Le Roi Cramoisi Ultra Rare
2024-09-19 MP24-FR025 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors Boîte du 25e Anniversaire : Les Miroirs du Duel Quarter Century Secret Rare


Release Number Set German name Rarity
2008-08-19 CT05-DE002 Collectible Tins 2008 Wave 1 Sammel-Tins 2008 Wave 1 Secret Rare
2008-09-02 TDGS-DE041 The Duelist Genesis The Duelist Genesis Ultra RareUltimate Rare
2010-10-28 CT07-DE025 Collectible Tins 2010 Wave 2 Sammel-Tins 2010 Wave 2 Super Rare
2011-08-11 TU06-DE008 Turbo Pack: Booster Six Turbo Pack: Booster Six Rare
2011-10-13 AC11-DE006 Yu-Gi-Oh! Advent Calendar Yu-Gi-Oh! Adventskalender Ultra Rare
2014-10-23 LC5D-DE069 Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack Legendary Collection 5D's: Mega Pack CommonUltra Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-DE023 High-Speed Riders High-Speed Riders Common
2022-05-05 GFP2-DE182 Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting Ghost Rare
2023-09-21 SDCK-DE045 Structure Deck: The Crimson King Structure Deck: The Crimson King Ultra Rare
2024-09-19 MP24-DE025 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors Quarter Century Secret Rare


Release Number Set Italian name Rarity
2008-08-19 CT05-IT002 Collectible Tins 2008 Wave 1 Tins da Collezione 2008 Emissione 1 Secret Rare
2008-09-02 TDGS-IT041 The Duelist Genesis La Genesi del Duellante Ultra RareUltimate Rare
2010-10-28 CT07-IT025 Collectible Tins 2010 Wave 2 Tin da Collezione 2010 Emissione 2 Super Rare
2011-08-11 TU06-IT008 Turbo Pack: Booster Six Busta Turbo Numero Sei Rare
2014-10-23 LC5D-IT069 Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack Mega-Pack Collezione Leggendaria 5D's CommonUltra Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-IT023 High-Speed Riders Piloti ad Alta-Velocità Common
2022-05-05 GFP2-IT182 Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting Fantasmi dal Passato: La Seconda Apparizione Ghost Rare
2023-09-21 SDCK-IT045 Structure Deck: The Crimson King Structure Deck: Il Re Cremisi Ultra Rare
2024-09-19 MP24-IT025 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors Tin 25° Anniversario: Specchi Duellanti Quarter Century Secret Rare


Release Number Set Portuguese name Rarity
2014-10-24 LC5D-PT069 Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack Coleção Lendária 5 Mega Pacote CommonUltra Rare
2015-10-02 HSRD-PT023 High-Speed Riders Pilotos de Alta-Velocidade Common
2019-04-18 OP10-PT032 OTS Tournament Pack 10 OTS Pacote de Torneio 10 Common
2022-05-05 GFP2-PT182 Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting Fantasmas do Passado : A 2ª Assombração Ghost Rare
2023-09-21 SDCK-PT045 Structure Deck: The Crimson King Deck Estrutural: O Rei Carmesim Ultra Rare
2024-09-19 MP24-PT025 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors Lata do 25º Aniversário: Duelo Espelhado Quarter Century Secret Rare


Release Number Set Spanish name Rarity
2008-08-19 CT05-SP002 Collectible Tins 2008 Wave 1 Latas Coleccionables 2008 Lanzamiento 1 Secret Rare
2008-09-02 TDGS-SP041 The Duelist Genesis La Génesis del Duelista Ultra RareUltimate Rare
2010-10-28 CT07-SP025 Collectible Tins 2010 Wave 2 Latas Coleccionables 2010 Lanzamiento 2 Super Rare
2011-08-11 TU06-SP008 Turbo Pack: Booster Six Sobre Turbo: Número Seis Rare
2014-10-23 LC5D-SP069 Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack Colección Legendaria 5D's Mega Pack CommonUltra Rare
2015-10-01 HSRD-SP023 High-Speed Riders Conductores de Alta-Velocidad Common
2022-05-05 GFP2-SP182 Ghosts From the Past: The 2nd Haunting Fantasmas del Pasado: La 2ª Aparición Ghost Rare
2023-09-21 SDCK-SP045 Structure Deck: The Crimson King Baraja de Estructura: El Rey Carmesí Ultra Rare
2024-09-19 MP24-SP025 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors Lata 25º Aniversario: Duelo Espejo Quarter Century Secret Rare


Release Number Set Japanese name Rarity
2008-03-31 WJMP-JP010 Weekly Shōnen Jump 2008, Issue 18 promotional card 週刊少年ジャンプ 2008年 18号 Secret Rare
2008-04-19 TDGS-JP041 The Duelist Genesis ザ・デュエリスト・ジェネシス Ultra RareUltimate Rare
2010-01-23 MFC1-JP002 Monster Figure Collection promotional cards モンスターフィギュアコレクション Duel Terminal Normal Parallel Rare
2012-08-11 DE03-JP016 Duelist Edition Volume 3 DUELIST(デュエリスト) EDITION(エディション) Volume(ボリューム) 3 Ultra Rare
2015-08-22 SPHR-JP023 Booster SP: Highspeed Riders ブースターSP(スペシャル) -ハイスピード・ライダーズ- CommonNormal Parallel Rare
2019-12-21 LGB1-JP023 Legendary Gold Box LEGENDARY(レジェンダリー) GOLD(ゴールド) BOX(ボックス) Normal Parallel Rare
2023-06-24 SD46-JPP01 Structure Deck: Pulse of the King Rumbling of Heaven and Earth Pack ストラクチャーデッキ -王(おう)者(じゃ)の鼓(こ)動(どう)- 天(てん)地(ち)鳴(めい)動(どう)パック Super RareSecret Rare


Release Number Set Korean name Rarity
2008-10-10 TDGS-KR041 The Duelist Genesis 듀얼리스트의 태동 Ultra RareUltimate Rare
2015-12-24 SPHR-KR023 Booster SP: Highspeed Riders 부스터-SP 하이스피드 라이더스 CommonNormal Parallel Rare
2020-09-24 LGB1-KR023 Legendary Gold Set LEGENDARY(레전더리) GOLD(골드) SET(세트) Normal Parallel Rare
2023-09-13 SD46-KRP01 Structure Deck: Pulse of the King Rumbling of Heaven and Earth Pack STRUCTURE DECK(스트럭처 덱) 왕자의 고동 천지명동 팩 Super RareSecret Rare
2023-11-21 SYP1-KR107 Synergy Pack 01: Syncro Acceleration 시너지 팩 01 -싱크로 엑셀러레이션- CommonSecret RareQuarter Century Secret Rare

Simplified Chinese

Release Number Set Simplified Chinese name Rarity
2022-03-26 MGP4-SC170 Mega Pack 04 超级包04 Ultra RareSecret Rare
2023-08-19 SD46-SCP01 Structure Deck: Pulse of the King Rumbling of Heaven and Earth Pack 主题卡组 王者的鼓动 天地鸣动包 Super RareSecret Rare

In other media

Page Medium Debut date
Red Dragon Archfiend (anime) Anime 2008-04-02
Red Dragon Archfiend (Tag Force 4) Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 2009-09-17
Red Dragon Archfiend (Duel Links) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links 2019-02-19
Red Dragon Archfiend (Master Duel) Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2022-01-19
Red Dragon Archfiend (Cross Duel) Yu-Gi-Oh! Cross Duel 2022-07-06