Yuri Challenge: Free-for-All!! (original) (raw)

Affiliate Announcement; femslash100's New Drabble-Tag Round

*scratches at cheek*

Okay well. We got our loud and clear with the lack of participation last Round (and guys, it was a Free-for-All......), so for right now we're in a bit of a coma. We'll probably try to do some revival attempts after the new year starts, but for now, I want to at least see you guys out there someplace, doing some good.

So first off, I'm going to pimp out our affiliate femslash100's new drabble tag round over here. Check it out, because this is a great place to get your short pieces on.

And, on the completely separate end of the spectrum, I would also like to direct you to a place where you can get your length on:


September 1 – Sign-Ups Open
October 1 – Author Sign-Ups Close
December 10– Author Drafts Due
December 15 - Artist Claiming
February 10 – All Due
February 14 – Archive Goes Live

20,000 words. Any femmeslash pairing. All fandoms.

If anyone has any downtime suggestions, questions, or concerns, remember the mod team for yuri_challenge is still here for you~

Simoun: Aaeru/Neviril - Too Short

ariel icon for hire


July 1st, 2011

Title: Too Short
Author: DigiExpert
Fandom: Simoun
Pairing: Aaeru/Neviril
Rating: G
Request/Prompt: Height
Contains: a vertically challenged lunkhead
Word Count: 300
Summary: She wanted the chocolate, and nothing would stop her. Not even...high shelves
Notes: Some of this...is rather truthful :) I fell behind on doing these prompts due to many longterm projects. I figured I might as well finish out the round by completing what I hadn't.

( I WILL get them!Collapse )

Round 10: Lightning Prompt #5 - "tear" & an Announcement

[Mai-HiME] Oh God


June 30th, 2011

Reminder announcement: Your main round entries are due tomorrow at the end of the day!

Missed a week for the lightning challenge. I... don't know that anyone noticed or cared given the participation though. ;_;

If there's anyone left out there, this week's prompt is:


Any interpretation of the prompt is fine. One of your ladies can have a crying fit, and the other one can tear their way through the enemy that caused it, perhaps? :P

For authors, lightning challenge entries should be 300 words or less (preferably of a round number like 100, 200 etc) and posted using the same guidelines as normal submissions to the community. For artists, sketches are acceptable for these, too!

Have fun~ :D

Reminder: Round 10 Ends This Week!



June 27th, 2011

Just a quick reminder that all claims are due by the end of the day this Friday, July 1. (We won't quibble about timezones, but you know when that should be!)

I know you can all still finish in time! Good luck~

Round 10: Lightning Prompt #4 - "height"

[Maria-sama ga Miteru] Kei + Liquor = ??


June 12th, 2011


Claims are still going on over here~ We'd love to seem some more folks picking these up!

This week's prompt is:


Any interpretation of the prompt is fine. Height of the characters? Characters who are up high? Characters sensitive about their height? Go wild with it. ;3

For authors, lightning challenge entries should be 300 words or less (preferably of a round number like 100, 200 etc) and posted using the same guidelines as normal submissions to the community. For artists, sketches are acceptable for these, too!

Have fun~

Bleach: Hinamori Momo/Kuchiki Rukia - Paradigm Shift

puking rainbows


June 12th, 2011

Title: Paradigm Shift
Author: Only_Dani
Word Count: 1529
Rating: PG
Characters: Kuchiki Rukia/Hinamori Momo
Prompt: Kuchiki Rukia / Hinamori Momo: Your silhouette against the moon
Warnings: Post war, spoilers for a few characters
Author's Notes: Onesided Rukia/Momo or maybe pre-slash, depending on how you look at it. Rukia visits Momo in the 4th division after the war.

This is my first time posting here, so I hope you like, and if I set this up incorrectly (either the tags or the info stating what the story is) please let me know so I can fix it. My secondary note is that this is unbeta'd, so if there are any mistakes please forgive me or let me know so I can fix them :)

( Paradigm ShiftCollapse )

Mai HiME: Shizuru/Natsuki - No Teabags in My Cereal Part 6

ariel icon for hire


June 10th, 2011

Title: No Teabags Part 6: Thank You
Author: DigiExpert
Fandom: Mai HiME
Pairing: Natsuki/Shizuru
Rating: PG13
Request/Prompt: Effort
Contains: lovings
Word Count: 300
Summary: To thank someone for all they've done for you is wonderful. Sleeping, however, is not.
Notes: COMPLETE! The last of 6 drabbles on this prompt showcasing this pairing. They'll be able to stand alone as well. Credit for the idea for this drabble series goes to judamacaby

( Bathrobes make it easyCollapse )

Mai HiME: Shizuru/Natsuki - No Teabags in My Cereal Part 5 Sleepy Lavender

Natsuki & Shizuru PS2 and Pocky


June 8th, 2011

Title: No Teabags Part 5: Sleepy Lavender
Author: DigiExpert
Fandom: Mai HiME
Pairing: Natsuki/Shizuru
Rating: G
Request/Prompt: Effort
Contains: one tired Shizuru
Word Count: 300
Summary: Mmm... lavender...smells nice and can have quite an effect on someone.
Notes: The fifth of 6 drabbles on this prompt showcasing this pairing. They'll be able to stand alone as well. Credit for the idea for this drabble and future ones goes to judamacaby

( Lovely...Collapse )