Dąbrówka Lipska | National Heritage Board of Poland (original) (raw)


Papers by Dąbrówka Lipska

Research paper thumbnail of D Lipska Historia budowy Osiedla Przyjazn w Warszawie

Research paper thumbnail of Nowożytne ołtarze z przedstawieniami Grobu Pańskiego na terenie dawnego dominium warmińskiego - pochodzenie, forma, treść

Research paper thumbnail of Studia konserwatorsko-krajobrazowe dla drewnianych cerkwi w Polskim i Ukraińskim regionie Karpat, miejsca światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO

Збірник матеріалів засідання Міжнародної реставраційної ради Місця Всесвітньої спадщини ЮНЕСКО «Дерев’яні церви Карпатського регіону Польщі та України» 15-17 листопада 2021 року, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Czy to Schlüter? : o gdańskich zabytkach przypisywanych Andrzejowi Schlüterowi Młodszemu / Dąbrówka Lipska ; zdjęcia: Maria Rdesińska i Dąbrówka Lipska

Research paper thumbnail of Karta Wenecka a realizacja postanowień Konwencji w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego z 1972 roku – o pojęciu autentyczności

Research paper thumbnail of Before the Old Town in Warsaw Was Rebuilt

The Challenges of World Heritage Recovery, 2019

The reconstruction of the Old Town in Warsaw as a residential district was preceded by many diffe... more The reconstruction of the Old Town in Warsaw as a residential district was preceded by many different projects, reflecting social involvement, difficult working conditions and ideological conflicts. The decision on reconstruction is never simple and unambiguous. Its legitimacy, understood as social acceptance of the place and its proper design, is verifiable only with the passage of time. Despite this, certain decisions still stir emotions and are often the subject of heated discussions, although more than 50 years have passed since the first developments under the Warsaw reconstruction project were implemented.
From this perspective, the reconstruction of the Old Town complex
in Warsaw, which was well thought through and preceded by in-depth studies, can be regarded as a summary of the most intensive period of reconstruction and a crowning of the accumulated experience.
Looking at contemporary buildings in the centre of Warsaw, based on developments constructed as part of the post-war reconstruction of the city, one can still see the old, though general, urban layout. Despite the division into smaller units, which facilitate the implementation of works, but do not correspond to administrative, urban or historical divisions, individual developments, despite stylistic differences, are in harmony with each other thanks to similar heights or subtle stylistic references to the historical forms visible e.g. in the details. It is extremely encouraging that despite the passage of time, certain spatial relations or projects
of public space are still legible and fulfil their function. Therefore, it is worth remembering the words of Alfred Lauterbach: “the desire to restore the values that we do not want to give up, if our technical capabilities and knowledge allow them to be reborn, is stronger than any theories. But you can not apply the general rule anywhere. Each monument is a specific case, an issue requiring reflection and

Research paper thumbnail of The protection and guardianship of cultural heritage in Poland.pdf

The protection and guardianship of cultural heritage in Poland / Opieka i ochrona dziedzictwa ku... more The protection and guardianship of cultural heritage in Poland / Opieka i ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego na ziemiach Polski

Polish - English article presenting briefly the most important issues in the history of heritage protection in Polish territories in a chronological order.
The full version of the magazine is available at https://www.nid.pl/pl/Dla_specjalistow/Wydawnictwa/wydanie.php?ID=372

Research paper thumbnail of Karta Wenecka a realizacja postanowień Konwencji w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego z 1972  r - o autentyczności / The Venice Charter and the implementation of the provisions of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention of 1972 - on authenticity

Research paper thumbnail of The architectural research of roof structure on the example of Holy Trinity's Church in Żórawina near Wrocław

This article is a summary of the most important results of architectonical research concerning th... more This article is a summary of the most important results of architectonical research concerning the structure of the roof over the Trinity Church in Żórawina near Wrocław. Due to the extensiveness of the issue and the necessity to carry out further studies, the results of the works, which have been done so far, were presented on the example of the roof truss construction over the presbytery, showing the significance of the rafter framing for the purpose of the church architecture studies. The studies of this part of the church construction are completed and give the coherent picture of what has been changed for many years . The division was adopted due to the internal arrangement of the roof truss construction, what will be described later more thoroughly.

Research paper thumbnail of Z badań nad Grobami Pańskimi z terenu dawnego dominium warmińskiego

Research paper thumbnail of Wyposażenie kościoła pw św. Jakuba w Toruniu w XVII i XVIII wieku. Historia i zmiany w koncepcji przestrzeni liturgicznej

Research paper thumbnail of Dekoracje fasad gdańskich kamienic przypisywane Andrzejowi Schlüterowi Młodszemu/Decorations of facades of tenement houses in Gdańsk attributed to Andreas Schlüter, the Younger

The popularity of and general recognition for the talent of this court builder of Frederick I, K... more The popularity of and general recognition for the talent of this court builder of Frederick I, King in Prussia was one of the reasons for numerous publications devoted to the life and works of Andreas Schlüter, the Younger, related mainly to the late – Berlin works – leaving his early works in oblivion. This paper is dedicated to the Gdańsk monuments attributed to Andreas Schlüter, the Younger and especially to two tenement
houses (located at Długi Targ 3 and 20), whose facade decoration has been attributed to the sculptor for years. Their history (including the postwar restoration), iconography and form were analyzed, which has enabled one to put forward a hypothesis about the origin of the patterns for the facade decoration, which stood out above the Gdańsk residential building in this period. They were presented in a wider context
of decorations of the 17th century tenement houses in Poland and Germany, and the details were compared to the preserved works of Andreas Schlüter.
Unfortunately, detailed archive search query did not answer the
following questions: are these the works of the master? However, on the basis of the analysis of iconography and decoration forms, it is hightly doubtful whether the facade of the tenement house at Długi Targ 3 was his work.

Conference Presentations by Dąbrówka Lipska

Research paper thumbnail of Studia konserwatorsko-krajobrazowe dla drewnianych cerkwi w polskim i ukraińskim regionie Karpat, miejsca światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO

Od 2015 r. pracownicy Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa systematycznie przygotowują studia konserw... more Od 2015 r. pracownicy Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa systematycznie przygotowują studia konserwatorsko-krajobrazowe dla cerkwi będących częścią wpisu na Listę światowego dziedzictwa pn. Drewniane cerkwie w polskim i ukraińskim regionie Karpat.

Pilotażowe studium w 2015 roku we współpracy z Naukowo-Badawczym Instytutem Ochrony Zabytków Ministerstwa Kultury Ukrainy we Lwowie przygotowane zostało dla najstarszej w tej grupie cerkwi pw. Zesłania Ducha Świętego w Rohatynie na Ukrainie. Kolejne opracowania powstały dla cerkwi pw. narodzenia Przenajświętszej Bogurodzicy w Chotyńcu (2016), św. Jakuba Młodszego w Powroźniku (2017) i św. Michała Archanioła w Brunarach (2018), obecnie trwają prace nad studiami dla cerkwi pw. św. Paraskiewy w Kwiatoniu oraz św. Opieki Bogurodzicy w Owczarach.

Wspomniane opracowania obejmują szczegółowe interdyscyplinarne analizy z zakresu historii, historii sztuki, architektury krajobrazu, drewnianych konstrukcji i ich konserwacji, a także zagadnienia z zakresu zarządzania dziedzictwem i dokumentów planistycznych. Analizy te są przeprowadzane na trzech poziomach: miejsca światowego dziedzictwa, jego strefy buforowej oraz szerszego otoczenia. Badania obejmują również (jeśli jest to konieczne) pełną inwentaryzacje pomiarowo-rysunkową oraz model 3D. Jeśli istnieje taka możliwość, realizowane są też badania dendrochronologiczne wybranych świątyń, będące podstawą analiz naukowych dotyczących rozwarstwienia chronologicznego i przekształceń obiektów.

Sporządzane studia mają pomóc w lepszym zrozumieniu miejsca i jego potrzeb przez władze lokalne i zainteresowane strony. Badania są również częścią większego zadania polegającego
na monitorowaniu całego dobra. Pozwalają one na szczegółowe określenie aktualnego stanu zachowania danego części miejsca światowego dziedzictwa. Studia mogą stanowić podstawę dla dalszego monitorowania stanu i ewentualnych analiz. Wnioski i wytyczne ze wszystkich dziedzin są wspólnie analizowane i dzielone na trzy kategorie zgodnie z potrzebą ich realizacji (krótko-, średnio- i długoterminowe).

Każde studium konserwatorsko – krajobrazowe po jego wykonaniu prezentowane jest na małym seminarium, przeznaczonym dla opiekunów miejsc, władz lokalnych i służb ochrony zabytków odpowiedzialnych za bezpośrednią ochronę danej cerkwi.

Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ pobożności jezuickiej na sztukę dawnego dominium warmińskiego. Analiza wybranego zagadnienia/ prezentacja konferencyjna

The influence of Jesuit devotion on the art of the former Warmian dominion. Analysis of selected ... more The influence of Jesuit devotion on the art of the former Warmian dominion. Analysis of selected issue / conference presentation

Research paper thumbnail of Wystrój fromborskiej katedry w czasach nowożytnych - prezbiterium/ prezentacja pokonferencyjna

The decoration of the Cathedral of Frombork in modern times - presbytery /postconference presenta... more The decoration of the Cathedral of Frombork in modern times - presbytery /postconference presentation 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Baroquisation of medieval churches in the area of former Dominion of Warmia (Ermland)/ conference presentation

The aim of the presentation is an analysis of the baroquisation phenomenon of medieval, mainly Go... more The aim of the presentation is an analysis of the baroquisation phenomenon of medieval, mainly Gothic, churches in the former Dominion of Warmia (Ger.Ermland). The analysis concerns the subject of artistic and functional transformations with their historical, cultural and religious aspects.
The Warmia Dominion was the domain of bishops that was sectioned off from Warmia Diocese in the second half of the 13th century. It had an area of 1/3 of the diocese. In this territory the highest authority was held by the bishop and the cathedral chapter. Their power was comparable with the power of the Order of the Teutonic Knights in the rest of the Warmia Diocese territory. The organization of the administration system and autonomy of the Dominion remained the same in modern times when this territory became the enclave of catholic faith in protestant Royal Prussia. The large autonomy of this region was signified by the fact that this area was directly under the Holy See, not under Gniezno Archdiocese supervision - the largest Polish Archdiocese. The international importance of this area is underlined by the fact that one of the bishops of Warmia became later Pope Pius II.
The time of the partition of Poland (1772-1918) and the World Wars contributed to a constant decline of this very characteristic and unique region. That is the main reason why in many churches a lot of interesting monuments have survived, which allows for observation of some rules of church interior transformation in the Counter-Reformation times e.g. complex(es) of wooden baptisteries or Holy Sepulchres in high altars. It is also possible to recognize signs of the strengthening of the general concept of catholic religion by artistic objects used. I would like to show that one of the most important facts is that in cult, “old” Gothic churches with modern furnishing were used. This had economical reasons, but definitely the most important was that those churches were a strong symbol of catholic power in this territory.
The impact of the transformations after the Council of Trident in the context of church laws in theory and practice is obvious in e.g. the changes in Milano in Charles Borromeo times, Jakob Müller’s work in Regensburg or Szymon Rudnicki’s synodical statutes. It seems important because, as mentioned above, this area came directly under the Holy See authority which could also have influenced the artistic and religious customs in this region. That is why I want to use the example of groups of church artifacts to present the importance of the context of general and regional transfers of Post – Tridentine Liturgy and Religious Laws. In addition the Warmia Dominion involves another significant issue: a mutual, regional catholic - protestant transfers of patterns in this unique area, which of course has influence on church furnishing.

Research paper thumbnail of The architectural research of roof structure on the example of Holy Trinity's Church in Żórawina near Wrocław

The architectural research of roof structure on the example of Holy Trinity's Church in Żórawina near Wrocław - conference presentation

This presentation is a summary of the most important results of architectonical research concerni... more This presentation is a summary of the most important results of architectonical research concerning the structure of the roof over the Trinity Church in Żórawina near Wrocław. Due to the extensiveness of the issue and the necessity to carry out further studies, the results of the works, which have been done so far, were presented on the example of the roof truss construction over the presbytery, showing the significance of the rafter framing for the purpose of the church architecture studies. The studies of this part of the church construction are completed and give the coherent picture of what has been changed for many years . The division was adopted due to the internal arrangement of the roof truss construction, what will be described later more thoroughly.

Research paper thumbnail of D Lipska Historia budowy Osiedla Przyjazn w Warszawie

Research paper thumbnail of Nowożytne ołtarze z przedstawieniami Grobu Pańskiego na terenie dawnego dominium warmińskiego - pochodzenie, forma, treść

Research paper thumbnail of Studia konserwatorsko-krajobrazowe dla drewnianych cerkwi w Polskim i Ukraińskim regionie Karpat, miejsca światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO

Збірник матеріалів засідання Міжнародної реставраційної ради Місця Всесвітньої спадщини ЮНЕСКО «Дерев’яні церви Карпатського регіону Польщі та України» 15-17 листопада 2021 року, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Czy to Schlüter? : o gdańskich zabytkach przypisywanych Andrzejowi Schlüterowi Młodszemu / Dąbrówka Lipska ; zdjęcia: Maria Rdesińska i Dąbrówka Lipska

Research paper thumbnail of Karta Wenecka a realizacja postanowień Konwencji w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego z 1972 roku – o pojęciu autentyczności

Research paper thumbnail of Before the Old Town in Warsaw Was Rebuilt

The Challenges of World Heritage Recovery, 2019

The reconstruction of the Old Town in Warsaw as a residential district was preceded by many diffe... more The reconstruction of the Old Town in Warsaw as a residential district was preceded by many different projects, reflecting social involvement, difficult working conditions and ideological conflicts. The decision on reconstruction is never simple and unambiguous. Its legitimacy, understood as social acceptance of the place and its proper design, is verifiable only with the passage of time. Despite this, certain decisions still stir emotions and are often the subject of heated discussions, although more than 50 years have passed since the first developments under the Warsaw reconstruction project were implemented.
From this perspective, the reconstruction of the Old Town complex
in Warsaw, which was well thought through and preceded by in-depth studies, can be regarded as a summary of the most intensive period of reconstruction and a crowning of the accumulated experience.
Looking at contemporary buildings in the centre of Warsaw, based on developments constructed as part of the post-war reconstruction of the city, one can still see the old, though general, urban layout. Despite the division into smaller units, which facilitate the implementation of works, but do not correspond to administrative, urban or historical divisions, individual developments, despite stylistic differences, are in harmony with each other thanks to similar heights or subtle stylistic references to the historical forms visible e.g. in the details. It is extremely encouraging that despite the passage of time, certain spatial relations or projects
of public space are still legible and fulfil their function. Therefore, it is worth remembering the words of Alfred Lauterbach: “the desire to restore the values that we do not want to give up, if our technical capabilities and knowledge allow them to be reborn, is stronger than any theories. But you can not apply the general rule anywhere. Each monument is a specific case, an issue requiring reflection and

Research paper thumbnail of The protection and guardianship of cultural heritage in Poland.pdf

The protection and guardianship of cultural heritage in Poland / Opieka i ochrona dziedzictwa ku... more The protection and guardianship of cultural heritage in Poland / Opieka i ochrona dziedzictwa kulturowego na ziemiach Polski

Polish - English article presenting briefly the most important issues in the history of heritage protection in Polish territories in a chronological order.
The full version of the magazine is available at https://www.nid.pl/pl/Dla_specjalistow/Wydawnictwa/wydanie.php?ID=372

Research paper thumbnail of Karta Wenecka a realizacja postanowień Konwencji w sprawie ochrony światowego dziedzictwa kulturalnego i naturalnego z 1972  r - o autentyczności / The Venice Charter and the implementation of the provisions of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention of 1972 - on authenticity

Research paper thumbnail of The architectural research of roof structure on the example of Holy Trinity's Church in Żórawina near Wrocław

This article is a summary of the most important results of architectonical research concerning th... more This article is a summary of the most important results of architectonical research concerning the structure of the roof over the Trinity Church in Żórawina near Wrocław. Due to the extensiveness of the issue and the necessity to carry out further studies, the results of the works, which have been done so far, were presented on the example of the roof truss construction over the presbytery, showing the significance of the rafter framing for the purpose of the church architecture studies. The studies of this part of the church construction are completed and give the coherent picture of what has been changed for many years . The division was adopted due to the internal arrangement of the roof truss construction, what will be described later more thoroughly.

Research paper thumbnail of Z badań nad Grobami Pańskimi z terenu dawnego dominium warmińskiego

Research paper thumbnail of Wyposażenie kościoła pw św. Jakuba w Toruniu w XVII i XVIII wieku. Historia i zmiany w koncepcji przestrzeni liturgicznej

Research paper thumbnail of Dekoracje fasad gdańskich kamienic przypisywane Andrzejowi Schlüterowi Młodszemu/Decorations of facades of tenement houses in Gdańsk attributed to Andreas Schlüter, the Younger

The popularity of and general recognition for the talent of this court builder of Frederick I, K... more The popularity of and general recognition for the talent of this court builder of Frederick I, King in Prussia was one of the reasons for numerous publications devoted to the life and works of Andreas Schlüter, the Younger, related mainly to the late – Berlin works – leaving his early works in oblivion. This paper is dedicated to the Gdańsk monuments attributed to Andreas Schlüter, the Younger and especially to two tenement
houses (located at Długi Targ 3 and 20), whose facade decoration has been attributed to the sculptor for years. Their history (including the postwar restoration), iconography and form were analyzed, which has enabled one to put forward a hypothesis about the origin of the patterns for the facade decoration, which stood out above the Gdańsk residential building in this period. They were presented in a wider context
of decorations of the 17th century tenement houses in Poland and Germany, and the details were compared to the preserved works of Andreas Schlüter.
Unfortunately, detailed archive search query did not answer the
following questions: are these the works of the master? However, on the basis of the analysis of iconography and decoration forms, it is hightly doubtful whether the facade of the tenement house at Długi Targ 3 was his work.

Research paper thumbnail of Studia konserwatorsko-krajobrazowe dla drewnianych cerkwi w polskim i ukraińskim regionie Karpat, miejsca światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO

Od 2015 r. pracownicy Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa systematycznie przygotowują studia konserw... more Od 2015 r. pracownicy Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa systematycznie przygotowują studia konserwatorsko-krajobrazowe dla cerkwi będących częścią wpisu na Listę światowego dziedzictwa pn. Drewniane cerkwie w polskim i ukraińskim regionie Karpat.

Pilotażowe studium w 2015 roku we współpracy z Naukowo-Badawczym Instytutem Ochrony Zabytków Ministerstwa Kultury Ukrainy we Lwowie przygotowane zostało dla najstarszej w tej grupie cerkwi pw. Zesłania Ducha Świętego w Rohatynie na Ukrainie. Kolejne opracowania powstały dla cerkwi pw. narodzenia Przenajświętszej Bogurodzicy w Chotyńcu (2016), św. Jakuba Młodszego w Powroźniku (2017) i św. Michała Archanioła w Brunarach (2018), obecnie trwają prace nad studiami dla cerkwi pw. św. Paraskiewy w Kwiatoniu oraz św. Opieki Bogurodzicy w Owczarach.

Wspomniane opracowania obejmują szczegółowe interdyscyplinarne analizy z zakresu historii, historii sztuki, architektury krajobrazu, drewnianych konstrukcji i ich konserwacji, a także zagadnienia z zakresu zarządzania dziedzictwem i dokumentów planistycznych. Analizy te są przeprowadzane na trzech poziomach: miejsca światowego dziedzictwa, jego strefy buforowej oraz szerszego otoczenia. Badania obejmują również (jeśli jest to konieczne) pełną inwentaryzacje pomiarowo-rysunkową oraz model 3D. Jeśli istnieje taka możliwość, realizowane są też badania dendrochronologiczne wybranych świątyń, będące podstawą analiz naukowych dotyczących rozwarstwienia chronologicznego i przekształceń obiektów.

Sporządzane studia mają pomóc w lepszym zrozumieniu miejsca i jego potrzeb przez władze lokalne i zainteresowane strony. Badania są również częścią większego zadania polegającego
na monitorowaniu całego dobra. Pozwalają one na szczegółowe określenie aktualnego stanu zachowania danego części miejsca światowego dziedzictwa. Studia mogą stanowić podstawę dla dalszego monitorowania stanu i ewentualnych analiz. Wnioski i wytyczne ze wszystkich dziedzin są wspólnie analizowane i dzielone na trzy kategorie zgodnie z potrzebą ich realizacji (krótko-, średnio- i długoterminowe).

Każde studium konserwatorsko – krajobrazowe po jego wykonaniu prezentowane jest na małym seminarium, przeznaczonym dla opiekunów miejsc, władz lokalnych i służb ochrony zabytków odpowiedzialnych za bezpośrednią ochronę danej cerkwi.

Research paper thumbnail of Wpływ pobożności jezuickiej na sztukę dawnego dominium warmińskiego. Analiza wybranego zagadnienia/ prezentacja konferencyjna

The influence of Jesuit devotion on the art of the former Warmian dominion. Analysis of selected ... more The influence of Jesuit devotion on the art of the former Warmian dominion. Analysis of selected issue / conference presentation

Research paper thumbnail of Wystrój fromborskiej katedry w czasach nowożytnych - prezbiterium/ prezentacja pokonferencyjna

The decoration of the Cathedral of Frombork in modern times - presbytery /postconference presenta... more The decoration of the Cathedral of Frombork in modern times - presbytery /postconference presentation 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Baroquisation of medieval churches in the area of former Dominion of Warmia (Ermland)/ conference presentation

The aim of the presentation is an analysis of the baroquisation phenomenon of medieval, mainly Go... more The aim of the presentation is an analysis of the baroquisation phenomenon of medieval, mainly Gothic, churches in the former Dominion of Warmia (Ger.Ermland). The analysis concerns the subject of artistic and functional transformations with their historical, cultural and religious aspects.
The Warmia Dominion was the domain of bishops that was sectioned off from Warmia Diocese in the second half of the 13th century. It had an area of 1/3 of the diocese. In this territory the highest authority was held by the bishop and the cathedral chapter. Their power was comparable with the power of the Order of the Teutonic Knights in the rest of the Warmia Diocese territory. The organization of the administration system and autonomy of the Dominion remained the same in modern times when this territory became the enclave of catholic faith in protestant Royal Prussia. The large autonomy of this region was signified by the fact that this area was directly under the Holy See, not under Gniezno Archdiocese supervision - the largest Polish Archdiocese. The international importance of this area is underlined by the fact that one of the bishops of Warmia became later Pope Pius II.
The time of the partition of Poland (1772-1918) and the World Wars contributed to a constant decline of this very characteristic and unique region. That is the main reason why in many churches a lot of interesting monuments have survived, which allows for observation of some rules of church interior transformation in the Counter-Reformation times e.g. complex(es) of wooden baptisteries or Holy Sepulchres in high altars. It is also possible to recognize signs of the strengthening of the general concept of catholic religion by artistic objects used. I would like to show that one of the most important facts is that in cult, “old” Gothic churches with modern furnishing were used. This had economical reasons, but definitely the most important was that those churches were a strong symbol of catholic power in this territory.
The impact of the transformations after the Council of Trident in the context of church laws in theory and practice is obvious in e.g. the changes in Milano in Charles Borromeo times, Jakob Müller’s work in Regensburg or Szymon Rudnicki’s synodical statutes. It seems important because, as mentioned above, this area came directly under the Holy See authority which could also have influenced the artistic and religious customs in this region. That is why I want to use the example of groups of church artifacts to present the importance of the context of general and regional transfers of Post – Tridentine Liturgy and Religious Laws. In addition the Warmia Dominion involves another significant issue: a mutual, regional catholic - protestant transfers of patterns in this unique area, which of course has influence on church furnishing.

Research paper thumbnail of The architectural research of roof structure on the example of Holy Trinity's Church in Żórawina near Wrocław

The architectural research of roof structure on the example of Holy Trinity's Church in Żórawina near Wrocław - conference presentation

This presentation is a summary of the most important results of architectonical research concerni... more This presentation is a summary of the most important results of architectonical research concerning the structure of the roof over the Trinity Church in Żórawina near Wrocław. Due to the extensiveness of the issue and the necessity to carry out further studies, the results of the works, which have been done so far, were presented on the example of the roof truss construction over the presbytery, showing the significance of the rafter framing for the purpose of the church architecture studies. The studies of this part of the church construction are completed and give the coherent picture of what has been changed for many years . The division was adopted due to the internal arrangement of the roof truss construction, what will be described later more thoroughly.