Love of a Soldier: (original) (raw)

Hello! Liquidating a large portion of my collection and have several Final Fantasy doujinshi for sale. Pairings are Zack/Aeris, Vincent/Tifa, Cloud/Aeris, Cloud/Yuffie, Sephiroth/Aeris.

Please check out my sales post for more information + sample scans. Thank you!

Title: Promise of Blue Sky ~ Twilight Destiny ~ Flowers in the Sky
Published: 2008.08.15
Pages/Size: 232 ~ A5
Pairing: Zack x Aeris
Rating: Romance, Humor, Drama, PG
Sample Pages: on my journal

26 December 2010 @ 08:07 pm

I'm selling some doujinshi.

Please, check it out and help me out! o/

X-Posted to various places, sorry for spamming but I really need to sell these babies. ;;

Mods are free to delete if this is not allowed.

16 August 2010 @ 07:20 pm

This community seems dead, but I decided to post this in case there were any fans still active out there...! ;A;

In the summer of '08, I made a quick ZackAerith doujin. I never really shared it since it was rushed and for fun (and personal fluffy enjoyment), but I decided to post it online and share it. x'D


Here: The 47th Cute Thing

Forgot to say, it reads right to left, but because I am dumb and know nothing, I don't know how to get smackjeeves to have the navigation click right to left. ;-; Hopefully this doesn't confuse anybody!

I'm actually thinking of drawing more! Like a series of drabbbles, but in webcomic style.

14 January 2010 @ 01:30 pm

Bleach 20x Bride of the Water God 15x Code Geass 25x Dragon Knights 10x Helsing 10x Naurto 10x Prince of Tennis 15x Final Fantasy 70x Fire emblem 10x legend of Zelda 20x Resident evil 15x Shadow Hearts 10x Heroes/Heroes Cast 25x Vampire diaries/vamp diaries cast 20x

More Icons Here

Listening To: memories - within tempation

05 January 2010 @ 06:48 am

Bleach 15x Bride of the Water God 15x Code Geass 20x Fate/Stay Night 15x Naruto 15x Prince of Tennis 15x

Final Fantasy 70

Fire Emblem 15 Legend of Zelda 20x Resident Evil 20 Heroes/Cast 20x Vampire Diaries/Cast 15

More Icons Here

Listening To: It's Been Awhile - Staind

24 December 2009 @ 06:56 am

Bride of the Water God 15x
Chrono Crusade 15x
Code Geass 30x
Naruto 15x
Final Fantasy 80x
Legend of Zelda 15x
Resident Evil 15x
Shadow Hearts 15x
Heroes/Heroes Cast 20x
Vampire Diaries/ Vamp 15x

Spoilers may be present More Icons Here

Listening To: Nara - ES Posthumus

10 December 2009 @ 07:06 pm

Bride of the Water God 10x Code Geass 20x Hellsing 10x SorceressStabber Orphen 15x

Final Fantasy 85x

Fire Emblem 15x Legend of Zelda 20x Resident Evil 20x Shadow Hearts 10x Heroes/Heroes Cast 20x Twilight/Twilight Cast 15x Vampire Dairies/Vampire Diaries Cast 20x

More Icons Here

Listening To: Jolene - Dolly Parton

26 November 2009 @ 08:32 am

Code Geass 20x Final Fantasy 100x Legend of Zelda 20x Resident Evil 20x Heroes/Heroes Cast 20x Twilight/Twilight Cast 15x Vampire Diaries/Vampire Diaries Cast 20x

More Icons Here

Listening To: Time Only Knows - Cindy Gomez

19 November 2009 @ 02:58 am