Documents Search - zbMATH Open (original) (raw)
Geometry Search for the term Geometry in any field. Queries are case-independent.
Funct* Wildcard queries are specified by * (e.g. functions, functorial, etc.). Otherwise the search is exact.
"Topological group" Phrases (multi-words) should be set in "straight quotation marks".
au: Bourbaki & ti: Algebra Search for author and title. The and-operator & is default and can be omitted.
so: Eur* J* Mat* Soc* cc: 14 Search for publications in a particular source with a Mathematics Subject Classification code (cc) in 14.
dt: b & au: Hilbert The document type is set to books; alternatively: j for journal articles, a for book articles.
la: chinese Find documents in a given language. ISO 639-1 language codes can also be used.
any | anywhere |
an | internal document identifier |
au | author, editor |
ai | internal author identifier |
ti | title |
la | language |
so | source |
ab | review, abstract |
py | publication year |
rv | reviewer |
cc | MSC code |
ut | uncontrolled term |
dt | document type (j: journal article; b: book; a: book article) |
a & b | logic and |
a | b | logic or |
**!**ab | logic not |
abc* | right wildcard |
"ab c" | phrase |
(ab c) | parentheses |
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Planned Maintenance
On March 18 from 7:30am-11:30am UTC, some of our services will be disrupted due to planned maintenance work. The main site should continue to work, but the Reviewer Service and the Edit Profile functionality will not be available during this period. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Multi-Line Search
Our newly released Multi-Line Search is now the default search form at the entry pages, offering an intuitive and seamless combination of the many search options supported by zbMATH Open. Users can still switch to the classical One-Line Search, or choose their preferred search form in the preferences.