* 「ダビデはザウルの前でハープを奏でる」:シュネル作 (original) (raw)
勇敢さと謙虚さを持つ古代イスラエルの王ダビデは、 羊飼いから王へと昇りつめ、多くの戦いに勝利し、イスラエルを統一。 また、詩篇の作者としても知られ、彼の音楽的才能はサウル王を慰めるためにも使われた。・・>>>
現代ドイツ作家シュネルの「ダビデはザウルの前でハープを奏でる」という作品は、 ダビデがサウルの前で竪琴を弾き、悪霊に苦しむサウルを癒したという聖書の逸話に基づき、ダビデがまだ若く、サウルの寵愛を受けていた時期の出来事で、サウル王は、後にダビデを妬み、彼の命を狙うようになるが、この時点ではダビデは王の信頼を得ていた。。。
・・・ Meanwhile, David enters the scene as a talented harpist and the slayer of Goliath, quickly gaining favor in Saul's court and among the people of Israel.
However, Saul's growing jealousy leads to a dark and dangerous obsession with killing David, despite David's loyalty.....
The relationship between David and Saul is further complicated by the deep bond David shares with Jonathan, Saul's son. Jonathan's unwavering support and friendship towards David stand in stark contrast to Saul's hostility. This dynamic adds a layer of tragedy to the tale, as Jonathan is caught between his father and his friend.
David's journey from fugitive to king is marked by his remarkable restraint and respect for Saul, whom he still considers God's anointed. Even when presented with opportunities to kill Saul, David refrains, demonstrating his integrity and reverence for God's will.。。
The narrative reaches its climax with Saul's demise in battle, paving the way for David's ascension to the throne.
David's reign brings a new era to Israel, marked by military successes and a focus on uniting the tribes under a single monarchy.
The story of David and Saul is a rich source of reflection on leadership, the human heart, and divine providence. It reveals the complexities of human emotions and the consequences of actions driven by envy and fear. At the same time, it celebrates the virtues of loyalty, friendship, and faith, which endure even in the face of overwhelming challenges.
サウルの治世は、イスラエルに王制が導入された新しい時代の始まりを告げるもので、彼は士師サムエルによって油を注がれ、王に選ばれたが、その後の彼の行動は神の意に反し、特に、ペリシテ人との戦いにおいて、サムエルの到着を待たずに自らいけにえを捧げたことは、神の怒りを買う、これは 神への信仰と従順さの重要性を教えている。つまり、彼の失敗は、神の指示に従うことの大切さと、王であっても神の前では謙虚でなければならないという教訓である。。。>>>
また、サウルの物語は、後にダビデ王となる若き羊飼いの登場へと繋がり、 ダビデは神に忠実な心を持ち続け、イスラエルの偉大な王として知られるようになる。。。
It reminds us of the young David's courage and the faith he held in his God, which would eventually lead him to the throne of Israel.。>>>
"David Plays Before Saul":---
The biblical story of David and Saul is a rich narrative filled with drama, music, and the complex relationship between a king and his successor.
David is bathed in warm, golden tones, symbolizing his divine favor and the bright future ahead of him.
Saul, on the other hand, is enveloped in shadows, foreshadowing his impending descent into madness.