Maja Godina Golija | Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (original) (raw)
Papers by Maja Godina Golija
Food, Culture, and Society, Dec 18, 2023
Food, Culture, and Society, Dec 18, 2023
Acta geographica Slovenica
The modernization of food supply chains has marginalized remote agricultural regions such as the ... more The modernization of food supply chains has marginalized remote agricultural regions such as the Alps. As a result, local actors often adopt new ways of producing, promoting, and selling their products by differentiating them in the eyes of consumers. The labelling of quality local agri-food products through the development and promotion of territorial brands play an essential role in this respect. In the article we address the research question: What are the conditions for the creation, development and sustainability of territorial brands in the agri-food sector? What are the characteristics of some territorial brands, which are an essential development factor and the subject of local identities and local policies? We discuss cooperation between local, regional, and national actors. The aim of this article is to highlight the preparation and role of the 100% Local Model for the successful creation and development of territorial brands in the field of agro-food production in the Alps.
Presses universitaires François-Rabelais eBooks, 2021
Presses universitaires François-Rabelais eBooks, 2011
Traditiones - Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Ljubljana, 2008
uvod prehrana je tisto področje človeškega bivanja, ki spada v njegovo intimnejšo sfero in je naj... more uvod prehrana je tisto področje človeškega bivanja, ki spada v njegovo intimnejšo sfero in je najtesneje povezana z družinsko skupnostjo. Če je pri stanovanjski in oblačilni kulturi opazen zelo močan diktat širše skupnosti, ki določa okus, je izbira, priprava in uživanje hrane odvisna predvsem od družine, njenega gmotnega in družbenega položaja [Wiegelmann 2006: 15]. raziskovalci kulture prehranjevanja tudi za praznično hrano ugotavljajo, da je močno navezana na tradicijo in okolje, iz katerega posameznik izvira, manj pa je odvisna od njegovega gmotnega položaja. praznična prehrana izraža navezanost na dom in na praznične jedi iz otroštva, na družbeno, religiozno in etnično skupino. britanska antropologinja mary douglas je zapisala, da so sporočila, ki jih hrana prinaša, sporočila o družabnih dogodkih in družbenih odnosih oz. družbeni hierarhiji, o vključevanju, izključevanju, razmejevanju in prestopanju meja. s pomočjo hrane postavimo, kažemo in obnavljamo sistem družbenih distanc in meja [douglas 1984: 9]. znanje o pripravi značilnih prazničnih jedi in recepti zanje se prenašajo skoraj v nespremenjeni obliki iz generacije na generacijo. to ne velja le za nekatere močnate jedi, materialne sledi kulture prazniki in prazniČna miza slovenCev v 20. in 21. stoletju maja godina golija Praznične jedi, njihova priprava, oblika, bogastvo in regionalna raznovrstnost so področja kulture prehranjevanja, ki so bila v etnoloških delih najpogosteje obravnavana. Že v 19. stoletju so se narodopisci poleg duhovne kulture zanimali še za nekatere sestavine materialne kulture, tudi za praznične jedi, ki naj bi izražale posebnost in izvirnost kulture naroda oz. etnične skupine. Manj je etnoloških del, ki bi obravnavala druga področja prehrane, npr. vsakdanje jedilne obroke, navade pri jedi, prehrano socialnih in starostnih skupin, spremembe v prehrani. Avtorica v članku obravnava manj raziskano področje kulture prehrane Slovencev-praznične jedi in jedilne obroke ter njihovo spreminjanje v 20. in v 21. stoletju. ključne besede: prehrana, koledarski prazniki, Slovenija, 20. in 21. stoletje. Festive food and its preparation, variety, wealth of different shapes, and regional diversity are the themes most often dealt with in ethnological literature. Apart from spiritual culture ethnographers were interested in certain elements of material culture already in the 19th century, believing that festive foods expressed special characteristics and original features of a nation or an ethnic group. Ethnological texts dealing with other areas of food culture, for example with meals, eating habits, food culture of different social and age groups, or changes in tradition, have been rare. The author examines a less researched area of the food culture of Slovenes, namely festive food and meals, and their transformation in the 20th and in the 21st centuries.
efka, 2021
Monografija je strnitev raziskav treh avtoric, ki obravnavajo materialno kulturo s teoreticnega, ... more Monografija je strnitev raziskav treh avtoric, ki obravnavajo materialno kulturo s teoreticnega, epistemoloskega, historicnega in institucionalno raziskovalnega vidika. Besedilo v petih razpravah o materialni kulturi pripoveduje o cloveku, družbi, casu in prostoru, saj predmeti v življenju posameznika nimajo le prakticne - funkcionalne vrednosti, marvec povezovalno in locevalno vlogo, posebno funkcijo imajo v interkulturni in multikulturni komunikaciji. V prvem delu knjige so obravnavni teoreticni koncepti in bogata zgodovina etnoloskega raziskovanja. Poznavanje preteklih sestavin materialne kulture in njenega raziskovanja pojasnjuje tudi danasnje življenje in kulturo, socialne in regionalne razlike, kakrsne so znacilne tudi za sodobni svet in slovensko družbo. V drugem delu knjige so predstavljene tri etnoloske studije – o bivalni, oblacilni in prehranski kulturi. Prva govori o ognjiscih v Vipavski dolini kot srediscu vsakdanjih in nekaterih dediscinskih praks, druga o oblacilnem videzu ljubljanskih predsolskih otrok in skrbi zanj, tretja pa o bucnem olju, znacilni sestavini prehrane in identitete na Stajerskem. V knjigi so v ospredju sodobni etnoloski pogledi na materialno kulturo, za katere niso pomembne le obravnave predmetov samih, marvec tudi to, kako predmeti ustvarjajo razmerja med njimi in med ljudmi.
Monografija je strnitev raziskav treh avtoric, ki obravnavajo materialno kulturo s teoreticnega, ... more Monografija je strnitev raziskav treh avtoric, ki obravnavajo materialno kulturo s teoreticnega, epistemoloskega, historicnega in institucionalno raziskovalnega vidika. Besedilo v petih razpravah o materialni kulturi pripoveduje o cloveku, družbi, casu in prostoru, saj predmeti v življenju posameznika nimajo le prakticne - funkcionalne vrednosti, marvec povezovalno in locevalno vlogo, posebno funkcijo imajo v interkulturni in multikulturni komunikaciji. V prvem delu knjige so obravnavni teoreticni koncepti in bogata zgodovina etnoloskega raziskovanja. Poznavanje preteklih sestavin materialne kulture in njenega raziskovanja pojasnjuje tudi danasnje življenje in kulturo, socialne in regionalne razlike, kakrsne so znacilne tudi za sodobni svet in slovensko družbo. V drugem delu knjige so predstavljene tri etnoloske studije – o bivalni, oblacilni in prehranski kulturi. Prva govori o ognjiscih v Vipavski dolini kot srediscu vsakdanjih in nekaterih dediscinskih praks, druga o oblacilnem videzu ljubljanskih predsolskih otrok in skrbi zanj, tretja pa o bucnem olju, znacilni sestavini prehrane in identitete na Stajerskem. V knjigi so v ospredju sodobni etnoloski pogledi na materialno kulturo, za katere niso pomembne le obravnave predmetov samih, marvec tudi to, kako predmeti ustvarjajo razmerja med njimi in med ljudmi.
IZVLE^EK V razpravi avtorica obravnava pomen mesa in mesnih jedi v praznovanjih na Slovenskem, od... more IZVLE^EK V razpravi avtorica obravnava pomen mesa in mesnih jedi v praznovanjih na Slovenskem, od omemb in opisov prazni~nih jedilnikov v 19. stoletju do sodobnega ~asa. V evropskidrùbi je bilo meso zaradi svojega pomanjkanja ve~ stoletij pomemben ozna~evalec praznikov, ker so se ti tudi zaradi bolj bogatih jedilnih obrokov in u`ivanja mesa ter drugih redkih jedi lo~evali od vsakdanjih dni. Priprava mesa je bila za praznike zahtevnej{a, zahtevala je ve~ znanja in sestavin, tudidràjih, ki jih za vsakdanjo kuho niso uporabljali. Poleg nekaterih tradicionalnih mesnih jedi in sestavin, ki so bile povezane s pripravo mesa ob kolinah, so predstavljene mesne jedi, ki so navedene v odgovorih zbranih z vpra{alnikom o prazni~nih jedeh iz 50. let 20. stoletja in iz let 2003 in 2004. ABSTRACT The article addresses the importance of meat and meat dishes in celebrations in Slovenia, from 19 th century mentions and descriptions of festive menus to the present. In European society in general, meat ...
IZVLE^EK Maribor je imel stoletja dvojezi~en zna~aj, pomen nem{ke skupnosti v mestu izpri~ujejo {... more IZVLE^EK Maribor je imel stoletja dvojezi~en zna~aj, pomen nem{ke skupnosti v mestu izpri~ujejo {tetja prebivalstva in drugi, tudi materialni preostanki. Poleg nekaterih starih mariborskih nem{kihdrùin, ki so v mestùivelèe ve~ generacij, so se konec 19. in v za~etku 20. stoletja v mesto naseljevali {tevilni nem{ko govore~i priseljenci, ki so podobo Maribora zaznamovali z mnogimi kulturnimi prvinami. Avtorica v razpravi obravnava materialne sledi njihovega bivanja-predvsem v stavbarstvu in mestni arhitekturi, prehrani in obla~ilni kulturi. Klju~ne besede: materialna kultura, konec 19. in za~etek 20. stoletja, mariborski Nemci, dedi{~ina ABSTRACT For centuries Maribor had a marked bilingual character. Population censuses as well as material remains manifest the significance of the German community in the town. Besides a few old German families of Maribor that had lived in the town for some generations, numerous German speaking immigrants moved to Maribor at the end of the 19th and at ...
Traditiones, Oct 15, 2004
The A. examines the importance of the monumental Die osterreischich-ungarische Monarchie in Wort ... more The A. examines the importance of the monumental Die osterreischich-ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild in learning about Slovene rural architecture at the end of the 19th century. Books on this topic are rare, and despite the fact that it had been written because of ideological and state interests its detailed descriptions of Slovene rural architecture have greatly enriched the knowledge of the subject.
November 2005 marked eight decades since the death of historian and germanist Franc Ferk. In the ... more November 2005 marked eight decades since the death of historian and germanist Franc Ferk. In the course of his productive life, Ferk created several prominent archaeological collections, which he donated to museum societies and museums in Stajersko; these collections formed the basis for the formation of the museum in Celje (1882), the one in Ptuj (1893), and the museum in Maribor (1903). Beside archaeology and numismatics, Ferk was very interested in ethnographic work. A part of his ethnographic collection, now known as the "Ferk archives", had been examined and recorded by ethnologist Niko Kuret. This material is presently kept at the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology SRC of the SASA.
TRADITIONES, 48/1, 2019, 117–135 Food is not only a component of the material world, but it also ... more TRADITIONES, 48/1, 2019, 117–135 Food is not only a component of the material world, but it also plays a vital role in economic, social, and symbolic practices. In the past, food production and consumption on the part of the Slovenian population strongly depended on regional origins and the local economy. Some such regional products include olive and pumpkin seed oils. Pumpkin seed oil has had a special role in the diet of the inhabitants of the Goričko region. Today it is an important factor in economic development as well as an expression of regional affiliation and local cuisine. The Styrian-Prekmurje pumpkin seed oil from the north-eastern part of Slovenia has been protected in the European Union with the Geographical Indication-PGI.1
The author discusses the history, methods of production, and use of the Upper Savinja Valley stom... more The author discusses the history, methods of production, and use of the Upper Savinja Valley stomach sausage, an excellent dry meat product, which is firmly embedded in economic and ritual practices of the inhabitants of the Savinja Alps. Through the examination of the production, consumption, donation, and promotion of the Upper Savinja Valley stomach sausage, we are acquainted with the lives of the people along the upper reaches of the Savinja River, their connection with food heritage, their values, norms, and social differentiation. The author also aims to answer the question of the role of food beyond its physiological significance and material substance.
This paper draws on material collected during this author’s fieldwork research in Belgrade, Novi ... more This paper draws on material collected during this author’s fieldwork research in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Ruma in 2008, 2012 and 2015. Obtained by various research methods, particularly the narrative interview, observation methods, and the questionnaire, the data provides an insight into the Slovene immigrant community in Serbia and the importance of Slovene food elements for members of this community and for the community as a whole. Although primarily an element of the material world, food also plays an important role within the context of a different cultural or social milieu. Some elements of food culture, particularly certain dishes, spices, and food preparation techniques, are especially important in the creation and preservation of ethnic identity of immigrant communities and of individual identities of their members. Among the Slovenes living in Serbia, this prominent position is occupied primarily by Slovene festive dishes, which are prepared for all major family celebration...
The A. examines cookbooks as a source for ethnological food culture research in Slovenia in the 1... more The A. examines cookbooks as a source for ethnological food culture research in Slovenia in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries. Examined are some of the shortcomings of this source, but also its advantages that have been largely neglected by Slovene ethnologists. The A. focuses on printed as well as manuscript cookbooks and recipe collections, most of which have been compiled for the needs of numerous cookery courses or for home economics classes. In the final part he discusses the importance of cookbooks.
The A. focuses on the influence of migrations on the changes in everyday and festive food culture... more The A. focuses on the influence of migrations on the changes in everyday and festive food culture. Migrations were especially important in the 20th century when people emigrated from and immigrated into different towns and areas of Slovenia. Of special importance were emigrants from Primorsko who fled to the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes to avoid fascist violence and to escape from Primorsko which was occupied by the Italians at that time. They strengthened the Slovene national consciousness in Maribor, but their different lifestyle also caused some changes in the lifestyle and culture of other Maribor residents.
Food, Culture, and Society, Dec 18, 2023
Food, Culture, and Society, Dec 18, 2023
Acta geographica Slovenica
The modernization of food supply chains has marginalized remote agricultural regions such as the ... more The modernization of food supply chains has marginalized remote agricultural regions such as the Alps. As a result, local actors often adopt new ways of producing, promoting, and selling their products by differentiating them in the eyes of consumers. The labelling of quality local agri-food products through the development and promotion of territorial brands play an essential role in this respect. In the article we address the research question: What are the conditions for the creation, development and sustainability of territorial brands in the agri-food sector? What are the characteristics of some territorial brands, which are an essential development factor and the subject of local identities and local policies? We discuss cooperation between local, regional, and national actors. The aim of this article is to highlight the preparation and role of the 100% Local Model for the successful creation and development of territorial brands in the field of agro-food production in the Alps.
Presses universitaires François-Rabelais eBooks, 2021
Presses universitaires François-Rabelais eBooks, 2011
Traditiones - Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje, Ljubljana, 2008
uvod prehrana je tisto področje človeškega bivanja, ki spada v njegovo intimnejšo sfero in je naj... more uvod prehrana je tisto področje človeškega bivanja, ki spada v njegovo intimnejšo sfero in je najtesneje povezana z družinsko skupnostjo. Če je pri stanovanjski in oblačilni kulturi opazen zelo močan diktat širše skupnosti, ki določa okus, je izbira, priprava in uživanje hrane odvisna predvsem od družine, njenega gmotnega in družbenega položaja [Wiegelmann 2006: 15]. raziskovalci kulture prehranjevanja tudi za praznično hrano ugotavljajo, da je močno navezana na tradicijo in okolje, iz katerega posameznik izvira, manj pa je odvisna od njegovega gmotnega položaja. praznična prehrana izraža navezanost na dom in na praznične jedi iz otroštva, na družbeno, religiozno in etnično skupino. britanska antropologinja mary douglas je zapisala, da so sporočila, ki jih hrana prinaša, sporočila o družabnih dogodkih in družbenih odnosih oz. družbeni hierarhiji, o vključevanju, izključevanju, razmejevanju in prestopanju meja. s pomočjo hrane postavimo, kažemo in obnavljamo sistem družbenih distanc in meja [douglas 1984: 9]. znanje o pripravi značilnih prazničnih jedi in recepti zanje se prenašajo skoraj v nespremenjeni obliki iz generacije na generacijo. to ne velja le za nekatere močnate jedi, materialne sledi kulture prazniki in prazniČna miza slovenCev v 20. in 21. stoletju maja godina golija Praznične jedi, njihova priprava, oblika, bogastvo in regionalna raznovrstnost so področja kulture prehranjevanja, ki so bila v etnoloških delih najpogosteje obravnavana. Že v 19. stoletju so se narodopisci poleg duhovne kulture zanimali še za nekatere sestavine materialne kulture, tudi za praznične jedi, ki naj bi izražale posebnost in izvirnost kulture naroda oz. etnične skupine. Manj je etnoloških del, ki bi obravnavala druga področja prehrane, npr. vsakdanje jedilne obroke, navade pri jedi, prehrano socialnih in starostnih skupin, spremembe v prehrani. Avtorica v članku obravnava manj raziskano področje kulture prehrane Slovencev-praznične jedi in jedilne obroke ter njihovo spreminjanje v 20. in v 21. stoletju. ključne besede: prehrana, koledarski prazniki, Slovenija, 20. in 21. stoletje. Festive food and its preparation, variety, wealth of different shapes, and regional diversity are the themes most often dealt with in ethnological literature. Apart from spiritual culture ethnographers were interested in certain elements of material culture already in the 19th century, believing that festive foods expressed special characteristics and original features of a nation or an ethnic group. Ethnological texts dealing with other areas of food culture, for example with meals, eating habits, food culture of different social and age groups, or changes in tradition, have been rare. The author examines a less researched area of the food culture of Slovenes, namely festive food and meals, and their transformation in the 20th and in the 21st centuries.
efka, 2021
Monografija je strnitev raziskav treh avtoric, ki obravnavajo materialno kulturo s teoreticnega, ... more Monografija je strnitev raziskav treh avtoric, ki obravnavajo materialno kulturo s teoreticnega, epistemoloskega, historicnega in institucionalno raziskovalnega vidika. Besedilo v petih razpravah o materialni kulturi pripoveduje o cloveku, družbi, casu in prostoru, saj predmeti v življenju posameznika nimajo le prakticne - funkcionalne vrednosti, marvec povezovalno in locevalno vlogo, posebno funkcijo imajo v interkulturni in multikulturni komunikaciji. V prvem delu knjige so obravnavni teoreticni koncepti in bogata zgodovina etnoloskega raziskovanja. Poznavanje preteklih sestavin materialne kulture in njenega raziskovanja pojasnjuje tudi danasnje življenje in kulturo, socialne in regionalne razlike, kakrsne so znacilne tudi za sodobni svet in slovensko družbo. V drugem delu knjige so predstavljene tri etnoloske studije – o bivalni, oblacilni in prehranski kulturi. Prva govori o ognjiscih v Vipavski dolini kot srediscu vsakdanjih in nekaterih dediscinskih praks, druga o oblacilnem videzu ljubljanskih predsolskih otrok in skrbi zanj, tretja pa o bucnem olju, znacilni sestavini prehrane in identitete na Stajerskem. V knjigi so v ospredju sodobni etnoloski pogledi na materialno kulturo, za katere niso pomembne le obravnave predmetov samih, marvec tudi to, kako predmeti ustvarjajo razmerja med njimi in med ljudmi.
Monografija je strnitev raziskav treh avtoric, ki obravnavajo materialno kulturo s teoreticnega, ... more Monografija je strnitev raziskav treh avtoric, ki obravnavajo materialno kulturo s teoreticnega, epistemoloskega, historicnega in institucionalno raziskovalnega vidika. Besedilo v petih razpravah o materialni kulturi pripoveduje o cloveku, družbi, casu in prostoru, saj predmeti v življenju posameznika nimajo le prakticne - funkcionalne vrednosti, marvec povezovalno in locevalno vlogo, posebno funkcijo imajo v interkulturni in multikulturni komunikaciji. V prvem delu knjige so obravnavni teoreticni koncepti in bogata zgodovina etnoloskega raziskovanja. Poznavanje preteklih sestavin materialne kulture in njenega raziskovanja pojasnjuje tudi danasnje življenje in kulturo, socialne in regionalne razlike, kakrsne so znacilne tudi za sodobni svet in slovensko družbo. V drugem delu knjige so predstavljene tri etnoloske studije – o bivalni, oblacilni in prehranski kulturi. Prva govori o ognjiscih v Vipavski dolini kot srediscu vsakdanjih in nekaterih dediscinskih praks, druga o oblacilnem videzu ljubljanskih predsolskih otrok in skrbi zanj, tretja pa o bucnem olju, znacilni sestavini prehrane in identitete na Stajerskem. V knjigi so v ospredju sodobni etnoloski pogledi na materialno kulturo, za katere niso pomembne le obravnave predmetov samih, marvec tudi to, kako predmeti ustvarjajo razmerja med njimi in med ljudmi.
IZVLE^EK V razpravi avtorica obravnava pomen mesa in mesnih jedi v praznovanjih na Slovenskem, od... more IZVLE^EK V razpravi avtorica obravnava pomen mesa in mesnih jedi v praznovanjih na Slovenskem, od omemb in opisov prazni~nih jedilnikov v 19. stoletju do sodobnega ~asa. V evropskidrùbi je bilo meso zaradi svojega pomanjkanja ve~ stoletij pomemben ozna~evalec praznikov, ker so se ti tudi zaradi bolj bogatih jedilnih obrokov in u`ivanja mesa ter drugih redkih jedi lo~evali od vsakdanjih dni. Priprava mesa je bila za praznike zahtevnej{a, zahtevala je ve~ znanja in sestavin, tudidràjih, ki jih za vsakdanjo kuho niso uporabljali. Poleg nekaterih tradicionalnih mesnih jedi in sestavin, ki so bile povezane s pripravo mesa ob kolinah, so predstavljene mesne jedi, ki so navedene v odgovorih zbranih z vpra{alnikom o prazni~nih jedeh iz 50. let 20. stoletja in iz let 2003 in 2004. ABSTRACT The article addresses the importance of meat and meat dishes in celebrations in Slovenia, from 19 th century mentions and descriptions of festive menus to the present. In European society in general, meat ...
IZVLE^EK Maribor je imel stoletja dvojezi~en zna~aj, pomen nem{ke skupnosti v mestu izpri~ujejo {... more IZVLE^EK Maribor je imel stoletja dvojezi~en zna~aj, pomen nem{ke skupnosti v mestu izpri~ujejo {tetja prebivalstva in drugi, tudi materialni preostanki. Poleg nekaterih starih mariborskih nem{kihdrùin, ki so v mestùivelèe ve~ generacij, so se konec 19. in v za~etku 20. stoletja v mesto naseljevali {tevilni nem{ko govore~i priseljenci, ki so podobo Maribora zaznamovali z mnogimi kulturnimi prvinami. Avtorica v razpravi obravnava materialne sledi njihovega bivanja-predvsem v stavbarstvu in mestni arhitekturi, prehrani in obla~ilni kulturi. Klju~ne besede: materialna kultura, konec 19. in za~etek 20. stoletja, mariborski Nemci, dedi{~ina ABSTRACT For centuries Maribor had a marked bilingual character. Population censuses as well as material remains manifest the significance of the German community in the town. Besides a few old German families of Maribor that had lived in the town for some generations, numerous German speaking immigrants moved to Maribor at the end of the 19th and at ...
Traditiones, Oct 15, 2004
The A. examines the importance of the monumental Die osterreischich-ungarische Monarchie in Wort ... more The A. examines the importance of the monumental Die osterreischich-ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild in learning about Slovene rural architecture at the end of the 19th century. Books on this topic are rare, and despite the fact that it had been written because of ideological and state interests its detailed descriptions of Slovene rural architecture have greatly enriched the knowledge of the subject.
November 2005 marked eight decades since the death of historian and germanist Franc Ferk. In the ... more November 2005 marked eight decades since the death of historian and germanist Franc Ferk. In the course of his productive life, Ferk created several prominent archaeological collections, which he donated to museum societies and museums in Stajersko; these collections formed the basis for the formation of the museum in Celje (1882), the one in Ptuj (1893), and the museum in Maribor (1903). Beside archaeology and numismatics, Ferk was very interested in ethnographic work. A part of his ethnographic collection, now known as the "Ferk archives", had been examined and recorded by ethnologist Niko Kuret. This material is presently kept at the Institute of Slovenian Ethnology SRC of the SASA.
TRADITIONES, 48/1, 2019, 117–135 Food is not only a component of the material world, but it also ... more TRADITIONES, 48/1, 2019, 117–135 Food is not only a component of the material world, but it also plays a vital role in economic, social, and symbolic practices. In the past, food production and consumption on the part of the Slovenian population strongly depended on regional origins and the local economy. Some such regional products include olive and pumpkin seed oils. Pumpkin seed oil has had a special role in the diet of the inhabitants of the Goričko region. Today it is an important factor in economic development as well as an expression of regional affiliation and local cuisine. The Styrian-Prekmurje pumpkin seed oil from the north-eastern part of Slovenia has been protected in the European Union with the Geographical Indication-PGI.1
The author discusses the history, methods of production, and use of the Upper Savinja Valley stom... more The author discusses the history, methods of production, and use of the Upper Savinja Valley stomach sausage, an excellent dry meat product, which is firmly embedded in economic and ritual practices of the inhabitants of the Savinja Alps. Through the examination of the production, consumption, donation, and promotion of the Upper Savinja Valley stomach sausage, we are acquainted with the lives of the people along the upper reaches of the Savinja River, their connection with food heritage, their values, norms, and social differentiation. The author also aims to answer the question of the role of food beyond its physiological significance and material substance.
This paper draws on material collected during this author’s fieldwork research in Belgrade, Novi ... more This paper draws on material collected during this author’s fieldwork research in Belgrade, Novi Sad and Ruma in 2008, 2012 and 2015. Obtained by various research methods, particularly the narrative interview, observation methods, and the questionnaire, the data provides an insight into the Slovene immigrant community in Serbia and the importance of Slovene food elements for members of this community and for the community as a whole. Although primarily an element of the material world, food also plays an important role within the context of a different cultural or social milieu. Some elements of food culture, particularly certain dishes, spices, and food preparation techniques, are especially important in the creation and preservation of ethnic identity of immigrant communities and of individual identities of their members. Among the Slovenes living in Serbia, this prominent position is occupied primarily by Slovene festive dishes, which are prepared for all major family celebration...
The A. examines cookbooks as a source for ethnological food culture research in Slovenia in the 1... more The A. examines cookbooks as a source for ethnological food culture research in Slovenia in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th centuries. Examined are some of the shortcomings of this source, but also its advantages that have been largely neglected by Slovene ethnologists. The A. focuses on printed as well as manuscript cookbooks and recipe collections, most of which have been compiled for the needs of numerous cookery courses or for home economics classes. In the final part he discusses the importance of cookbooks.
The A. focuses on the influence of migrations on the changes in everyday and festive food culture... more The A. focuses on the influence of migrations on the changes in everyday and festive food culture. Migrations were especially important in the 20th century when people emigrated from and immigrated into different towns and areas of Slovenia. Of special importance were emigrants from Primorsko who fled to the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes to avoid fascist violence and to escape from Primorsko which was occupied by the Italians at that time. They strengthened the Slovene national consciousness in Maribor, but their different lifestyle also caused some changes in the lifestyle and culture of other Maribor residents.