Mojca Kovačič | Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (original) (raw)

Mojca Kovačič

Mojca Kovačič is an ethnomusicologist. Through studies of folk singing, instrumental music and contemporary musical and sound phenomena, she examines the principles of the musical or sound structures, of the musical performances as well as she highlights its relations to social and political contexts, such as: music and gender, nationalism and music, cultural policy, processes of contemporary folklorization and the concepts of popular music, music and identity. In recent years, she has mostly focused on issues of urban soundscapes, street music, and religious sound in contemporary urban space, urban politics and experiential aspects of perception of sounds. She is also a lecturer at the Academy of Music, University of Ljubljana, for the course The introduction to musical folkloristics, module Slovenian folk music heritage.
Address: Insititut if Ethnomusicology ZRC SAZU
Novi trg 2
1000 Ljubljana



Papers by Mojca Kovačič

Research paper thumbnail of Slovenian Trubači: The Economies of Affect within and beyond Ethno-Racialized Difference

Kulturni spomin, May 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pritrkavanje

Research paper thumbnail of Baseline Survey on Multilingual and Transdisciplinary Urban Arts Education

Research paper thumbnail of City Sonic Ecology: Urban Soundscapes of Bern, Ljubljana and Belgrade

Musicology: Theory and Practice, East and West, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Glasbena podoba ljudske pesmi v rokopisnih, tiskanih in zvočnih virih v prvih desetletjih 20. stoletja

Research paper thumbnail of Music, Migration and Minorities: Perspectives and Reflections

Musicological Annual

The article offers a brief presentation of the main streams of ethnomusicological research on mus... more The article offers a brief presentation of the main streams of ethnomusicological research on music, migration and minorities while reflecting on their theoretical and methodological frameworks. It pays particular attention to the intersection with other ethnomusicological sub-fields and its role in challenging the methodological nationalism and Western-centric views.

Research paper thumbnail of Identifications through Musical Expressions of Africanness in Slovenia

Musicological Annual

In the article I am interested in the ways that Africanness (as a representation of and identific... more In the article I am interested in the ways that Africanness (as a representation of and identification with African culture) is musically performed in Slovenia. Africanness is being publicly represented either by African diaspora that is negotiating their ethnic identifications through culture or non-Africans that have established connections with African culture for various reasons. The article illustrates in which cases music offers a space of safety and self-identification, a place of fascination, aesthetic expression or cultural growth and enrichment.

Research paper thumbnail of Ljubljana 19. bis 22. September 2001: Vereintes Europa - Vereinte Musik? Vielfalt und soziale Dimensionen in Zentral- und Mitteleuropa

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Relations in Instrumental Folk Music in Slovenia

Research paper thumbnail of Posnetki vokalnih zasedb glasbene matice in podoba ljudske pesmi v času prvih gramofonskih snemanj na Slovenskem

Research paper thumbnail of Bells. Their Musical and Semantic Characteristics in Modern Slovenian Poetry, Folk Songs, Proverbs and Sayings

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Atmospheric Coherence through Commemorative Rituals, Singing Partisan Songs, and Rehearsed Affect

Narodna umjetnost

U ovom se članku opisuje komemorativni događaj koji se održava u Janču pokraj Ljubljane te ga se ... more U ovom se članku opisuje komemorativni događaj koji se održava u Janču pokraj Ljubljane te ga se smješta u širi okvir diskursa komemoracija u postsocijalističkom kontekstu u Sloveniji. Načini postizanja ritualizacije prošlosti i sadašnjosti te posredovanja između njih analiziraju se pomoću vizualnih i zvučnih sredstava stvaranja afektivnih atmosfera. U tom je diskursu glazba sredstvo koje objedinjava kako sudionike događaja tako i odnose prošlosti prema sadašnjosti. Članak se bavi reaktualizacijom partizanskih pjesama u kontekstu zborskog pjevanja nakon 1991. godine, a ističu se razlike između reaktualizacije kod aktivističkog i “tradicionalnog” zbora. Politička polarizacija utemeljena na različitim interpretacijama povijesnih događaja iz razdoblja tijekom i nakon Drugog svjetskog rata u postsocijalističkoj Sloveniji odražava se i u heterogenim iskustvima glazbenih izvedbi skladbi iz razdoblja narodnooslobodilačkog pokreta. Ta se tvrdnja ilustrira citatima iz osobnih narativa pjevač...

Research paper thumbnail of Střet náboženských zvuků v městském prostoru: případ náboženského soundscape v Lublani

Journal of Ethnology, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Kampananje, slavljenje, luncijanje, trnačenje: Etnomuzikološko istraživanje svirke na zvonima u nekim mjestima u Hrvatskoj

Research paper thumbnail of Drago Kunej in Urša Šivic (UR.): Trapped in Folklore? Studies in Music and Dance Tradition and Their Contemporary Transformations

Research paper thumbnail of Glasba, migracije in manjšine: perspektive in refleksije

The article offers a brief presentation of the main streams of ethnomusicological research on mus... more The article offers a brief presentation of the main streams of ethnomusicological research on music, migration and minorities while reflecting on their theoretical and methodological frameworks. It pays particular attention to the intersection with other ethnomusicological sub-fields and its role in challenging the methodological nationalism and Western-centric views. This thematic issue traces the points of intersection among music, migration and minorities1 in various geographical areas and socio-political contexts and in regard to contemporary forms of mobility, transnational migration and political, social and 1 The terms “minorities” and “migrants” are closely intertwined and loosely defined within the public, official and scholarly discourse, especially when considering people with ethnic backgrounds from other countries and cultures (and from the second or third generation or those even futher back). In this issue, therefore, we have decided to remain within the terminology a...

Research paper thumbnail of Mednarodni Simpozij »Etnomuzikologija in Etnokoreologija V Vzgoji in Izobraževanju. Bistvena Vprašanja Aplikativne Znanosti« (Ljubljana, 22.–25. September 2006)

Research paper thumbnail of 16. Mednarodna Konferenca Študijske Skupine Za Ljudska Glasbila (Vilnius, Litva, 5.–8. April 2006)

Research paper thumbnail of Official regulations and perceptual aspects of bell ringing

Research paper thumbnail of Uvodna Beseda Foreword

Research paper thumbnail of Slovenian Trubači: The Economies of Affect within and beyond Ethno-Racialized Difference

Kulturni spomin, May 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Pritrkavanje

Research paper thumbnail of Baseline Survey on Multilingual and Transdisciplinary Urban Arts Education

Research paper thumbnail of City Sonic Ecology: Urban Soundscapes of Bern, Ljubljana and Belgrade

Musicology: Theory and Practice, East and West, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Glasbena podoba ljudske pesmi v rokopisnih, tiskanih in zvočnih virih v prvih desetletjih 20. stoletja

Research paper thumbnail of Music, Migration and Minorities: Perspectives and Reflections

Musicological Annual

The article offers a brief presentation of the main streams of ethnomusicological research on mus... more The article offers a brief presentation of the main streams of ethnomusicological research on music, migration and minorities while reflecting on their theoretical and methodological frameworks. It pays particular attention to the intersection with other ethnomusicological sub-fields and its role in challenging the methodological nationalism and Western-centric views.

Research paper thumbnail of Identifications through Musical Expressions of Africanness in Slovenia

Musicological Annual

In the article I am interested in the ways that Africanness (as a representation of and identific... more In the article I am interested in the ways that Africanness (as a representation of and identification with African culture) is musically performed in Slovenia. Africanness is being publicly represented either by African diaspora that is negotiating their ethnic identifications through culture or non-Africans that have established connections with African culture for various reasons. The article illustrates in which cases music offers a space of safety and self-identification, a place of fascination, aesthetic expression or cultural growth and enrichment.

Research paper thumbnail of Ljubljana 19. bis 22. September 2001: Vereintes Europa - Vereinte Musik? Vielfalt und soziale Dimensionen in Zentral- und Mitteleuropa

Research paper thumbnail of Gender Relations in Instrumental Folk Music in Slovenia

Research paper thumbnail of Posnetki vokalnih zasedb glasbene matice in podoba ljudske pesmi v času prvih gramofonskih snemanj na Slovenskem

Research paper thumbnail of Bells. Their Musical and Semantic Characteristics in Modern Slovenian Poetry, Folk Songs, Proverbs and Sayings

Research paper thumbnail of Creating Atmospheric Coherence through Commemorative Rituals, Singing Partisan Songs, and Rehearsed Affect

Narodna umjetnost

U ovom se članku opisuje komemorativni događaj koji se održava u Janču pokraj Ljubljane te ga se ... more U ovom se članku opisuje komemorativni događaj koji se održava u Janču pokraj Ljubljane te ga se smješta u širi okvir diskursa komemoracija u postsocijalističkom kontekstu u Sloveniji. Načini postizanja ritualizacije prošlosti i sadašnjosti te posredovanja između njih analiziraju se pomoću vizualnih i zvučnih sredstava stvaranja afektivnih atmosfera. U tom je diskursu glazba sredstvo koje objedinjava kako sudionike događaja tako i odnose prošlosti prema sadašnjosti. Članak se bavi reaktualizacijom partizanskih pjesama u kontekstu zborskog pjevanja nakon 1991. godine, a ističu se razlike između reaktualizacije kod aktivističkog i “tradicionalnog” zbora. Politička polarizacija utemeljena na različitim interpretacijama povijesnih događaja iz razdoblja tijekom i nakon Drugog svjetskog rata u postsocijalističkoj Sloveniji odražava se i u heterogenim iskustvima glazbenih izvedbi skladbi iz razdoblja narodnooslobodilačkog pokreta. Ta se tvrdnja ilustrira citatima iz osobnih narativa pjevač...

Research paper thumbnail of Střet náboženských zvuků v městském prostoru: případ náboženského soundscape v Lublani

Journal of Ethnology, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Kampananje, slavljenje, luncijanje, trnačenje: Etnomuzikološko istraživanje svirke na zvonima u nekim mjestima u Hrvatskoj

Research paper thumbnail of Drago Kunej in Urša Šivic (UR.): Trapped in Folklore? Studies in Music and Dance Tradition and Their Contemporary Transformations

Research paper thumbnail of Glasba, migracije in manjšine: perspektive in refleksije

The article offers a brief presentation of the main streams of ethnomusicological research on mus... more The article offers a brief presentation of the main streams of ethnomusicological research on music, migration and minorities while reflecting on their theoretical and methodological frameworks. It pays particular attention to the intersection with other ethnomusicological sub-fields and its role in challenging the methodological nationalism and Western-centric views. This thematic issue traces the points of intersection among music, migration and minorities1 in various geographical areas and socio-political contexts and in regard to contemporary forms of mobility, transnational migration and political, social and 1 The terms “minorities” and “migrants” are closely intertwined and loosely defined within the public, official and scholarly discourse, especially when considering people with ethnic backgrounds from other countries and cultures (and from the second or third generation or those even futher back). In this issue, therefore, we have decided to remain within the terminology a...

Research paper thumbnail of Mednarodni Simpozij »Etnomuzikologija in Etnokoreologija V Vzgoji in Izobraževanju. Bistvena Vprašanja Aplikativne Znanosti« (Ljubljana, 22.–25. September 2006)

Research paper thumbnail of 16. Mednarodna Konferenca Študijske Skupine Za Ljudska Glasbila (Vilnius, Litva, 5.–8. April 2006)

Research paper thumbnail of Official regulations and perceptual aspects of bell ringing

Research paper thumbnail of Uvodna Beseda Foreword

Research paper thumbnail of Glasbena podoba ljudske pesmi v rokopisnih, tiskanih in zvočnih virih

Research paper thumbnail of Pa se sliš … Pritrkavanje v slovenskem in evropskem prostoru / Bell chiming in the Slovenian and European space

The book addresses bell chiming, rhythmic musical expression on church bells, which is a part of ... more The book addresses bell chiming, rhythmic musical expression on church bells, which is a part of extremely widespread tradition in Slovenia and in some other European countries. The study presents bell chiming from a historical and musical analytical perspective, opens up questions of performativity in contemporary musical practice, gender roles, and transfer of music. The phenomenon is also compared with similar music practices in Europe and in particularly discussed on cases from Germany and Croatia. The book is in Slovenian language, but provides a summary in English.

Research paper thumbnail of PROGRAM of the 21th SYMPOSIUM  of the ICTM Study Group MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS  Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 5-8 April, 2017

by Chinthaka P Meddegoda, Gisa Jähnichen, Jasmina Talam, Rūta Žarskienė, Gaila Kirdiene, Fatima Hadžić, Otgonbayar Chuluunbaatar, Mahmut Cemal Sari, Mojca Kovačič, Xiangkun Liu, Lejla Dzambazov, Özlem DOĞUŞ VARLI, Danka Lajic Mihajlovic, and Wan Huang

Research paper thumbnail of Jähnichen, Gisa et al (2017). Programme of the 21 Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Musical Instruments. Sarajevo: Music Academy.

This programme consists of the schedule and the abstracts provided by the participants of the eve... more This programme consists of the schedule and the abstracts provided by the participants of the event.

Research paper thumbnail of EducOpera How to use EducOpera approach: Mentoring for educators

EducOpera, 2019

The EducOpera is an Erasmus + project that brought together 5 international partners to search fo... more The EducOpera is an Erasmus + project that brought together 5 international partners to search for the way to recognize the skills and competences that young people may acquire during their opera education and in music in general. For the purpose of the project we understand the potential of the acquisition of such competences to reduce early school leaving (ESL) among youngsters, either among those who have already left school or are at risk of dropping out. Learning music enhances the cognitive, emotional, physical and social development of youngsters and is the main source of creativity. Raising.

Within the project we prepared for educators (teachers at school, and educators outside school) practical material, exercises linked to music in general and opera in specific that could be used in sessions with youngsters. How can we introduce opera to young people in an interesting, attractive way? How can the elements of opera and music be carried out in the framework of school and extracurricular activities? How can we build a bridge between the various subjects taught at school and how can young people use their informal and non-formal knowledge in opera education?
Edited by: Mojca Kovačič
Autors: Jesus Boyano, Bénédicte Halba, Niels Rosendal Jensen, Christian Christrup Kjeldsen, Mojca Kovačič, Dirk Michel-Schertges,

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