Index: Holley-Rankine House (original) (raw)

Holley-Rankine House 525 Riverside Drive, Niagara Falls, NY

The Holley-Rankine House in Niagara Falls faces the Niagara River (background) near Goat Island. The Robert Moses Parkway cuts off the view of the river. Note the Queen Anne style house next door. The two and one-half story Gothic Revival cottage has an irregular ground plan Two large chimneys straddle the ridge of the main block Finial
In the center of the second floor is a window (lighting a bathroom) with a slightly pointed head (made of two roughly cut stones) and a small Gothic balcony. Beneath the apex of the gable, a cusped round arch window lights the attic. Pointed trefoil design in bracket All eaves are widely overhanging
Window at left changed from pointed to rectangular sash Small Gothic balcony Finials Two large chimneys straddle the ridge of the main block
The severely simple wooden super structure of the veranda at right is, however, a remodeling of an earlier Gothic style porch. The primary entrance is at the northwest angle of this western wing. Here two pointed arches create a corner entrance porch. To the right of the arched portal is a casement window (opening onto the vestibule) with simple Gothictracery in the head and a flat stone lintel. It seems likely that the north wing of the building is older than the larger Gothic main block of the house.
A hooded entrance - with a king post - at the western corner of the ground floor gives access to a back stair hall. Bay. Note quatrefoil pattern beneath windows To the north of the house, and set well back from the street, is the former stable

Special thanks to Architectural Historian Martin Wachadlo for his assistance

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