Save/load bug in MEPHISTO.WAD (original) (raw)

Save-game/reload-game bug in MEPHISTO.WAD (Master Levels):

The "Boss" entity in Doom II-based games (Doom II, Final Doom TNT/Plutonia) can create a save/load problem for that level in the game. If you save your progress on that level after the Boss has detected (seen/heard) you, that saved file may cause a crash if you start a new game and reload that file.

The best way to prevent this problem is to save and load on that level only during a single unbroken gaming session. Or, save your game on that level only at a point before the Boss detects you.

If your save-game file crashes when you load it, then I'd suggest starting a new game at the same Skill level, and use the "idclev" cheat code to jump ahead to that map; then immediately save the game, overwriting the corrupted file. Details on the idclev code can be found in the DoomCode document.

Good luck!

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