Get the blue key in Doom 64 map 20, Breakdown (original) (raw)
How to get the blue key in level 20, Breakdown:
On this map, you'll first appear in a small 3-sided chamber that is centered in one of the short walls of a rectangular courtyard. On the opposite wall is a stairway leading up to a raised path that runs all the way around the perimeter of the courtyard.
In the middle of the courtyard is the blue key, perched on a high, narrow pedestal.
There are two tall, narrow vertical columns very close to the blue-key pedestal: one column each on opposite sides of the pedestal. High above ground, on one side of each of these narrow columns, is a small switch that faces towards the blue key.
Walk up the stairway and turn left. Walk a few paces around the corner, until you get to the middle of the part of the path that runs along one of the longer walls of the rectangular courtyard.
Turn to face towards the blue key. Check your map to see that the map's entry point (where you started the game) is to the east, on the right-hand side of the screen as you face towards the middle of the courtyard. If this is not the case, go around the pathway to get to the opposite side of the courtyard.
Look towards the blue key, and maneuver so that you can see the switch on the column just beyond the key.
Use your pistol, shotgun (either one), or chaingun to shoot the switch. The blue-key pedestal will drop, and you can then grab the key.
Shooting the other switch causes 1 or 2 Cacodemons to spawn nearby. (The number varies by Skill level.)
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