Demon Artifact on Doom 64 map 30, The Lair (original) (raw)

How to get the Demon Artifact in level 30, The Lair:

You'll first see the flashing Demon Artifact at the top of a tall pillar in the middle of a large room. You entered this room through one of two side-by-side doorways. Inside the room, between the two doorways, is a switch on the wall. Activate that switch to cause three stairways to emerge along the walls of this room. Go up the center of the three stairways, and turn left. On your left will be a small curved room, where a wide window looks back down into the larger room where the Demon Artifact is. As you step into this small curved room, you'll cross over a floor trigger. This trigger (or "tripwire") causes a switch to appear, briefly, in one corner of the large room. That switch will be high up on the wall, and just to the right of the right-hand doorway in the large room. You'll be able to see this switch by looking out the wide window of the curved room you just stepped into. (If you don't see the switch, walk back out of the curved room, then back in again, to cross the floor trigger.) That switch is a shootable switch, meaning you can Activate it by shooting it with your pistol, either of the shotguns, or the chaingun. Shoot the switch, then quickly turn left to look through a pair of windows that bracket the stairway you just walked up, and you'll see another small, curved room on the other side of the stairway. For a brief moment, you'll see that another shootable switch is now visible in the far wall of that other curved room. Shoot it, and the pedestal with the Artifact will drop down, allowing access.

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"Demon Artifact" is the term used at this site to describe each of the three special objects that are hidden among the secret levels of Doom 64. Demon Artifacts boost the power of Doom 64's laser weapon, and also act as special keys that can be used on Doom 64's "Boss" level.

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