Escape the maze in Plutonia map 11, Hunted (original) (raw)

To escape the maze in PC/Mac Final Doom Plutonia Experiment level 11, Hunted:

Note that most closed doors in this maze will only open when a player crosses a nearby invisible floor trigger (or "tripwire"). The location of each invisible tripwire is indicated by a pair of thin, vertical metal strips that are mounted across from each other on opposing walls. When a player passes between a pair of these vertical strips, the tripwire there is activated, and a nearby door will open up for a few seconds, then close again. If you try to get through a door but it closes too soon, simply reverse your steps until you activate the correct tripwire, then run back to the door.

To access a first-person demo/video that illustrates the path described in the walkthrough below, click here. To access a video that illustrates the path below from a top-down perspective (Automap-only view), click here.

The player first appears on this level in a large room in the middle of the maze.

The following path may be used to access the red key and escape the maze:

When you teleport out of the maze you'll appear in a large, square, open area on the north end of the level. In the southwest corner of this area is a spiral stairway. Walk to the top of this stairway and pick up the BFG-9000 there. Stepping down to the ground off of the top platform will cause a new teleporter pad to become accessible in the southeast corner. Step on that teleporter and you'll appear on top of the large stone platform nearby. Leading up from the northeast and northwest corners of this platform are a pair of curving stairways. Each stairway leads to an exit teleporter.

It is recommended that you save your game before exiting this level.

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