Secret exit in PSX Doom map 15, Spawning Vats (original) (raw)

How to find the secret exit on level 15, Spawning Vats, and get to level 55, Fortress of Mystery:

First, look on your Automap. The level's entrance is along the northeast corner/edge of the map. Use this room as the starting point of reference for the instructions.

Walk out of this room and curve around to your right, and head north, past a door on your left, and continue around west, walking past a mural of the head of a Baron of Hell. Follow the path around and head south, passing an open doorway on your right, and approach a room to the south with a shallow lava pit at its center. Walk into this room and look for a wide passage to your right. Take this path and follow it east into an area of brown cobblestone floors, and take your first right, south, into a roofless rectangular chamber, with 3 green "closet"-like structures recessed into the wall ahead of you, to the south. (There are also 2 more closets in each of the walls to your left and right... these can be ignored for the moment.) Of the 3 closets on the south wall, step into the center one, and you will be teleported to a tiny, separate chamber in the southwest corner of the map. Ahead, you'll see a face-like switch (or a doorway) across a short stretch of lava. Run all the way across the lava, and up into the doorway. (This triggers an event back in the "green-closets" room.) Quickly reverse and run back to the other end of this chamber. You'll teleport back to the green-closets room. You'll have your back to the center closet, and you'll be facing north, towards the room's entrance. Immediately turn right, take a step or two, and turn right again to look into the next closet over (the one in the southeast corner of the room). You should see a skull switch, behind a panel which is only temporarily raised. (If you were fast enough, the panel is still up.) Step up to the skull switch in the closet and activate it. Now you're off to level 55, Fortress of Mystery.

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