Megasphere on PS1 Doom map 29, Twilight Descends (original) (raw)

How to get the Megasphere on level 29, Twilight Descends:

The Megasphere rests on the top edge of a long wall at the southeast quadrant of the map. Here's how to get it:

At the northeast corner of the map, look for a long tunnel that runs west to east, then north to south. At the south end of the tunnel is a platform, or pier, that extends south into shallow water. Just past the south edge of the pier is a square teleporter pad in the water.

Below is a diagram that approximates the appearance of the area on your Automap:

||  ||
||  ||
||__||  <-- South

/|__ end of / | | \ tunnel | | | | |__| || <-- Teleporter at end of pier/platform

If you step on the teleporter by crossing its north edge (stepping south off the pier) you'll materialize on the top edge of a wall that's located at the south end of the map. Walk east along the wall to the Megasphere. If you step onto the teleport pad by crossing any other edge, you'll appear in the darkened, elevated room which is located just southwest of the west end of the tunnel.

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