Exit PS1 Doom map 42, The Factory (original) (raw)

How to exit PSX Doom II level 42, The Factory:

First, go into the very large building that's in the south half of the map.

The blue key is in the southwest corner of this building; the yellow key is in a small isolated chamber at the southeast corner of this building. There is no red key on this level (despite the fact that you may encounter a door that requires a red key to open).

To exit, go to the large square building in the northwest quadrant of the map. You'll need the yellow key to get all the way inside. Once inside the large room with all the Cacodemons, there's no way out again if the door closes behind you. (You need the nonexistent red key to get back through this door.)

To exit, Activate the 5 switches that you'll find in the chambers around the perimeter of the room. (If any switch seem hard to activate, step back from it a little, and then try again.) The switches open a passage at the northeast corner of the room, which leads to the exit chamber.

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