Keys and exits in map 31 of TEETH.WAD (original) (raw)

How to access the keys and the exits in TEETH.WAD, map 31:

There are two exits in this level: a normal exit (which leads to map 16 in the local Doom II Wad file), and a "secret" exit (which leads to map 32 in TEETH.WAD).

To get into the normal exit, you won't need any keys. To get into the secret exit, you'll need all three keycards (red, yellow, blue), and you'll also need the assistance of an enemy monster.

Note: To access the secret exit in this level (without cheating), do not use the "-nomonsters" command-line parameter when starting the game; Monsters must be present.

You begin the mission on top of a wide, cylindrical elevator in the raised position. Surrounding the elevator are 8 passages, leading off in each of the 8 common compass directions (north, northeast, east, southeast, etc.).

On the Automap (and sometimes in first-person view) you may notice some stylized numerals that mark the floor and ceiling of each of these 8 passages. Passage "1" leads north, and its entrance is located at the bottom of the main elevator shaft. Passage "2" leads northeast, and its entrance is somewhat higher in the elevator shaft. Subsequent passages are higher up the walls of the elevator shaft at regular intervals, with passage "8" at the top of the elevator shaft. Part of the way down passages 2 through 8 are vertical bars that prevent further progress in those directions.

You will need to start the mission in passage 1. To the left of the entrance to passage 8 is a red switch on the wall, which will cause the elevator to drop slowly to its lowest position, where you'll find the entrance to passage 1. Enter into passage 1 and head north towards the far end. As you head north, vertical bars may drop down in the passage, preventing further progress north. The bars in passage 1 will automatically rise up again about 30 seconds later. Continue down the twisting halls of passage 1 until you get to a metal door. Go through the door to small square room. Look on the east wall of this room for a switch, and activate it. The wall section where the switch is mounted will drop down, revealing a small "closet", with another switch on the back wall. Activate this switch. (This will raise the vertical bars in passage 2.) Head back to the elevator shaft. Note that as you walk up to the cylindrical elevator from any passage, the elevator will automatically drop down to its lowest position. If you step up to the elevator and it does not lower, wait a moment, then back up a couple of paces, away from the elevator, and then step up to it again.

Get on the elevator and, when it starts rising again, get off at the entrance to passage 2. (If you miss this entrance, ride the elevator to the top, and hit the switch near passage 8 to lower the elevator again.) Walk to the end of passage 2 and look for a dark open doorway on your left. Step through into a darkened chamber and you'll notice three teleporter booths. Step into the middle (red) one. You'll be teleported into an area just south of passage 5. You'll be at the north end of a narrow, raised pathway. This pathway is intersected in the middle by a similar raised pathway, and these two pathways form a plus-shaped structure. There is a rocket launcher and other useful items nearby. Look for a red switch where the pathways cross (it will be at the northeast corner of the intersection), and activate it. (This will raise the vertical bars in passage 3.) Go back to the north end of the plus-shaped structure and step on the teleporter pad there. You'll be teleported back to the dark chamber with the three teleport booths.


As you step off the red teleporter pad, look for a secret panel ahead on your right. It will be a diagonal panel in the dark room, at the doorway right before you step back into passage 2. When you activate the hidden panel, the wall rises up, revealing a small chamber to the west with a red teleport pad. Step on. You'll appear back in the area just south of passage 5. You'll be in a dark chamber, raised up a bit from floor level, with a window that looks north upon the plus-shaped structure mentioned above. The red keycard is here in this dark chamber; grab it.

Step down through the window. You'll be near the south end of the plus-shaped structure. Look on the east side of this southern end of the "plus" for a vertical strip that runs floor to ceiling. This tall panel is a different color and texture than that of anything else in the room. Activate this strip like a switch, and it rises up, revealing a switch underneath. Activate it. (This will remove one barrier which blocks access to the blue key, which you can get later on.) Now go to the northeast wall of this room, and look for a pair of recessed "steps" built into the wall: one wide step near floor level, and, above and behind it, a narrower one. On the narrow step is a rocket, and behind that rocket is a switch on the wall. Walk up to the wide step at ground level and activate it to cause it to drop down. Get on before it rises again. Then activate the smaller step and it also drops. Get on that one and ride it up; then activate the switch on the wall. (This will raise the vertical bars in passage 6.) Now walk back down the "steps" to ground level.


Note that on the northwest wall of the room (see "RED KEY", above) there are recessed "steps" identical to those on the northeast wall. Whenever you activate one of the steps in the northeast wall, the counterpart of that step drops down in the northwest wall. What you want to do now is activate both steps on the northeast wall, and then immediately run for the steps in the northwest wall, and get on the narrow northwest step before it rises up again. (Remember that Run mode is typically enabled by holding down a Shift key.) This maneuver may take a few tries to accomplish successfully. Once you're on the narrow top step in the northwest wall, turn northwest and activate the wall panel in front of you. It opens, revealing a small rectangular chamber. Enter the chamber and walk around the corner to your right, where you'll find the yellow keycard on the other side of a narrow partition.

Exit this chamber through the same wall panel you entered from. Walk down the "steps" to ground level, and head for the door at the north end of the room. Go through the door into passage 5. If you find vertical bars here blocking your way, simply activate them, and they will rise permanently into the ceiling. Go back to the elevator and get on.


Once you've activated all switches mentioned above, take the main elevator and get off at the entrance to passage 3. Walk to the end of the passage and walk east through the door there. You'll enter into a small circular room with a short square pedestal in the center, and a pair of switches on some "steps" on the east side of the room. Walk up to the lowest of these steps and activate the switch there. This will cause the pedestal in the center of the room to drop down. Get on it before it rises again. When the pedestal has risen up, Run east to land on top of the step where the first switch was. This allows you access to the second switch on the next step up. Activate it to raise the vertical bars in passage 4. Go back out of this room, and head west, back down passage 3 to the elevator. Ride the elevator and get off at the entrance to passage 4. Walk down the passage, past a door on your left, to an open doorway at the end of passage 4. You'll enter into a chamber where there's a window ahead of you, a closed door on your left, and a large glowing panel in the wall to your right. (Behind this glowing panel is the blue keycard, but it is not yet accessible.) Go through the door on your left. You'll enter into a tiny chamber with three doors: the one you just came through, another closed door ahead of you, and an open doorway to your left. Go north through the open doorway. When you step all the way through this doorway, the glowing panel (back in the chamber at the end of passage 4) opens, allowing access to the blue keycard. Grab it.

(There is a switch nearby that will open the bars blocking passage 5, if you did not already open these bars manually from the room just south of passage 5. To get to this switch, go back to the small chamber with the three doors, and again step north through the doorway that triggered the opening of the glowing panel which concealed the blue key. Now head right, northeast, to a closed silver door. Go through and turn right/east into a darkened rectangular room with "candles" on the floor. Step into this room and follow the candles to a switch in the middle of the south wall of this room. Activate it to raise the vertical bars in passage 5.)

Head northwest back up passage 4 to the elevator, and get on it. If you have not already been inside the room which is south of passage 5, go there now, and activate the switch in the northeast wall of that room (see the last paragraph under "RED KEY" for details) before proceeding to passage 6. Get on the elevator and ride it up to the entrance to passage 6. Head southwest down passage 6 to a room at the far end which contains five tall, narrow cages. At the back of this room you'll find a switch in the middle of the southwest wall. Activate it. (This will raise the vertical bars in passage 7.) Head back to the elevator, get on, and ride it up to the entrance to passage 7. Head west down passage 7, past a door on your left, to another door at the far west end of the passage. Go through this door and you'll see a tall, rounded metal pillar in front of you. This is an elevator. Step up and activate it to cause it to sink down into the floor. Get on and ride it all the way up. When the elevator has risen to the top, turn to face north. You may see an Imp or chaingunner in front of you, in a small niche in the wall. Kill it. (This will help allow you to run across the top of the niche in a few moments.) From on the top of the elevator, turn to face west and you'll see some shallow steps in front of you, across a gap of open space. Run west off the elevator to get onto the steps. Go up the steps and turn right. Walk east along the platform which spans the north half of this room. You'll see a gap (where the Imp/chaingunner was) in the floor ahead of you as you walk east. Run east to jump over this gap, and look for a switch on the east wall of this room, near a cluster of armor helmets on the floor. Walk up to this switch and activate it. (This will raise the vertical bars in passage 8.) Jump back down to ground level, and, with the metal pillar to your back, look for a door on the east side of the room. Go through this door, and head east, back down passage 7 to the map's main elevator. Get on the elevator, and ride it up to the entrance to passage 8.

Head northwest down passage 8 to a door at the far end. Go through and you'll notice a staircase ahead of you. Walk up to the "door" at the top of the stairs. When you activate this door, it will not open. Instead, two panels open up in the northwest wall of the room: one panel each to the left and right sides of the staircase. Go back down the stairs, then turn and go to the northeast side of the staircase. Look for the opening ahead to the right on the northwest wall. Walk into this narrow passage, and activate the panel at the far end (northwest end) of the passage. A piece of the wall drops down to reveal a green sphere: an Invulnerability Artifact. Grab it, and immediately save your game if you haven't done so recently. Now run around to the other side (southwest side) of the staircase, and look for a passage off to the left side of the staircase in the northwest wall. This passage leads northwest, and at the end of it is an Arch-Vile monster.

Do not kill the Arch-Vile yet if you wish to use the level's "secret" exit. At this point you can choose to leave the level through one of its two exits. See "SECRET EXIT" or "NORMAL EXIT", below.


Before proceeding, make sure that: A) you have all three keycards, B) you've picked up the Invulnerability Artifact you found to the right of the staircase in the chamber at the end of passage 8, and C) you've saved your game at this point.

What you want to do now is provoke an attack by the Arch-Vile monster: Walk right up to it. When an Arch-Vile begins to attack you, some flames will appear around and above you for a few moments. Then, as it completes its attack, your body is jolted upwards into the air. A moment after the flames engulf you, begin to walk (or run) southwest, away from the Arch-Vile, and towards the raised open space in the wall in the southwest corner of the room. As the Arch-Vile completes its attack on you, you'll be jolted into the air. If you're moving towards the ledge in the southwest corner of the room, the Arch-Vile's attack may propel you up into this opening. If you don't make it onto the ledge, go back and try again. If necessary, you may wish to reload your saved game. (If the Arch-Vile attacks you when you're not invulnerable, you may take significant damage.) Once you're up inside this space in the southwest corner of the room, move west/northwest to interpose the corner of the wall between you and the Arch-Vile to prevent further attacks. Now look for a semi-camouflaged door in the northwest corner of this small "cubbyhole" you're in. It will open when Activated if you have the yellow key. Behind this door is another door, requiring a red key. Open that door to find another door ahead and to the right. With the blue key you can open this door, which reveals the blood-red "secret exit" chamber. Stepping into this chamber ends the mission and then takes you to level 32 in TEETH.WAD. (Note that crossing the threshold of this chamber door counts as 25% of the Secrets attainable on this level.)


Kill the Arch-Vile monster (and the Imp hovering in the air above it), and then look for a switch at the end of the passage (on the northwest wall, behind where the Arch-Vile was). Activate this switch, and an elevator-like section of the wall to your right will drop down momentarily. Get on before it rises up again. When it rises to the top, turn right to face a switch next to you on the southeast wall. (This opens the regular-exit door at the top of the staircase.) Now turn and walk northwest into a tiny square chamber. On the southwest wall is a switch. Activate it, and the floor just outside this chamber will drop down again, allowing you out and back down into the room with the staircase. Follow the stairs up to the now-open door at the top. The regular-exit chamber lies ahead. Step in to end the mission and resume the game on the next map: level 16 in your local DOOM II Wad file.

PC Doom 2 players can click here to access a demo showing how to find the exits on this level.

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