geeM: Solve Generalized Estimating Equations (original) (raw)

GEE estimation of the parameters in mean structures with possible correlation between the outcomes. User-specified mean link and variance functions are allowed, along with observation weighting. The 'M' in the name 'geeM' is meant to emphasize the use of the Matrix package, which allows for an implementation based fully in R.

Version: 0.10.1
Depends: Matrix
Imports: stats, methods
Suggests: geepack, testthat, MuMIn
Published: 2018-06-18
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.geeM
Author: Lee McDaniel [aut, cre], Nick Henderson [aut], Melanie Prague [ctb] (Suggested code to fix weighting)
Maintainer: Lee McDaniel
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Citation: geeM citation info
In views: MixedModels
CRAN checks: geeM results



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