polySegratioMM citation info (original) (raw)

To cite package 'polySegratioMM' in publications use:

Baker, P., Jackson, P., Aitken, K. (2010). “Bayesian estimation of marker dosage in sugarcane and other autopolyploids.”TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 120, 1653–1672.doi:10.1007/s00122-010-1283-z, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-010-1283-z.

Baker PJ (2018).polySegratioMM Bayesian mixture models for marker dosage in autopolyploids. R package version 0.6-4.

Corresponding BibTeX entries:

@Article{, title = {Bayesian estimation of marker dosage in sugarcane and other autopolyploids}, author = {{Baker} and {P.} and {Jackson} and {P.} and {Aitken} and {K.}}, journal = {TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics}, year = {2010}, volume = {120}, pages = {1653--1672}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-010-1283-z}, doi = {10.1007/s00122-010-1283-z}, }

@Manual{, title = {polySegratioMM Bayesian mixture models for marker dosage in autopolyploids}, author = {Peter J Baker}, year = {2018}, note = {R package version 0.6-4}, }