sn: The Skew-Normal and Related Distributions Such as the Skew-t and the SUN (original) (raw)

Build and manipulate probability distributions of the skew-normal family and some related ones, notably the skew-t and the SUN families. For the skew-normal and the skew-t distributions, statistical methods are provided for data fitting and model diagnostics, in the univariate and the multivariate case.

Version: 2.1.1
Depends: R (≥ 3.0.0), methods, stats4
Imports: mnormt (≥ 2.0.0), numDeriv, utils, quantreg
Suggests: R.rsp
Published: 2023-04-04
DOI: 10.32614/
Author: Adelchi Azzalini ORCID iD [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Adelchi Azzalini <adelchi.azzalini at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
Citation: sn citation info
Materials: NEWS
In views: Distributions
CRAN checks: sn results



Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: enveomics.R, goft, MCMCtreeR
Reverse imports: abtest, ALDqr, asymmetry.measures, atRisk, BayesMultiMode, blapsr, bssn, Compositional, distdichoR, ExtremalDep, facmodCS, facmodTS, fAssets, fMultivar, fmx, GeoModels, holi, ICAOD, lancor, latent2likert, MAINT.Data, mateable, matrisk, MNARclust, mvdalab, npboottprm, ordgam, parfm, parTimeROC, pema, proteus, QuadratiK, RFlocalfdr, Rgbp, Rlgt, robmed, rSHAPE, sampsizeval, scdtb, SGP, SHELF, SMARTp, SPreg, ssmn, ssmodels, stochvolTMB, TFisher, ThermalSampleR, TSMSN, VarReg
Reverse suggests: BLCOP, COMIX, DepthProc, EvidenceSynthesis, extras, fCopulae, fic, fitteR, inlabru, MetricGraph, mi, mlpwr, modnets, param2moment, PointedSDMs, qrmtools, rSPDE, skewMLRM, snem, ssym, stuart, symmetry, tclust


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