tidyrules: Utilities to Retrieve Rulelists from Model Fits, Filter, Prune, Reorder and Predict on Unseen Data (original) (raw)

Provides a framework to work with decision rules. Rules can be extracted from supported models, augmented with (custom) metrics using validation data, manipulated using standard dataframe operations, reordered and pruned based on a metric, predict on unseen (test) data. Utilities include; Creating a rulelist manually, Exporting a rulelist as a SQL case statement and so on. The package offers two classes; rulelist and ruleset based on dataframe.

Version: 0.2.7
Depends: R (≥ 3.6.0)
Imports: stringr (≥ 1.3.1), magrittr (≥ 1.5), purrr (≥ 0.3.2), partykit (≥ 1.2.2), rlang (≥ 1.1.3), generics (≥ 0.1.3), checkmate (≥ 2.3.1), tidytable (≥ 0.11.0), data.table (≥ 1.14.6), DescTools (≥ 0.99.54), MetricsWeighted (≥ 1.0.3), cli (≥ 3.6.2), glue (≥ 1.7.0), pheatmap (≥ 1.0.12), proxy (≥ 0.4.27), tibble (≥ 3.2.1)
Suggests: AmesHousing (≥ 0.0.3), dplyr (≥ 0.8), C50 (≥ 0.1.2), Cubist (≥ 0.2.2), rpart (≥ 1.2.2), rpart.plot (≥ 3.0.7), modeldata (≥ 0.0.1), testthat (≥ 2.0.1), MASS (≥ 7.3.50), mlbench (≥ 2.1.1), rmarkdown (≥ 1.13), palmerpenguins (≥ 0.1.1)
Published: 2024-06-29
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.tidyrules
Author: Srikanth Komala Sheshachala [aut, cre], Amith Kumar Ullur Raghavendra [aut]
Maintainer: Srikanth Komala Sheshachala <sri.teach at gmail.com>
BugReports: https://github.com/talegari/tidyrules/issues
License: GPL-3
URL: https://github.com/talegari/tidyrules,https://talegari.github.io/tidyrules/
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: tidyrules results




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