NEWS (original) (raw)
# webr version 0.1.5
- Bug-fixed
- CRAN release
# webr version 0.1.4
- Bug-fixed
# webr version 0.1.3
- new functions for chisqure test added : x2summary(), x2Table()
# webr version 0.1.2
- new function transparent(), gg_color_hue(), makeSubcolor() added
- new function PieDonut() added
# webr version 0.1.1
- new functions freqTable() and myFreqTable() added
- new functions numSummary() and numSummaryTable() added
- dictionary file dicTable added
- new function langchoice1() added
# webr version 0.1.0
- new function plot.htest() added
- new functions rens.text() and cox.stuart.test() added