Apus, the Bird of Paradise (original) (raw)
Apus is one of twelve southern constellations mapped by Dutch explorer Frederick de Houtman and navigator Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser in 1595-97, and formed into constellations by Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius. Plancius called it Paradysvogel Apis Indica, "Paradysvogel" meaning "Bird of Paradise", and "Apis" meaning "footless" (early specimens of the birds having had their feet and wings removed); this was shortened to Apis Indica by Bayer, and subsequent atlases used various corruptions of the name.
Historical Maps of Apus
From Bayer's 1603 Uranometria
(Image from the USNO copy of the 1661 edition of Bayer's Uranometria)
From Bode's 1801 Uranographia
(Image Credit and © Tartu Observatory Virtual Museum; used by permission)
Modern Map of Apus
Wikimedia Commons map by IAU and Sky & Telescope magazine (Roger Sinnott & Rick Fienberg)
Constellations Bordering Apus
Ara, Centaurus, Chamaeleon, Musca, Octans, Pavo, Triangulum Australe Stars in Apus
None of the stars in Apus had names at the time it was created. Right ascension and declination are given in 2000.0 coordinates. α Aps β Aps γ Aps δ Aps ε Aps