The Analects - Chinese Text Project (original) (raw)

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[Also known as: "The Analects of Confucius", "The Confucian Analects"]

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ICS Lunyu

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1. 學而 - Xue Er

2. 為政 - Wei Zheng
3. 八佾 - Ba Yi
4. 里仁 - Li Ren
5. 公冶長 - Gong Ye Chang

6. 雍也 - Yong Ye
7. 述而 - Shu Er
8. 泰伯 - Tai Bo
9. 子罕 - Zi Han
10. 鄉黨 - Xiang Dang
11. 先進 - Xian Jin
12. 顏淵 - Yan Yuan
13. 子路 - Zi Lu
14. 憲問 - Xian Wen
15. 衛靈公 - Wei Ling Gong
16. 季氏 - Ji Shi
17. 陽貨 - Yang Huo
18. 微子 - Wei Zi

19. 子張 - Zi Zhang
20. 堯曰 - Yao Yue


Source: "The Chinese Classics, volume 1", James Legge, 1861

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URN: ctp:analects