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Latest updates (最新消息)Announcements about improvements and changes to the Chinese Text Project website. 91 RSS哈佛燕京圖書館歷代中文文獻已收錄 Harvard Yenching Library Chinese materials added Support for Unicode 8.0 adds new characters
Textual issues (原典議題)Texts, accuracy, provenance 1664 RSSShould 乘 be 承? 校勘 斷句錯
Linguistic issues (語言學議題)Grammar, literal interpretation 357 RSS祇說不做,古文見 格手.《漢語大詞典》拾遺之八 Inscription
Historical issues (歷史議題)Context, people, events 43 RSS尋找各朝代官吏死後家裡卻沒錢安葬的人物。 先秦妇女地位 《千字文釋句》中關於莫邪的商榷
Philosophical issues (哲學議題)Ideas expressed in the texts 214 RSS具哲學意義的詩、今譯文之一 「不患人之不己知,患不知人也。」 以快樂之要素為首
Chinese Text Project (中國哲學書電子化計劃)The site and software 2448 RSS漢字標凖化字表更新 建议出土文献部分增加帛书《周易》、阜阳汉简《周易》 [分段符號「<p>」與分行符號「|」的區別與使用:換行符號、分行符號「
What's new in Ancient China? (先秦新聞)Announcements and discussion of new books, conferences, papers, websites, etc. 49 RSS孔子自己也「狎大人」 孔圣人两次差点失足 清華大學藏戰國竹簡新信息?
Translations (原典翻譯)Suggestion and discussion of original translations of passages of texts. Completed translations may be added to the database. 263 RSS關於數字和表格的呈現方式? 簡單修改完成,而另一處卻沒有變化。 關於《關雎》的釋義
Other topics (其它議題)Other relevant discussion 683 RSS合體字查閱的問題之二 標點符號建議 合體字查閱的問題之一

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