Mengzi - Chinese Text Project (original) (raw)

[Also known as: "The Works of Mencius"]

梁惠王上 - Liang Hui Wang I
梁惠王下 - Liang Hui Wang II
公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I
公孫丑下 - Gong Sun Chou II
滕文公上 - Teng Wen Gong I

滕文公下 - Teng Wen Gong II
離婁上 - Li Lou I
離婁下 - Li Lou II
萬章上 - Wan Zhang I
萬章下 - Wan Zhang II
告子上 - Gaozi I
告子下 - Gaozi II
盡心上 - Jin Xin I
盡心下 - Jin Xin II


Source: "The Works of Mencius", James Legge, Clarendon, 1985

Digital base text [?]

A scanned version of the manuscript to which the digital edition of this text should conform is available in the Chinese Text Project Library. The Chinese Text Project edition of this text shown above is intended to follow the specified scanned source text in the Library section of the site except where explicitly noted. If you find any discrepancies, please report them so that they can be corrected.

[Versions of this work]

URN: ctp:mengzi