British Petroleum | это... Что такое British Petroleum? (original) (raw)
British Petroleum
Wikimedia Foundation.2010.
Смотреть что такое "British Petroleum" в других словарях:
- British Petroleum — BP (entreprise) Pour les articles homonymes, voir BP. Logo de BP Créat … Wikipédia en Français
- British Petroleum — Unternehmensform Aktiengesellschaft Gegründet 1917 Hauptsitz London … Deutsch Wikipedia
- British Petroleum Company p. l. c., The — [ȓə brɪtɪʃpɪ trəʊljəm kʌmpənɪ pʌblɪk lɪmɪtɪd kʌmpənɪ], Abkürzung BP [bɪ pɪ], einer der bedeutendsten Erdöl und Petrochemiekonzerne der Erde; gegründet 1909 als Anglo Persian Oil Company Limited (später: Anglo Iranian Oil Company Limited), seit… … Universal-Lexikon
- British Petroleum — ➡ BP * * * … Universalium
- Petroleum Development Oman — Petroleum Development of Oman PDO شركة تنمية نفط عمان Type Government owned corporation Industry Oil Gas Founded 1925 (as Petroleum Development of Oman and Dhofar ) 1967 (as Petroleum Development Oman ) Headquarters … Wikipedia
- Petroleum in Nigeria — The extraction and drilling of petroleum in Nigeria is the largest industry and main generator of GDP in the West African nation which is also the continent s most populous. Since the British discovered oil in the Niger Delta in the late 1950s,… … Wikipedia
- Petroleum industry in Nigeria — The petroleum industry in Nigeria is the largest industry and main generator of GDP in the West African nation which is also the continent s most populous. Since the British discovered oil in the Niger Delta in the late 1950s, the oil industry… … Wikipedia
- Petroleum politics — Argentine president Néstor Kirchner and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez discuss the Gran Gasoducto del Suran energy and trade integration project for South America. They met on November 21, 2005 in Venezuela. Petroleum politics have been an… … Wikipedia
- Petroleum industry in Azerbaijan — Onshore oil fields in Azerbaijan. Offshore oil fields in Azerbaijan … Wikipedia
- Petroleum industry — The distribution of oil and gas reserves among the world s 50 largest oil companies. The reserves of the privately owned companies are grouped together. The oil produced by the supermajor companies accounts for less than 15% of the total world… … Wikipedia