The Yankee Doodle Boy | это... Что такое The Yankee Doodle Boy? (original) (raw)

The Yankee Doodle Boy

Янки-дудл (Yankee-Doodle) — национальная песня в США, в настоящее время понимаемая в патриотическом ключе (хотя первоначально возникшая в качестве юмористической). Так же является гимном штата Коннектикут.[1]

В высшей степени тривиальная мелодия этой песни была будто бы известна в Англии во времена Карла I под названием «Nankey-Doodle» и пелась королевскими кавалеристами в насмешку над Кромвелем. Во время колониальной войны с французами в июне 1755 года эта песня была перенесена английскими войсками в Северную Америку, новый текст, как считается, был сочинён полковым врачом Ричардом Шакбергом (Richard Shuckburgh) и выражал насмешливое отношение британских офицеров к североамериканским (местным) новобранцам. В дальнейшем текст песни неоднократно переписывался.

Текст песни

Полный текст песни, в том виде, который известен сейчас:[2]

Fath’r and I went down to camp,

Along with Cap’n Goodin',

And there we saw the men and boys

As thick as hasty puddin'.


Yankee Doodle keep it up,

Yankee Doodle dandy,

Mind the music and the step,

And with the girls be handy.

And there we saw a thousand men

As rich as Squire David,

And what they wasted every day,

I wish it could be saved.


The 'lasses they eat it every day,

Would keep a house a winter;

They have so much, that I’ll be bound,

They eat it when they’ve mind ter.


And there I see a swamping gun

Large as a log of maple,

Upon a deuced little cart,

A load for father’s cattle.


And every time they shoot it off,

It takes a horn of powder,

and makes a noise like father’s gun,

Only a nation louder.


I went as nigh to one myself

As 'Siah’s inderpinning;

And father went as nigh again,

I thought the deuce was in him.


Cousin Simon grew so bold,

I thought he would have cocked it;

It scared me so I shrinked it off

And hung by father’s pocket.


And Cap’n Davis had a gun,

He kind of clapt his hand on’t

And stuck a crooked stabbing iron

Upon the little end on’t


And there I see a pumpkin shell

As big as mother’s bason,

And every time they touched it off

They scampered like the nation.


I see a little barrel too,

The heads were made of leather;

They knocked on it with little clubs

And called the folks together.


And there was Cap’n Washington,

And gentle folks about him;

They say he’s grown so 'tarnal proud

He will not ride without em'.


He got him on his meeting clothes,

Upon a slapping stallion;

He sat the world along in rows,

In hundreds and in millions.


The flaming ribbons in his hat,

They looked so tearing fine, ah,

I wanted dreadfully to get

To give to my Jemima.


I see another snarl of men

A digging graves they told me,

So 'tarnal long, so 'tarnal deep,

They 'tended they should hold me.


It scared me so, I hooked it off,

Nor stopped, as I remember,

Nor turned about till I got home,

Locked up in mother’s chamber.


Gen. George P. Morris


  1. STATE OF CONNECTICUT, Sites º Seals º Symbols; Connecticut State Register & Manual; retrieved on May 23, 2008
  2. Gen. George P. Morris — «Original Yankee Words», The Patriotic Anthology, Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc. publishers, 1941. Introduction by Carl Van Doren. Literary Guild of America, Inc., New York N.Y.


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