Using a data table widget in a CloudWatch dashboard (original) (raw)

Table properties

A data table has a default set of properties that don’t require any changes to be made to the options or source. These properties include a sticky label column, all summary columns enabled, datapoints rounded, and their units converted.

Each data table widget can have the following properties. The information about each property includes how to configure it in the JSON source of the dashboard. For more information about dashboard JSON, see Dashboard Body Structure and Syntax.


Summary columns are a new property introduced with the data table widget. These columns are a specific subset of summaries of your current table. For example, the Sum summary is a sum of all displayed datapoints in its row. The summary columns are not the same as CloudWatch statistics. Represented in source as:

 "table": {
        "summaryColumns": [


Use this to apply thresholds to your table. When a data point falls within a threshold, its cell is highlighted with the threshold color. Represented in source as:

"annotations": {
    "horizontal": [
            "label": string,
            "value": int,
            "fill": "above" | "below"

Unit in label column

To display what unit is associated with the metric, you can enable this option to display the unit in the label column beside the label. Represented in source as:

"yAxis": {
    "left": {
        "showUnits": true | false

Invert rows and columns

This transforms the table so that the datapoints swap from columns to rows, and the metrics become columns. Represented in source as:

 "table": {
    "layout": "vertical" | "horizontal"

Sticky summary columns

This makes the summary columns sticky, so that they remain in view while you scroll. The label is already sticky. Represented in source as:

"table": {
    "stickySummary": true | false

Display only summary columns

This prevents the columns of datapoints from being displayed, so that only the label and summary columns are displayed. Represented in source as:

 "table": {
    "showTimeSeriesData": false | true

Live data

Displays the most recent data point, even if it is not yet fully aggregated. Represented in source as:

"liveData": true | false

Number widget format

Displays as many digits as can fit in the cell, before rounding and converting. Represented in source as:

"singleValueFullPrecision": true | false