Links - Win32 apps (original) (raw)

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This design guide was created for Windows 7 and has not been updated for newer versions of Windows. Much of the guidance still applies in principle, but the presentation and examples do not reflect our current design guidance.

With a link, users can navigate to another page, window, or Help topic; display a definition; initiate a command; or choose an option. A link is text or a graphic that indicates that it can be clicked, typically by being displayed using the visited or unvisited link system colors. Traditionally, links are underlined as well, but that approach is often unnecessary and falling out of favor to reduce visual clutter.

When users hover over a link, the link text appears as underlined (if it wasn't already) and the pointer shape changes to a hand.

A text link is the lightest weight clickable control, and is often used to reduce the visual complexity of a design.

Is this the right control?

To decide, consider these questions:

Design concepts

Making links recognizable

Links lack affordance, which means their visual properties don't suggest how they are used and are understood only through experience. Links without an underline and link system colors appear as normal text; the only way to ascertain their behavior is from their presentation, their context, or by positioning the pointer over them.

Surprisingly, this lack of affordance is often a motivation for using links because they appear so lightweight, thereby reducing the visual complexity of a design. Links eliminate the visually heavy frame used by command buttons and border used by other controls. For example, while you might use command buttons to make primary commands obvious, you might choose links for secondary commands to de-emphasize them.

The challenge is then to keep enough visual clues so users can recognize the links. The fundamental guideline is users must be able to recognize links by visual inspection alone they shouldn't have to hover over an object or click it to determine if it is a link.

Users can recognize a link by visual inspection alone if the link uses the link system colors and at least one of the following visual clues:

Users can also recognize a link by visual inspection with the following visual clues, but these clues aren't sufficient by themselves:

Of course, users can always determine a link through interaction either hovering or clicking. If discovery of a link isn't required for any significant tasks, you can de-emphasize such links.

screen shot of gray labels on black background

In this example, Contact Us, Terms of Use, Trademarks, and Privacy Statement are links. They are intentionally de-emphasized because they aren't required for any important tasks. The only clues that they are links are that they have a mouse pointer on hover and are positioned in a standard navigation area at the bottom of the window.

Making links specific, relevant, and predictable

Link text should indicate the result of clicking on the link.

Specific links are more compelling to users than general links, so use link labels that give specific descriptive information about the result of clicking on the link. However, make sure that your link text isn't so specific that it is misleading and discourages proper use.

Concise links are more likely to be read than verbose links. Eliminate unnecessary text and detail. Link labels don't have to be comprehensive.

To evaluate your link text:

If you do only two things...

  1. Make links discoverable by visual inspection alone. Users shouldn't have to interact with your program to find links.
  2. Use links that give specific descriptive information about the result of clicking on the link, using as much text as necessary. Users should be able to accurately predict the result of a link from its link text and optional infotip.

Usage patterns

Links have several functional patterns:

Usage Example
Navigation links A link used to navigate to another page or window. Clicking the link navigates inplace to another page, as in a browser window or wizard; or displays a new window. In contrast to task links, the navigation doesn't initiate a task but simply navigates to another place or proceeds with a task already in progress. Navigation implies safety because the user can always go back. News headlines In this example, clicking the link navigates to the News headlines page.
Task links A link used to initiate a new command. Clicking the link either performs a command immediately, or displays a dialog box or page to gather more input. In contrast to navigation links, task links initiate a new task instead of continuing with an existing task. Tasks don't imply safetyusers can't revert to the previous state with a Back command. Task links are so called to prevent confusion with command links. Login In this example, clicking the link initiates a login command.
Help links A text link used to display a Help topic. Clicking the link displays a Help article in a separate window. What is a strong password? In this example, clicking the link displays a Help window with the given topic.
Definition links a text link used to display a definition in an infotip when the user clicks on or hovers over the link. this pattern is useful for defining terms that may not be known to your users without adding screen clutter. screen shot of infotip displayed by mouse hover In this example, the infotip definition is displayed.
Menu links a set of task links used to create a menu. because the context of the menu indicates a set of links, the text is usually not underlined (except on hover) and might not use the link system colors. screen shot of a set of links In this example, a set of links creates a menu.
Option links a selected option or its placeholder, where clicking the link invokes a command to change that option. unlike regular text links, the link changes its text to reflect the currently selected option and is always drawn using the unvisited link color. screen shot of a rule in outlook rules wizard the example on the left shows a rule from the microsoft outlook rules wizard with placeholder options. after users click the links and select some options, the right-hand example updates the link text to show the results. using option links is particularly suitable if the options have a variable format. screen shot of a modified rule in the rules wizard the example on the right shows that outlook rules have a variable format. screen shot of how text changes to drop-down list The example on the left shows an option link. It becomes a drop-down list when selected, as shown on the right.

Links also have several presentation patterns:

Usage Example
Plain text links consist only of text. this presentation is the most flexible because it can be used anywhere, including inline. screen shot of blue link text In this example, the text color clearly identifies an inline link.
Text with icon links text with a preceding icon that indicates its function. because the graphic provides an additional visual indication of a link, it is easier to recognize as a link than a plain text link that isn't underlined. this pattern typically uses a 16x16 pixel icon. screen shot of list of four links with icons in this example, the icons provide an additional visual indication of a link. screen shot of play command with small triangle In this example, the standard triangular Play symbol indicates that this text is a command.
Graphics-only links consist only of a graphic. given the lack of a text link, there is no link color or underline to indicate the link. these links depend on either the graphic design to suggest clicking, or text within the graphic that suggests an action when users click. graphic-only links sometimes have a mouse over effect to indicate the link. this approach helps, but isn't discoverable by visual inspection alone. screen shot of icon with link-select mouse pointer In this example, the link isn't discoverable by visual inspection alone. Due to their potential recognition and localization problems, graphics-only links are not recommended as the only way to perform a task.






screen shot of icon preceding text


screen shot of icon following text

In the incorrect example, the icon doesn't lead into the text.


Navigation links

Task links

Help links

For guidelines and examples, see Help.

Link infotips

For more guidelines and examples, see Tooltips and Infotips.


When referring to links:

Example: To start the scan, click Scan a computer.


Additional resources

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