12.9 Expanding Top-Level Forms (original) (raw)

12.9 Expanding Top-Level Forms🔗

Expands all non-primitive syntax in top-level-form, and returns a syntax object for the expanded form that contains only core forms, matching the grammar specified by Fully Expanded Programs.

Before top-level-form is expanded, its lexical context is enriched with namespace-syntax-introduce, just as foreval. Use syntax->datum to convert the returned syntax object into a printable datum.

If insp is not the original code inspector (i.e., the value of (current-code-inspector) when Racket starts), then the result syntax object is tainted.

Here’s an example of using expand on a module:

Here’s an example of using expand on a non-top-level form:

Changed in version of package base: Added the insp argument and tainting.

Like (expand stx insp), except that the argument must be asyntax object, and its lexical context is not enriched before expansion.

Changed in version of package base: Added the insp argument and tainting.

Partially expands top-level-form and returns a syntax object for the partially-expanded expression. Due to limitations in the expansion mechanism, some context information may be lost. In particular, calling expand-once on the result may produce a result that is different from expansion via expand.

Before top-level-form is expanded, its lexical context is enriched with namespace-syntax-introduce, as foreval.

The insp argument determines whether the result istainted, the same as for expand.

Changed in version of package base: Added the insp argument and tainting.

Like (expand-once stx), except that the argument must be a syntax object, and its lexical context is not enriched before expansion.

Changed in version of package base: Added the insp argument and tainting.

Partially expands top-level-form to reveal the outermost syntactic form. This partial expansion is mainly useful for detecting top-level uses of begin. Unlike the result ofexpand-once, expanding the result ofexpand-to-top-form with expand produces the same result as using expand on the original syntax.

Before stx-or-sexpr is expanded, its lexical context is enriched with namespace-syntax-introduce, as foreval.

The insp argument determines whether the result istainted, the same as for expand.

Changed in version of package base: Added the insp argument and tainting.

Like (expand-to-top-form stx), except that the argument must be a syntax object, and its lexical context is not enriched before expansion.

Changed in version of package base: Added the insp argument and tainting.

12.9.1 Information on Expanded Modules🔗

Information for an expanded module declaration is stored in a set of syntax properties (see Syntax Object Properties) attached to the syntax object:

Changed in version 7.0 of package base: Removed 'module-variable-provides,'module-syntax-provides,'module-indirect-provides, and 'module-indirect-for-meta-providesproperties.