3.16 Guarded Evaluation: when and unless (original) (raw)

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3.16 Guarded Evaluation: when and unless🔗

+Effects If...: when and unless in The Racket Guide introduces when and unless.


(when test-expr body ...+)

Evaluates test-expr. If the result is #f, then the result of the when expression is#. Otherwise, the bodys are evaluated, and the last body is in tail position with respect to thewhen form.


> (when (positive? -5) (display "hi"))
> (when (positive? 5) (display "hi") (display " there"))
hi there


(unless test-expr body ...+)

Equivalent to (when (not test-expr) body ...+).


> (unless (positive? 5) (display "hi"))
> (unless (positive? -5) (display "hi") (display " there"))
hi there

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