1996 �. \ ������� \ �����������\ �� ������� ����������� (original) (raw)

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������* \\ ������ �.�., �������� �.�., �������� �.�., �������� �.�. ������ MnSb2S4-����� ������� �� ������������� ������������� �������������: (����) // ����. 1996. ����� 125. ������ 3, ���. 95-101

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������_������� \\ Stamatakis, M.G., Hall, A., Hein, J.R. (1996) The zeolite deposits of Greece. Mineralium Deposita: 31(6): 473-481.


-���������� -����� ������� \\ Ridkosil, T., Sejkora, J., Srein, V. (1996): Smrkovecite, monoclinic Bi2O(OH)(PO4), a new mineral of the atelestite group. Neues Jahrb.Mineral., Mh., 1996, 97-102.


���������������� ����

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��������� \ Gwihabaite - ����� ������� \\ Martini, J.E.J. (1996) Gwihabaite - (NH4,K)NO3, orthorhombic, a new mineral from the Gcwihaba Cave, Botswana. Bulletin of the South African Speleological Association: 36: 19-21.

��������. �����, �� ����� (���. ����) \\ Wall, F., Williams, C. T., Woolley, A. R., & Nasraoui, M. (1996). Pyrochlore from weathered carbonatite at Lueshe, Zaire. Mineralogical Magazine, 60(402), 731-750.

��������� * \ Wesselsite (TL) SrCuSi4O10 \\ Wessels Mine, Hotazel, Kalahari manganese field, Northern Cape, South Africa

- Giester, G., & Rieck, B. (1996). Wesselsite, SrCu [Si4Olo], a further new gillespite-group mineral from the Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa. Mineralogical Magazine, 60, 795-798.;


Вестланд, Нов. Зеландия \\ Westland District, West Coast Region, New Zealand

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�������� �������


- Wilson, B.S. (1996) A new occurrence of spinel from Arctic Canada. Program Notes, 23rd Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, Rochester, New York, April 18-21, 1996. \\ MacDonald Island, Baffin Island

- JAMBOR, J.L., ROBERTS, A.C., OWENS, D.R., & GRICE, J.D. (1996) Zajacite-(Ce), a new rare-earth fluoride from the Strange Lake deposit, Quebec-Labrador. Canadian Mineralogist, 34, 1299-1304.


- ������ \\ Currie, K.L. and Van Breemen, O. (1996) The origin of rare minerals in the Kipawa syenite complex, western Quebec. Canadian Mineralogist, 34, 435-451.

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-��������������� (���) \\ ���-������� \\ Hawthorne, F.C., Oberti, R., Ottolini, L., Foord, E.E. (1996) Lithium-bearing fluor-arfvedsonite from Hurricane Mountain, New Hampshire: a crystal-chemical study. The Canadian Mineralogist: 34: 1015-1019.


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- ����������������� \ Calcioaravaipaite (TL) \\ Kampf, A.R. & E.E. Foord (1996), Calcioaravaipaite a new mineral and associated lead fluoride minerals from the Grand Reef Mine, Graham County, Arizona. Mineralogical Record: 27: 293-300;

���-������� \\ Northrop, Stuart A., LaBruzza, F.A. (1996)�_Minerals of New Mexico_�(3rd ed.) University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, NM.


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England, B.M. (1996) Zeolites and associated Minerals from Borambil, New South Wales, Australia. Australian Journal of Mineralogy, Vol.2:1, 11-20.\\ ������� \ ����� ����� ����� \

Giester, G., & Rieck, B. (1996). Wesselsite, SrCu [Si4Olo], a further new gillespite-group mineral from the Kalahari Manganese Field, South Africa. Mineralogical Magazine, 60, 795-798. \ ��������, �. ������

Grapes, R., Palmer, K. (1996) (Ruby—Sapphire)—Chromian Mica—Tourmaline Rocks from Westland, New Zealand. Journal of Petrology, 37(2), 293-315. \ ����� �������� \ ����� ������

Holfert J., Mroch W., Fuller J. (1996) A Field Guide to Topaz and Associated Minerals of the Thomas Range, Utah (Topaz Mountain), Vol I, HM Publishing, 103 pp. \\ �����-������, ���:

JAMBOR, J.L., ROBERTS, A.C., OWENS, D.R., & GRICE, J.D. (1996) Zajacite-(Ce), a new rare-earth fluoride from the Strange Lake deposit, Quebec-Labrador. Canadian Mineralogist, 34, 1299-1304. \ �������-Ce * - ����� ������� (1996)\ ������� ����������-(Ce) Zajacite-(Ce) is a synonym of Gagarinite-(Ce). (2023)

Kampf, A.R. & E.E. Foord (1996), Calcioaravaipaite a new mineral and associated lead fluoride minerals from the Grand Reef Mine, Graham County, Arizona. Mineralogical Record: 27: 293-300;

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Raade, G. (1996) Minerals originally described from Norway. Including notes on type material. Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift: 11: 104 pp. + plates 1-7.

Ridkosil, T., Sejkora, J., Srein, V. (1996): Smrkovecite, monoclinic Bi2O(OH)(PO4), a new mineral of the atelestite group. Neues Jahrb.Mineral., Mh., 1996, 97-102.

Smith, Arthur E., Jr. (1996): Collecting Arkansas Minerals. L. Ream Publishing, Idaho, 149 pp.

Stamatakis, M.G., Hall, A., Hein, J.R. (1996) The zeolite deposits of Greece. Mineralium Deposita: 31(6): 473-481.

Wall, F., Williams, C. T., Woolley, A. R., & Nasraoui, M. (1996). Pyrochlore from weathered carbonatite at Lueshe, Zaire. Mineralogical Magazine, 60(402), 731-750.

Weise, C., publisher (1996) Pyrit und Markasit, extraLapis No. 11: Das eiserne Uberall-Mineral. Weise-Verlag, Munchen. \\ ����� � ��������

Wilson, B.S. (1996) A new occurrence of spinel from Arctic Canada. Program Notes, 23rd Rochester Mineralogical Symposium, Rochester, New York, April 18-21, 1996.

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