Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 (original) (raw)



March 14, 1879 – April 16, 1955

Authorized Form of Name

Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955



Albert Einstein was a Nobel Prize winner and Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study (1932-1955). Other institutional affiliations include the University of Berlin and the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich. His research interests included special and general relativity and unified theory.

Important Dates

March 14, 1879Birth, Ulm (Germany).

1896 – 1900Obtained Teaching Diploma, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zurich (Switzerland).

1902 – 1909Technical Expert, Third Class (1902-1906) and Technical Expert, Second Class (1906-1909), Eidgenössisches Institut für Geistiges Eigentum (Switzerland), Swiss Patent Office, Bern, Bern (Switzerland).

1905Obtained PhD in Physics, University of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland).

1908 – 1909Lecturer, University of Bern, Bern (Switzerland).

1909 – 1911Extraordinary Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland).

1911 – 1912Professor of Theoretical Physics, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland).

1911 – 1912Professor of Theoretical Physics, German University in Prague (Univerzita Karlova).

1914 – 1933Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Berlin (Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin), Berlin (Germany).

1921Awarded Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".

1931 – 1933Visiting Professor, California Institute of Technology.

1932 – 1955Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton (N.J.).

1942Member, National Academy of Sciences.

1946 – 1951Chair, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists.

April 16, 1955Death, Princeton (N.J.).


Theoretical physicist.



Ulm (Germany)

Undergraduate Education

Zurich (Switzerland)

Graduate Education

Zurich (Switzerland)


Bern (Switzerland)

Berlin (Germany)

Princeton (N.J.)


Princeton (N.J.)


Field theory (Physics).

General relativity (Physics).


Philosophy and science.



Quantum theory.

Special relativity (Physics).

Statistical mechanics.

Theoretical physics.



Advisors & Collaborators

Bergmann, Peter Gabriel

Advised by Einstein while post-doc at Princeton University.

Haas, Wander Johannes de, 1878-1957

Advised by Einstein while post-doc at Kaiser Wilhelm Institut, Berlin.

Infeld, Leopold, 1898-1968

Advised by Einstein while post-doc.

Lanczos, Cornelius

Advised by Einstein while research scientist at Kaiser Wilhelm Institut, Berlin.

Stern, Otto, 1888-1969

Advised by Einstein while post-doc at University of Zurich.


Arnowitt, Richard

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Bargmann, V. (Valentine), 1908-1989

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Brueckner, Keith A.

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Case, Kenneth M.

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Charney, Jule G.

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Cooper, Leon N. (Leon Neil), 1930-

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Deser, S. (Stanley)

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

DeWitt, Bryce S. (Bryce Seligman), 1923-2004

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Dyson, Freeman J.

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Feenberg, Eugene

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Gell-Mann, Murray

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Glauber, Roy J., 1925-

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Kinoshita, T. (Toichiro)

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Kraichnan, Robert H., 1928-2008

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study. Kraichnan was Assistant to Albert Einstein.

Kroll, Norman Myles, 1922-

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Lee, T. D., 1926-

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Low, Francis E. (Francis Eugene), 1921-2007

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Luttinger, Joaquin M.

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Merzbacher, Eugen

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Morse, Marston, 1892-1977

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Nambu, Yoichiro, 1921-2015

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1904-1967

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Segal, Irving Ezra

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Steinberger, J.

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Ulam, Stanislaw M.

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Von Neumann, John, 1903-1957

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Watson, Kenneth M.

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Weyl, Hermann, 1885-1955

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.

Yang, Chen Ning, 1922-

Both employed at the Institute for Advanced Study.


Alexander, Jerome, 1876-1959

Amrine, Milton Frederick, 1918-1974

Anshen, Ruth Nanda

Beck, Guido, 1903-1988

Bergmann, M. (Max)

Bloch, Felix, 1905-

Bohm, David, 1917-1992

Bohr, Niels, 1885-1962

Born, Max, 1882-1970

Bowen, Ira Sprague, 1898-1973

Brillouin, Léon, 1889-1969

Broglie, Louis de, 1892-1987

Burger, Herman Carel, 1893-1965

Casimir, H. B. G. (Hendrik Brugt Gerhard), 1909-2000

Cassel, Hans M.

Chadwick, James, 1891-1974

Cherwell, Frederick Alexander Lindemann, Viscount, 1886-1957

Clapp, Roger Edge, 1919-1990

Compton, Betty Charity McCloskey, 1916-

Condon, Edward Uhler, 1902-1974

Cope, Thomas D. (Thomas Darlington)

Cunningham, Ebenezer

Davidon, William C.

Debye, Peter J. W. (Peter Josef William), 1884-1966

Delbrück, Max

Dukas, Helen

Edelstein, Ludwig, 1902-1965

Ehrenfest, Paul, 1880-1933

Elsasser, Walter M., 1904-

Epstein, Paul S. (Paul Sophus), 1883-1966

Espenscheid, Lloyd

Everett, Hugh

Ewald, Paul Peter, 1888-1985

Feigl, Herbert

Feld, Bernard Taub, 1919-

Fokker, A. D. (Adriaan Daniël), 1887-1972

Fowler, William A.

Franck, James, 1882-1964

Frank, Philipp, 1884-1966

Freundlich, Erwin

Frisch, Otto Robert, 1904-

Gerlach, Walther, 1889-1979

Goudsmit, Samuel A. (Samuel Abraham), 1902-1978

Grosse, Aristid von, 1905-1985

Hale, George Ellery, 1868-1938

Halpern, Leopold

Heisenberg, Werner, 1901-1976

Heitler, Walter, 1904-

Hertz, Paul, b. 1881

Herzberger, Max, 1899-

Hevesy, Georg von, 1885-1966

Hilbert, David, 1862-1943

Hoffmann, Banesh, 1906-

Holton, Gerald James

Hoyt, Frank Clark, 1898-

Hull, Gordon Ferrie, 1870-

Ives, Frederic Eugene

Ives, Herbert Eugene, 1882-1953

Jordan, Pascual, 1902-1980

Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike, 1853-1926

Kemeny, John G.

Klein, Oskar

Kolin, Alexander

Korn, Arthur

Kramers, Hendrik Anthony, 1894-1952

Kronig, R. (Ralph), 1904-

Kursunoglu, Behram, 1922-

Lamarsh, John R.

Landé, Alfred, 1888-

Langevin, Jean

Langevin, Paul, 1872-1946

Laporte, Otto, 1902-1971

Lau, Ernst Gustav, 1893-

Laue, Max von, 1879-1960

Lenzen, Victor F. (Victor Fritz), 1890-1975

Levy, Herbert, 1881-

Lewis, Gilbert Newton, 1875-1946

Loeb, Leonard B. (Leonard Benedict), 1891-

Lorentz, H. A. (Hendrik Antoon), 1853-1928

Droste, Johannes

Margenau, Henry, 1901-1997

Mark, H. F. (Herman Francis), 1895-1992

Marshak, Robert E. (Robert Eugene), 1916-1992

McVittie, George C. (George Cunliffe)

Meissner, Walther, 1882-1974

Meitner, Lise, 1878-1968

Michelson, Albert A. (Albert Abraham), 1852-1931

Millikan, Robert Andrews, 1868-1953

Minkowski, Rudolph Leo Bernhard, 1895-1976

Natanson, Wladyslaw, 1864-1937

Nathan, Otto, 1893-1987

Nernst, Walther, 1864-1941

Nordheim, Lothar, 1899-

Novak, Taras Konstantinovich

Pais, Abraham, 1918-2000

Pauli, Wolfgang, 1900-1958

Pegram, George Braxton, 1876-1958

Perrin, Jean, 1870-1942

Planck, Max, 1858-1947

Pohl, Robert Wichard, 1884-1976

Polanyi, Michael, 1891-1976

Popper, Karl Raimund, Sir

Rabel, Gabriele

Rabinowitch, Eugene, 1901-1973

Randers, Gunnar, 1914-

Reiche, F. (Fritz), 1883-1969

Reichenbach, Hans

Richardson, O. W. (Owen Willans), 1879-1959

Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad, 1845-1923

Rosenfeld, L. (Leon), 1904-1974

Russell, Henry Norris, 1877-1957

Saha, Meghnad, 1893-1956

Schrödinger, Erwin, 1887-1961

Schwarzschild, K. (Karl), 1873-1916

Schwarzschild, Martin

Sciama, D. W. (Dennis William), 1926-

Severinghaus, Willard L. (Willard Lesly), 1882-1947

Shankland, Robert S., 1908-

Shapiro, Maurice M. (Maurice Mandel), 1915-

Simha, Robert, 1912-2008

Sommerfeld, Arnold, 1868-1951

Spitzer, Lyman, 1914-1997

Sponer, Hertha, 1895-1968

Stark, Johannes, 1874-1957

Swann, W. F. G. (William Francis Gray), 1884-1962

Szilard, Leo

Tamm, I. E. (Igor' Evgen'evich), 1895-1971

Taub, A. H., 1911-1999

Taylor, Geoffrey Ingram, 1886-1975

Tolman, Richard C. (Richard Chace), 1881-1948

Ullmo, Jean

Urey, Harold Clayton, 1893-1981

Van de Kamp, Peter, 1901-1995

Veblen, Oswald, 1880-1960

Von Kármán, Theodore, 1881-1963

Weizmann, Chaim,

Weizsacker, Carl Friedrich, Freiherr von, 1912-2007

Wentzel, Gregor, 1898-1978

Wesselink, Adriaan Jan, 1909-1995

Wien, W. (Wilhelm), 1864-1928

Wigner, Eugene Paul, 1902-1995

Wilson, Edwin Bidwell, 1879-1964

Wilson, J. Tuzo, (John Tuzo), 1908-1993

Wilson, W. (William), b. 1875

Wintner, Aurel

Yukawa, Hideki, 1907-1981


Major Positions

California Institute of Technology. Division of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy

Visiting Professor.

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

Obtained Teaching Diploma and Professor of Theoretical Physics.

Eidgenossisches Institut fur Geistiges Eigentum (Switzerland)

Technical Expert, Third Class and Technical Expert, Second Class.

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Professor of Theoretical Physics.

Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton, N.J.)


Universitat Bern


Universitat Zurich

Obtained PhD in Physics (1905) and Extraordinary Professor of Theoretical Physics.

Univerzita Karlova

Professor of Theoretical Physics.

Professional Activities & Affiliations

American Association for the Advancement of Science

Made his first appearance before a U.S. scientific association at the 1934 meeting.

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists



Archival Resources


Affidavit of support by Albert Einstein for immigration of Herbert and Margaret Levy, 1940; letter to Levy from Einstein, 1941; and reprints of articles by Levy and Walther Nernst, 1909-1941.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein blackboard, 1931.

Museum of the History of Science

Broad Street, Oxford OX1 3AZ

Albert Einstein collection, 1879-1998.

Leo Baeck Institute at the Center for Jewish History

15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA

Albert Einstein collection, 1896-1952.

Goldfarb Library. Special Collections

Brandeis University

415 South St., Waltham, MA 02254, USA

Albert Einstein collection, 1896-1955.

howard gotlieb archival research center

Boston University

771 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA

Albert Einstein collection, 1906-1955.

Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center

University of Texas at Austin

P.O. Drawer 7219, Austin, TX 78713-7219, USA

Albert Einstein collection, 1913-1975 (bulk 1930-1955).

Department of Rare Books and Special Collections

Princeton University

1 Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

Albert Einstein collection, 1947 and undated.

Special Collections Research Center

Syracuse University

E. S. Bird Library, Syracuse, NY 13244-2010, USA

Albert Einstein collection.


Bern, Switzerland

Albert Einstein collection.


Stadt Ulm

Schwörhaus, Weinhof 13, Postfach 39 40, 89070 Ulm

Albert Einstein conversation with Princeton University students [sound recording], 1949.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein correspondence and photographs, 1925-1946.

The Joseph Regenstein Library. Department of Special Collections

University of Chicago

1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Albert Einstein correspondence with Charles Wegener, 1954.

The Joseph Regenstein Library. Department of Special Collections

University of Chicago

1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Albert Einstein correspondence with H. A. Lorentz and Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes [microform], 1901-1926.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein correspondence with Kurt Grossmann, 1937-1953.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein correspondence with Max Bruck, 1931-1941.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein correspondence, 1926-1933.

Special Collections. Rare Books and Manuscripts

Yeshiva University Libraries

500 West 185th Street, New York, NY 10033, USA

Albert Einstein duplicate archive, 1859-1979 (bulk 1912-1955).

Department of Rare Books and Special Collections

Princeton University

1 Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

Albert Einstein file from Politisches Archiv des Auswrtingen Amtes [microform], 1913-1940.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein lecture on general theory of relativity, 1933.

Library. Department of Special Collections

University of Glasgow

Hillhead Street, Glasgow G12 8QE

Albert Einstein letter and article.

Smithsonian Institution. Archives.

Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507, 600 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20024-2520, USA

Albert Einstein letter to Arthur Taub, 1954.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein letter to Erwin Schrödinger recommending Robert A. Thornton, 1952.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein letter, undated.

Manuscripts Department. Southern Historical Collection

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Wilson Library CB# 3926, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3926, USA

Albert Einstein letters and certificates, 1935.

The Historical and Interpretative Collections of The Franklin Institute. Archives and Curatorial Department

Franklin Institute

222 N. 20th St., Philadelphia, PA 91903-1194, USA

Albert Einstein letters to Cornelius Lanczos, 1980.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein letters to Erwin Findlay Freundlich, 1911-1931.

Pierpont Morgan Library

29 E. 36th Street, New York, NY 10016, USA

Albert Einstein letters to John Raymond Lamarsh, 1945.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein letters to Otto Stern, 1914-1917.

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, 94720-6000, USA

Albert Einstein letters to Paul Ehrenfest [microform], 1915-1933.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein letters to Walther Mayer, circa 1930-1933.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Department of Manuscripts and Archives. Albert Einstein Archives


Albert Einstein letters, 1920-1954.


Stadt Ulm

Schwörhaus, Weinhof 13, Postfach 39 40, 89070 Ulm

Albert Einstein letters, 1946-1948.

Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library

Duke University

P.O. Box 90185, Durham, North Carolina, 27708, USA

Albert Einstein manuscript on the Special Theory of Relativity.

Israel Museum

Jerusalem, POB 71117, Jerusalem 91710, Israel

Albert Einstein manuscripts, letters, and printed works, 1905-1954.

Pierpont Morgan Library

29 E. 36th Street, New York, NY 10016, USA

Albert Einstein miscellaneous items, 1929-1931.

Special Collections & Archives

Wesleyan University

Olin Memorial Library, Middletown CT 06459, USA

Albert Einstein notes, 1950-1955.

Rijksmumsum voor de Geschiedenis van de Natuurwetenschappen en van de Geneeskunde 'Museum Boerhaave'

Steenstraat IA, 2313 BS Leiden, Netherlands

Albert Einstein papers [microform].

Institute Archives

California Institute of Technology

1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Albert Einstein papers, 1712, 1859-present (bulk 1901-1955).

Department of Manuscripts and Archives. Albert Einstein Archives

Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Albert Einstein papers, 1916-1953.

Manuscript Division

Library of Congress

James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA

Albert Einstein papers, 1920-1969.

The Joseph Regenstein Library. Department of Special Collections

University of Chicago

1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Albert Einstein reprint collection.

The Wix Library

Weizmann Institute of Science

POB 26, Rehovot, 76100

Albert Einstein school records, 1896-1900.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Einstein speeches [sound recording], 1932-1933.

Institute Archives

California Institute of Technology

1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Alfred Landé autograph collection, 1919-1973.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Atomic physics [sound recording] : sound track of the film / produced by J. Arthur Rank for the Atomic Energy Commission, 1948.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Auf die Reimann-Metrik und den Fern-Parallelismus gegründete einheitliche Feldtheorie.

Special Collections. Rare Books and Manuscripts

Yeshiva University Libraries

500 West 185th Street, New York, NY 10033, USA



Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Collection of early physicists' manuscripts and letters, 1706-1909.

Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts

Boston Public Library

P.O. Box 286, Boston, MA 02117

Dear Professor Einstein : Albert Einstein's letters to and from children / edited by Alice Calaprice ; foreword by Evelyn Einstein ; with an essay by Robert Schulmann.

Dialog on the present war and the future of Europe [sound recording] / 1940.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Die ubernationale sprache der Wissenschaft [sound recording], 1941.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Einleitung zu einem Vortrag [sound recording]

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists records, 1946-1951.

The Joseph Regenstein Library. Department of Special Collections

University of Chicago

1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Essays in physics.

Gesprach uber den gegenwartigen krieg und die zukunft Europas [sound recording], 1940.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

History of physics and educational topics [sound recording], 2012 April 1.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

How I created the theory of relativity [speech], 1922 December 14.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Mein glaubensbekenntnis [sound recording] / 1932.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Meine relativitatstheorie [sound recording]

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Morris and Adele Bergreen collection on Albert Einstein, 1919-1988.

Libraries. Archives and Special Collections

Vassar College

Poughkeepsie, NY 12604, USA

Nuclear history [sound recording] : voices of the past; compiled by Glenn Seaborg.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

On rationally symmetric stationary gravitational fields: holograph manuscript.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Scientists collection, 1563-1973.

Library. Department of Manuscripts and University Archives

American Philosophical Society

105 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA

Text of speech presented to the students of the California Institute of Technology on the value of applied science, February 16, 1931.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Über den Gegenwärtigen Stand der allgemeinen Relativitätsteorie, 1930

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Yale University Library

Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520, USA

Unified field theory [manuscript], circa 1945

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Videotaped interviews for documentary, Reflections of Einstein,

Long Island University, Brooklyn Center

In Walter Glickman's possession

Brooklyn, N.Y.11201 USA

Voice of America [sound recording] : American Mosaic #5, 1964.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

W. Röntgen, M. Planck, and A. Einstein letters regarding Siemens prize, 1916-

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA


Abraham Pais papers, 1875 -2000 (bulk 1936-1998).

Rockefeller Archive Center

15 Dayton Ave., Pocantico Hills, North Tarrytown, NY 10591-1598, USA

AIP Center for History of Physics Einstein Centennial Project records, 1978-1987.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

AIP Center for History of Physics grant proposals, 1961-1986.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

AIP Center for History of Physics records, 1961-1988.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Albert Michelson papers, 1803-1989 (bulk 1861-1965).

Nimitz Library Special Collections Division

United States Naval Academy

Annapolis, MD 21402, USA

Alexander Kolin papers, 1929-1990.

University Research Library. Department of Special Collections

University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575, USA

Alfred Landé papers, 1915-1970.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Arnold Sommerfeld papers, 1906-1951.

Deutsches Museum

Museumsinsel 1, 80306 Munich, Germany

Arthur Korn correspondence on mathematical physics, 1898-1932.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Arthur Korn correspondence, 1898-1934.

Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Columbia University

Butler Library, 6th Floor East, New York, NY 10027, USA

Association of Institutes of Natural Sciences of the Communist Academy records of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, 1925-1932.


Russian Academy of Sciences

ul. Novocheremushkinskaia, 34, Moscow, 117218, Russia

Atomic energy for military purposes, 1945 [typescript].

Manuscripts and Archives Department

Hagley Museum and Library

298 Buck Road East, Greenville, DE 19807, USA

Auf die Reimann-Metrik und den Fern-Parallelismus gegründete einheitliche Feldtheorie.

Special Collections. Rare Books and Manuscripts

Yeshiva University Libraries

500 West 185th Street, New York, NY 10033, USA

Aurel Wintner papers, 1848-1961.

Special Collections, Milton S. Eisenhower Library

Johns Hopkins University

3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218, USA

Behram Kursunoglu papers, 1967-1978.

Archives Division

University of Miami. Richter Library

Main Library, 8th Floor, Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA

Bernard Feld papers, 1943-1990.

Institute Archives and Special Collections

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M.I.T. Libraries, Rm. 14N-118, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Burndy Library miscellaneous collections [microform], circa 1700-circa 1950.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Celebrating 100 Years of Physical Review at the American Physical Society [sound recording], 2013 March 18.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Century of the atom [sound recording] : ...told through the voices of the scientists who created the nuclear age / a presentation of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission ; narrated by Chet Huntley and Glenn T. Seaborg.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Charles Lane Poor papers, 1898-1945.

Special Collections, Milton S. Eisenhower Library

Johns Hopkins University

3400 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21218, USA

Collection on Sir Isaac Newton, 1684-1949.

Department of Special Collections and University Archives

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305, USA

Correspondence, primarily relating to professional concerns, with Max Born, Albert Einstein, Ernst Freundlich, John Douglas Cockcroft, William Henry Bragg, and others, 1910-1939.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

David Bohm papers, 1933-1996.


University of London, Birkbeck College

Malet Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7HX

David Hilbert papers.

Abteilung für Handschriften und seltene Drucke

Niedersächsische Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen

Papendiek 14, D-37073 Göttingen

Einstein: the man and his achievements, 1966.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Ernest J. Sternglass papers, circa 1952-2008.

Carl A. Kroch Library. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections

Cornell University

2B Carl A Kroch Library, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Erwin Schrödinger papers, circa 1906-1958.

Zentralbibliothek für Physik in Wien (Central Library for Physics in Vienna).

Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Erwin Schrodinger papers. (In private hands)

In private hands

In the possession of Mrs. Ruth Braunizer, Alpbach Tiro, Austria

Erwin Schrödinger selected correspondence and papers [microform], 1906-1958.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Eugene Rabinowitch papers, 1954-1964.

The Joseph Regenstein Library. Department of Special Collections

University of Chicago

1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Eulogy for Helen Dukas, Einstein's secretary, delivered by Abraham Pais, 1982.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Evelyn T. Palmer and Leigh Hunt Palmer science collection, 1971-2003.

University Archives

Simon Fraser University

Burnaby, British Columbia V5A 156, Canada

Faust, eine Historie, 1932.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

File on Einstein from the Politisches Archiv des Auswrtingen Amtes, Bonn, Germany, 1913-1940.

politisches Archiv des Auswartigen Amts

Adenauerallee 99-103 Bonn

Francis Gladheim Pease addenda, 1908-2001 (bulk 1908-1937).

Henry E. Huntington Library

1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CA 91108, USA

Frank Watson Dyson Papers, 1875-1950.

Department of Manuscripts and University Archives

Royal Greenwich Observation Archives

Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR, England UK

Frederic Eugene Ives and Herbert Eugene Ives papers, 1869-1957.

Manuscript Division

Library of Congress

James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA

Frederick Lindemann Cherwell papers and correspondence, circa 1899-1957.


Nuffield College, Oxford

New Road, Oxford OX1 1NF

Fritz Reiche papers, 1907-1998.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Gabriele Rabel papers, 1893-1961.

Archives Centre.

Churchill College.

Cambridge CB3 0DS

Gaining Inspiration from Galileo, Einstein and Oppenheimer [sound recording], 2014 April 6.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Georg von Hevesy scientific correspondence, 1910-1966.

Niels Bohr Archive

Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen, Denmark

George C. Jaffé papers, 1902-1962.

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, 94720-6000, USA

George C. McVittie papers, 1928-1975 (bulk 1938-1975)

University Archives

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801, USA

George Ellery Hale papers, 1882-1938.

Institute Archives

California Institute of Technology

1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

George Stern reminiscences, 1988.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Gerald James Holton papers, 1919-2011, 2013, and undated (bulk 1942-2011).

Archives. Pusey Library

Harvard University

Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

Gilbert Newton Lewis papers, 1908-1945.

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, 94720-6000, USA

Gordon Ferrie Hull papers, 1889-1955.

Rauner Special Collections Library

Dartmouth College

Hanover, NH 03755, USA

Gregory Breit Symposium [sound recording], 1968 May 3.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

H. A. Lorentz papers, 1888-1928.

Algemeen Rijksarchief

The Hague, Netherlands

H. F. Mark autobiography, 1986.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Hans M. Cassel anecdotes regarding Albert Einstein and Walther Nernst, 1972.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Hans Reichenbach papers, undated.

Hillman Library. Archives of Scientific Philosophy in the Twentieth Century

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA

Harold Clayton Urey papers, 1929-1981.

Mandeville Special Collections Library

University of California, San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

Helen Wright collection on George Ellery Hale, 1887-1972.

Hendrik Kramers collection of Albert Einstein reprints, 1916-1953.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Henry H. Barschall response to 1981 History of Nuclear Physics Survey, 1982.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Henry Margenau papers, 1927-1990.

Manuscripts and Archives

Yale University Library

Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520, USA

Herbert Feigl collection [microfilm] circa 1900-1989 (bulk 1909-1950).

Hillman Library. Archives of Scientific Philosophy in the Twentieth Century

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA

Herbert L. S. Samuel papers, 1879-1963.

House of Lords Records Office

London, SWI AOPW

Hermann Weyl manuscripts and correspondence, 1909-1955.


Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

Zurich, Switzerland

History and philosophy of science [sound recording], 2009 May 3.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

History of atomic energy collection, 1896-1991.

Libraries. Special Collections

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR 97331, USA

History of Physics [sound recording], 2014 April 5.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

History of physics audio-visual collection, circa 1918-1996, 1960-1988 (bulk)

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Hugh Everett papers, 1953-1989.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

hysics Outreach and Physics History [sound recording], 2017 January 30.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Ilya Prigogine papers, 1977-1980.

Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center

University of Texas at Austin

P.O. Drawer 7219, Austin, TX 78713-7219, USA

Inspirational Approaches to Teaching Physics and History of Physics [sound recording], 2015 March 2.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

International Education Board records, 1923-1960.

Rockefeller Archive Center

15 Dayton Ave., Pocantico Hills, North Tarrytown, NY 10591-1598, USA

Interview with Rudolph Peierls and Eugene Wigner [videorecording] / 1984.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Items relevant to history of physics and allied sciences.


Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg.

Von-Melle-Park 3, 2000 Hamburg 13

Jacob family papers.

Leo Baeck Institute at the Center for Jewish History

15 West 16th Street, New York, NY 10011, USA

James R. Blackwood collection related to Albert Einstein, 1934-1997 (bulk 1934-1935).

Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center

Institute for Advanced Study

1 Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA

Jerome Alexander correspondence, 1908-1953.

Rare Book and Manuscript Library

New York Public Library

Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, New York, NY 10018, USA

John R. Lamarsh papers, 1943-1981.

Archives. Elmer Holmes Bobst Library

New York University

70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012, USA

John Von Neumann papers, 1912-1996 (bulk 1935-1957).

Manuscript Division

Library of Congress

James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA

Joint symposium of the American Physical Society and the American Association of Physics Teachers on history and philosophy of physics [sound recording], 1969 February 5.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Joseph Petzoldt letters from Albert Einstein, 1914-1920.

Universitätsbibliothek. Hochschularchiv.

Technische Universität Berlin.

Strasse des 17. Juni 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany

Journeys in the History of Physics: Pais Prize Session in Honor of David Cassidy [sound recording], 2014 April 5.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Julius Sumner Miller papers, 1929-1987.

Library. Special Collections Branch

United States Air Force Academy

Colorado Springs, CO 80840-5701, USA

Karl Popper papers, 1928-1995.


Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace

Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

Karl Schwarzchild papers.

Abteilung für Handschriften und seltene Drucke

Niedersächsische Staats-und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen

Papendiek 14, D-37073 Göttingen

Leo Szilard papers, 1898-1998.

Mandeville Special Collections Library

University of California, San Diego

9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA

Leon Watters papers, 1887-1967.

Institute Archives

California Institute of Technology

1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Les idées nouvelles sur la structure de l'univers : exposé élémentaire de la théorie d'Einstein et de sa généralisation, suivi d'un appendice à l'usage des mathématiciens ; avec 17 figures dans le texte.

Linus Pauling [videorecording] : a century of science and life / Cabisco Teleproductions.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Linus Pauling papers [microform], 1923-1929.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Lloyd Espenscheid reprint collection on telegraph and telephone history, 1782-1946, (1880-1930).

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

M. N. Saha correspondence, 1920-1954.

Manuscript Section

Nehru Memorial Museum and Library

New Delhi

Marian Smoluchowski personal archives, 1890-1917.

Dept. of Manuscripts

Biblioteka Jagiellonska.

A. Mickiewicza 22, 30-059 Cracow

Marianne Iceland collection related to Albert Einstein and Josef Scharl, 1941-2000, undated (bulk 1941-1954).

Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center

Institute for Advanced Study

1 Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA

Marianne Iceland collection related to Albert Einstein and Josef Scharl, 1941-2000, undated (bulk 1941-1954).

Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center

Institute for Advanced Study

1 Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA

Max Bergmann papers, circa 1930-1945.


American Philosophical Society

105 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA

Max Delbruck papers, 1918-1997 (bulk 1930-1980).

Institute Archives

California Institute of Technology

1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Max Herzberger papers, 1920-1972.

Department of Manuscripts and Archives

Jewish National and University Library

POB 503 Jerusalem 91 004

Max von Laue papers, 1920-1947.

Archiv der Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Jägerstrasse 22/23, 10117 Berlin

Max von Laue papers.

Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften

Boltzmannstr. 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Meetings with Einstein [motion picture], 1953-1979.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Michel Licht papers, 1910-1957.

Archives and Records Management

Syracuse University

E. S. Bird Library, Syracuse, NY 13244-2010, USA

Mieczyslaw Wolfe papers. 1914-1947.

Archiwum (Warszawa)

Polska Akademia Nauk

Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warsaw, Poland

Mieczyslaw Wolfke papers. 1914-1947.

Archiwum (Warszawa)

Polska Akademia Nauk

Nowy Świat 72, 00-330 Warsaw, Poland

Milton F. Amrine papers, 1925-1974.

Library. Special Collections Division

Georgetown University

37th and O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20057, USA

My recollection of Einstein, 1990.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

Niels Bohr material collected elsewhere, 1912-1962.

Niels Bohr Archive

Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen, Denmark

Niels Bohr scientific correspondence, supplement, 1910-1962.

Niels Bohr Archive

Blegdamsvej 17, Copenhagen, Denmark

Norbert Wiener papers, 1898-1966.

Institute Archives and Special Collections

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M.I.T. Libraries, Rm. 14N-118, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

O. W. Richardson papers, 1897-1959 (bulk 1920-1940).

Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center

University of Texas at Austin

P.O. Drawer 7219, Austin, TX 78713-7219, USA

Oral history interview with Abraham Pais, 1974 August 27.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Adriaan Daniël Fokker, 1963 April 1.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Adriaan J. Wesselink, 1977 September 23 and 1978 June 21.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Alfred Landé, 1962 March 5, 6, 7, 8 and June 15.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Aristid Victor Grosse, 1974 January 11 and April 5.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Banesh Hoffmann, 1984 October 13.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Betty Compton, 1968 April 11 and 15.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Carl Friedrich Weizsacker, 1986 January 28.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with David Bohm, 1981 May 8.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Denis William Sciama, 1978 April 14.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Ebenezer Cunningham, 1963 June 19.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Edwin Bidwell Wilson, 1963 June.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Ernst Gustav Lau, 1963 May 15.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Ernst Pascual Jordan, 1963 June 17, 18, 19 and 20.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Eugene Paul Wigner, 1963 November 21 and December 3, 4.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Cyclotron Road, Bldg. 69-107, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Oral history interview with Felix Bloch, 1964 May 14.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Frank Clark Hoyt, 1964 April 28.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Friedrich Hund, 1963 June 25 and 26.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Fritz Reiche, 1962 March 30 to May 9.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Georg von Hevesy, 1962 May 25 and 4 February 1963.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Georges Allard, 1963 January 10.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Gregor Wentzel, 1964 February 3 to 5.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Guido Beck, 1967 April 22.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Gunnar Randers, 1986 August 19.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Harold Clayton Urey, 1964 March 24.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Hendrik Brugt Gerhard Casimir, 1963 July 5 and 6.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Herman Carel Burger, 1962 November 15.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Herman Francis Mark, 1979 March 19.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Hertha Gutenberg, 1980 February 6-13.

Institute Archives

California Institute of Technology

1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Oral history interview with Ira Bowen, 1968 August 9 and 1969 August 26.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with J. Tuzo Wilson, 1993 February 16.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with James Chadwick, 1969 April 15, 16, 17 and 20.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Jean Langevin, 1963 January 11.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Jean Ullmo, 1963 January 7.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Johannes Martinus Burgers, 1962 June 9.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with John G. Kemeny, 1984 June 7.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Léon Brillouin, 1962 March 29 and 3 April.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Léon Rosenfeld, 1963 July 1, 19, 22.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Leonard B. Loeb, 1962 August 7.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Leopold Halpern, 1999 March 5.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Lise Meitner, 1963 May 12.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Lise Meitner, 1963 May 12.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Lothar Wolfgang Nordheim, 1977 July 24.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Louis de Broglie, 1963 January 7 and 14.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Ludwig Edelstein, 1962 May 7.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Martin Schwarzschild, 1977 March 10, June 3, December 16 and 1979 July 19.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Maurice Mandel Shapiro, 1978 May 30.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Max Born, 1960 June 1, 1962 October 17 and 18.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Michael Polanyi, 1962 February 15.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Milton Plesset, 1981 December 8.

Institute Archives

California Institute of Technology

1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Oral history interview with Niels Bohr, 1962 October 31, November 1, 7, 14, and 17.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Oskar Benjamin Klein, 1962 September 25 to 16 July 1963.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Otto Laporte, 1964 January 29 and 31.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Otto Robert Frisch, 1963 May 8.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Otto Stern, 1962 May 29 and 1963 May 30.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Paul Peter Ewald, 1968 May 17 and 24.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral History interview with Paul S. Epstein, 1965.

Institute Archives

California Institute of Technology

1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Oral history interview with Paul Sophus Epstein, 1962 May 25, 26 and June 2.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Peter J. W. Debye, 1962 May 3 and 4.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Peter J. W. Debye, 1965 December 22 to 16 June 1966.

Carl A. Kroch Library. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections

Cornell University

2B Carl A Kroch Library, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Oral history interview with Peter Van de Kamp, 1977 April 9 and 1979 March 18.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Philipp Frank, 1962 July 16.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Ralph Alpher and second session is joint interview with Robert Herman, 1983 August 11 and 12.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Cyclotron Road, Bldg. 69-107, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Oral history interview with Ralph de Laer Kronig, 1962 November 12.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Robert Marshak, 1970 June 15, 16, September 19, and October 4.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Robert S. Shankland, 1974 August 20 and 21.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Cyclotron Road, Bldg. 69-107, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

Oral history interview with Robert Wichard Pohl, 1963 June 25.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Rudolph Minkowski, 1962 April 1.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Samuel Abraham Goudsmit, 1963 December 5 and 7.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Samuel Goudsmit 1976 May 7.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, 1963 May 9.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Stanley Deser, 2011 March 12.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with V. Bargmann, 1984 April 12.

Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library

Princeton University

65 Olden Street, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

Oral history interview with Valentine Bargmann, 1984 April 12.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Walter Heitler, 1963 March 18 and 19.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Walter M. Elsasser, 1962 May 29.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Walter M. Elsasser, 1985 November 21.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Walter M. Elsasser, 1986 March 12.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Walter M. Elsasser, 1986 March 12.


National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

PO Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000, USA

Oral history interview with Walther Gerlach, 1963 February 18 and 23.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Walther Meissner, 1963 February 8.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Werner Heisenberg, 1962 November 30, 1963 February 7, 11, 13, 15, 19, 22, 25, 27, 28 and 1963 July 5, 12.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with William Alfred Fowler, 1972 June 8, 9, 1973 February 5, 6, and 1974 May 30.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with William C. Davidon, 1997 July 11.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history joint interview with James Franck and Hertha Sponer-Franck, 1962 July 9 to 14.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oswald Veblen papers, 1881-1960 (bulk 1920-1960).

Manuscript Division

Library of Congress

James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA

Otto Nathan correspondence chiefly with Helen Dukas, 1955.

Shelby White and Leon Levy Archives Center

Institute for Advanced Study

1 Einstein Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA

Otto Stern papers, circa 1888-1969.

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, 94720-6000, USA

Pais Prize Lecture: Relations Between Physics and History of Physics [sound recording], 2013 April 15.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Papers of physicists and astronomers in Hoover Library, 1918-1965.

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library

West Branch, IA 52358, USA

Paul Hertz papers, 1904-1994 (bulk 1910-1940).

Hillman Library. Archives of Scientific Philosophy in the Twentieth Century

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA

Paul Langevin papers.

Ecole de Physique et Chimie

Paris, France

Paul S. Epstein papers, 1898-1966.

Institute Archives

California Institute of Technology

1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA

Peter J. W. Debye papers, 1901-1906 and 1918-1945.

Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften

Boltzmannstr. 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany

Physics it moves & speaks [computer file].

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Piccard Family papers, 1470-1983 (bulk 1926-1983).

Manuscript Division

Library of Congress

James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA

Postmodern science in the historical context of postmodern world, 1998.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Princeton, David Bohm and the Cold War: A study in McCarthyism, 1990.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Publisher's archive of Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1780-1992.

Hühtig Publishing, Inc.

Im Weiher 10, Heidelberg

Robert H. Dicke response to Laser History Project Survey, 1983.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Roger Edge Clapp papers, 1914-1991 (bulk 1940-1991).

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Ruth N. Anshen papers, 1938-1986.

Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Columbia University

Butler Library, 6th Floor East, New York, NY 10027, USA

Scientists and science collection, 1870-1948.

Department of Special Collections and University Archives

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305, USA

T. J. J. See papers, 1887-1960 (bulk 1897-1930).

Manuscript Division

Library of Congress

James Madison Memorial Building, First Street and Independence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, USA

Taras K. Novak papers, circa 1950-1968.

Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Columbia University

Butler Library, 6th Floor East, New York, NY 10027, USA

The Columbia Physics Department: A brief history.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

The Lancelot Law Whyte collection, 1925-1973.

howard gotlieb archival research center

Boston University

771 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA

The Physicist and the Philosopher: Einstein, Bergson, and the Debate That Changed Our Understanding of Time [sound recording], 2017 March 13.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

The Weizmann Archive, Ca. 1900-1952.

The Weizmann Archive

Weizmann Institute of Science

Rehovot 76100

The Weizmann Archive, Ca. 1900-1952.

The Weizmann Archive

Weizmann Institute of Science

Rehovot 76100

Thomas Darlington Cope papers, circa 1909-1964.


American Philosophical Society

105 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA

Valentine Bargmann papers, 1908-1988.

Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts

Princeton University

1 Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

Victor Lenzen papers, circa 1904-1975.

The Bancroft Library

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, CA, 94720-6000, USA

W. Wilson papers, 1910-1957; 1960-1985.

University of London

Royal Holloway College Library

Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey, England UK

Willard L. Severinghaus papers, 1895-1947.

Rare Book and Manuscript Library

Columbia University

Butler Library, 6th Floor East, New York, NY 10027, USA

William Francis Gray Swann papers, 1903-1962.


American Philosophical Society

105 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA

Wladyslaw Natanson correspondence, 1884-1937.

Dept. of Manuscripts

Biblioteka Jagiellonska.

A. Mickiewicza 22, 30-059 Cracow

Wladyslaw Natanson correspondence, 1884-1937.

Uniwersytet Jagiellonski. Archiwum.

Ul. sw. Anny 6, 31-007 Kraców, Poland

Yerkes Observatory records, 1897-2007.

The Joseph Regenstein Library. Department of Special Collections

University of Chicago

1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Published Resources


[Selected works].

Akademie-Vorträge : Die Wiederabdrucke der Akademie-Vorträge Albert Einsteins, Nr. 6495/1 bis Nr. 6495/46 werden vom Verlag nur geschlossen abgegeben.

Albert Einstein wirkung und nachwirkung / Hrsg. A. P. French.

Albert Einstein, philosopher-scientist.

Albert Einstein, the human side : new glimpses from his archives / selected and edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman.

Albert Einstein/Mileva Marić--the love letters / edited and with an introduction by Jürgen Renn and Robert Schulmann ; translated by Shawn Smith.

Äther und relativitäts-theorie; rede gehalten am 5. mai 1920 an der Reichs-universität zu Leiden, von Albert Einstein.

Autobiographical notes / Albert Einstein ; translated and edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp.

Briefwechsel : 60 Briefe aus dem goldenen Zeitalter der modernen Physik / [von] Albert Einstein [und] Arnold Sommerfeld ; Hrsg. und kommentiert von Armin Hermann.

Briefwechsel 1916-1955 [von] Albert Einstein [und] Hedwig und Max Born. Kommentiert von Max Born.

Correspondance, 1903-1955. Traduction, notes et introduction de Pierre Speziali…

Cosmic religion : with other opinions and aphorisms / Albert Einstein.

Das relativitätsprinzip, eine sammlung von abhandlungen, mit anmerkungen von A. Sommerfeld und vorwort von O. Blumenthal.

Das relativitätsprinzip, eine sammlung von abhandlungen, mit anmerkungen von A. Sommerfeld und vorwort von O. Blumenthal.

Der Einsteinturm in Potsdam : Architektur und Astrophysik / herausgegeben vom Astrophysikalischen Institut Potsdam.

Die grundlage der allgemeinen relativitäts-theorie / von A. Einstein ... 5. unveränd. abdruck.

Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie / von A. Einsten.

Die Hypothese der Lichtquanten.

Die physikalische unhaltbarkeit der relativitäts-theorie Einsteins / von Johannes Haedicke.

Die Quantentheorie der spezifischen Wärme / [von] Einstein, Debye, Born [und] Kármán.

Ein Haus für Albert Einstein : Erinnerungen, Briefe, Dokumente / aufgezeichnet und herausgegeben von Michael Grüning.

Einshtein i sovremennaia fizika : sbornik pamiati A. Einshteina / [red. E.B. Kuznetsova]

Einstein : a centenary volume / edited by A. P. French.

Einstein on peace / edited by Otto Nathan and Heinz Norden ; preface by Bertrand Russell.

Einstein, Galileo : commémoration d'Albert Einstein = commemoration of Albert Einstein = commemorazione di Albert Einstein, 1979 / Pontificia Academia Scientiarum.

Einstein's 1912 manuscript on the special theory of relativity : a facsimile.

Einstein's theories of relativity and gravitation : a selection of material from the essays submitted in the competition for the Eugene Higgins prize of $5,000 / compiled and edited, and introductory matter supplied by J. Malcolm Bird …

Elie Cartan-Albert Einstein : letters on absolute parallelism, 1929-1932 / original text, English translation by Jules Leroy and Jim Ritter ; edited by Robert Debever.

Essays in science.

Feier der 100. [i.e. Hundertsten] Geburtstage von Albert Einstein, Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner, Max von Laue / hrsg. von d. Generalverwaltung d. Max-Planck-Ges., München ; mit Beitr. von Reimar Lüst ... [et al.].

Gedächtnisausstellung zum 100. Geburtstag von Albert Einstein, Otto Hahn, Max von Laue, Lise Meitner : in der Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, vom 1. März-12. April 1979 : im Theodor-Zink-Museum, Kaiserslautern, vom 21. Juni-31. Juli 1979 / veranstaltet durch die Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, die Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft und die Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker ; Katalog mit Beiträgen von Friedrich Beck ... [et al.].

Geometrie und Erfahrung; erweiterte fassung des festvortrages gehalten an der Preussischen akademie der wissenschaften zu Berlin am 27. januar 1921 von Albert Einstein, mit 2 textabbildungen.

H.A. Lorentz, als Schöpfer und als Personlichkeit [geschrieben] für die Gedachtnis-Austellung von H.A. Lorentz und H. Kamerlingh Onnes ... Sommer des Jahres 1953 im Rijksmuseum.

Ideas and opinions / Albert Einstein ; with an introduction by Alan Lightman ; new translations and revisions by Sonja Bargmann.

Investigations on the theory of the Brownian movement / edited with notes by R. Fürth ; translated by A.D. Cowper.

Lettres à Maurice Solovine : reproduites en facimilé / Albert Einstein ; traduites en fran_cais avec une introduction [par Maurice Solovine].

Lettres à Maurice Solovine : reproduites en facsimilé et traduites en français. Avec une introduction et trois photographies / Albert Einstein.

Mein weltbild.

Oeuvres choisies / Albert Einstein ; [sous la direction de Françoise Balibar].

Offene Briefe an Albert Einstein u. Max v. Laue über die gedanklichen Grundlagen der speziellen und allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie / von Oskar Kraus.

On the method of theoretical physics / by Albert Einstein …

Out of my later years. [Essays]

Physik als Abenteuer der Erkenntnis / von Albert Einstein und Leopold Infeld ; [Übertragung aus dem Englischen].

Relativitätstheorie in mathematischer Behandlung / von A.S. Eddington ... Autorisierte mit Zusätzen und Erläuterungen versehene Übersetzung von Alexander Ostrowski ... und Harry Schmidt ... Mit einem Anhang Eddingtons Theorie und Hamiltonsches Prinzip, von Albert Einstein.

Relativity : the special and general theory / by Albert Einstein ... tr. by Robert W. Lawson …

Relativity, quanta, and cosmology in the development of the scientific thought of Albert Einstein / director, Mario Pantaleo ; editor Francesco de Finis.

Relativity: the special and the general theory; a popular exposition. Authorized translation by Robert W. Lawson.

Relativity; an interpretation of Einstein's theory, by M. Palmieri.

Relativity; the special & the general theory, a popular exposition, by Albert Einstein ... authorised translation by Robert W. Lawson ... with five diagrams and a portrait of the author.

Selected works of Einstein with historical commentaries / [edited by] Xu Liangyin and Zahu Zhongli.

Sidelights on relativity / Albert Einstein.

Sidelights on relativity [microform] / by Albert Einstein ... I. Ether and relativity. II. Geometry and experience, tr. by G.B. Jeffery, D. Sc., and W. Perrett, Ph. D.

Sidelights on relativity, by Albert Einstein ... I. Ether and relativity. II. Geometry and experience, tr. by G.B. Jeffery, D. Sc., and W. Perrett, Ph. D.

Sobranie nauchnykh trudov / Al'bert Einshtein ; (eds). I. E. Tamm, IA. A. Smorodinskii, B. G. Kuznetsov.

Some strangeness in the proportion : a centennial symposium to celebrate the achievements of Albert Einstein / edited by Harry Woolf.

Terry Haass : Licht und Raum : Hommage à Albert Einstein : [Ausstellung] Museum Bochum, Kunstsammlung, 10. Dezember 1977 bis 22. Januar 1978 : [Katalog] / Text, Albert Einstein ... [et al.].

The Born-Einstein letters; correspondence between Albert Einstein and Max and Hedwig Born from 1916 to 1955. With commentaries by Max Born. Translated by Irene Born.

The collected papers of Albert Einstein / Anna Beck, translator ; Peter Havas, consultant.

The collected papers of Albert Einstein.

The evolution of physics : the growth of ideas from early concepts to relativity and quanta / by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld.

The expanded quotable Einstein / collected and edited by Alice Calaprice ; with a foreword by Freeman Dyson.

The fight against war / edited by Alfred Lief.

The history of quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity : the Harvey Plotnick Library, Friday 4 October 2002 / [Christie's New York ; Jeremy M. Norman].

The Impact of modern scientific ideas on society : in commemoration of Einstein / edited by Colette M. Kinnon with A.N. Kholodilin and J.G. Richardson.

The Joys of research / Walter Shropshire, Jr., editor.

The meaning of relativity / Albert Einstein.

The meaning of relativity / by Albert Einstein.

The meaning of relativity : four lectures delivered at Princeton University, May, 1921 / by Albert Einstein.

The meaning of relativity.

The principle of relativity; a collection of original memoirs on the special and general theory of relativity, by H. A. Lorentz ... [et al.] ; with notes by A. Sommerfeld ; translated by W. Perrett and G. B. Jeffery.

The quotable Einstein / collected and edited by Alice Calaprice ; with a foreward by Freeman Dyson.

The world as I see it.

Über die spezielle und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie (gemeinverständlich) erweiterte Aufl.

Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie (Gemeinverständlich) / von A. Einstein.

Über die spezielle und die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie …

Une nouvelle figure du monde : les théorie d'Einstein avec une préface de M. Einstein.

Vier Vorlesungen über Relativitätstheorie : gehalten im Mai 1921 an der Universität Princeton / von A. Einstein.

Warum Krieg? [Von] Albert Einstein [und] Sigmund Freud, mit einem Essay von Isaac Asimov.


"Subtle is the Lord-- " : the science and the life of Albert Einstein / Abraham Pais.

112 Mercer Street : Einstein, Russell, Gödel, Pauli, and the end of innocence in science / Burton Feldman ; edited and completed by Katherine Williams.

A bibliographical checklist and index to the collected writings of Albert Einstein, compiled by Nell Boni, Monique Russ, and Dan H. Laurence.

A simplified presentation of Einstein's unified field equations / by Tullio Levi-Civita ; authorized translation by John Dougall.

A student's guide to Einstein's major papers / Robert E. Kennedy.

A. Einstein's relativitätstheorie : verner einer volkstümlichen zusammenfassung / Friedrich Barnewitz.

Albert Einstein / illustrated by Charles Beck.

Albert Einstein / von Friedrich Herneck.

Albert Einstein : a biography / by Albrecht Fölsing ; translated from the German by Ewald Osers.

Albert Einstein : a documentary biography / translated by Mervyn Savill.

Albert Einstein : a photographic biography / by Kenji Sugimoto.

Albert Einstein : an intimate portrait / Solomon Quasha.

Albert Einstein : Chief engineer of the universe = Ingenieur des Universums / edited by Jürgen Renn.

Albert Einstein : four commemorative lectures / [by] Loyd S. Swenson, Jr., C.P. Snow, Howard Stein, Ilya Prigogine ; introd. by Albert C. Lewis.

Albert Einstein : his influence on physics, philosophy and politics / Peter C. Aichelburg and Roman U. Sexl (Eds.) : with contributions of Peter G. Bergmann ... [et al.].

Albert Einstein : Leben und Werk / Ronald W. Clark.

Albert Einstein : maker of universes / by H. Gordon Garbedian …

Albert Einstein : Sein Lebenswerk und die Zufunft der Physik / Pascual Jordan.

Albert Einstein : the man and his theories / by Hilaire Cuny ; translated by Mervyn Savill.

Albert Einstein : the persistent illusion of transience / Albert Einstein Archives (ed.), Ze'ev Rosenkranz, Barbara Wolff.

Albert Einstein and the cosmic world order.

Albert Einstein and the frontiers of physics / Jeremy Bernstein.

Albert Einstein Century International Conference Paris, France, 18-22 July 2005 / editors, Jean-Michel Alimi, André Füzfa ; sponsoring organizations, Centre national de la recherche scientifique ... [et al.].

Albert Einstein his work and its influence on our world

Albert Einstein in Berlin : 1913-1933 / mit e. Einl. von Hans-Jürgen Treder.

Albert Einstein in Bern : das Ringen um ein neues Weltbild : eine dokumentarische Darstellung über den Aufstieg eines Genies / Max Flückiger.

Albert Einstein in Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten / dargestellt von Johannes Wickert ; [den Anh. besorgte d. Autor.

Albert Einstein und die Schweiz / Carl Seelig.

Albert Einstein und Johannes Stark : Briefwechsel und Verhältnis der beiden Nobelpreisträger / von Armin Hermann.

Albert Einstein wider Vorurteile und Denkgewohnheiten / Horst Melcher.

Albert Einstein, 1879-1955 : mémorial Albert Einstein publié à l'occasion du centième anniversaire de sa naissance / [organisé par l'Académie royale de Belgique].

Albert Einstein, a biographical portrait / by Anton Reiser ; with a foreword by Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein, creator and rebel / Banesh Hoffmann ; with the collaboration of Helen Dukas.

Albert Einstein, historical and cultural perspectives : the centennial symposium in Jerusalem / Jerusalem Einstein Centennial Symposium, 14-23 March 1979 ; organized by the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities ... [et al.] ; edited by Gerald Holton and Yehuda Elkana.

Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity : emergence (1905) and early interpretation, 1905-1911 / Arthur I. Miller.

Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity / edited by Gerald E. Tauber.

Albert through the looking-glass : the personal papers of Albert Einstein / Ze'ev Rosenkranz.

An Einstein dictionary / Sachi Sri Kantha ; foreword by Kenichi Fukui.

Archive for the History of Quantum Physics, 1898-1950 (bulk).

Back to Newton : a challenge to Einstein's theory of relativity / by George de Bothezat.

China and Albert Einstein : the reception of the physicist and his theory in China 1917-1979 / Danian Hu.

Ciência e cultura / Socienda Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência.

Conversations with Einstein. Translated by Henry L. Brose. Introd. by Henry LeRoy Finch.

Das Weltbild der Relativitätstheorie : allgemeinverständliche Einführung in die Einsteinsche lehre von Raum und Zeit / von Harry Schmidt.

De relativiteitstheorie van Einstein : korte uiteenzetting met grafische voorstellingen voor ontwikkelde leeken / door D. P. A. Verrijp.

Die Einsteinsche Gravitationstheorie : Versuch einer allgemein verständlichen Darstellung der Theorie / von Gustav Mie.

Die Entwicklung der Begriffe: "Kraft, Stoff, Raum, Zeit" durch die Philosophie mit Lösung des Einsteinschen Problems.

Die grundlagen der Einsteinschen gravitationstheorie, von Erwin Freundlich, mit einem vorwort von Albert Einstein.

Die Idee der Relativitatstheorie.

Die relativitätstheorie / von M. von Laue.

Die relativitätstheorie : ein Blick in die Welt Einsteins / von Heinz Quint.

Die Relativitatstheorie Einsteins / [Von] Max Born unter Mitarb. von Walter Biem ; mit 143 Abb.

Die Relativitätstheorie Einsteins im Lichte der Philosophie : Ein neuer Beweis der Lorentz-Transformationen / von D. Gawronsky.

Die Relativitatstheorie Einsteins und ihre physikalischen Grundlagen : elementar dargestellt / von Max Born.

E = Einstein : his life, his thought and his influence on our culture / edited by Donald Goldsmith and Marcia Bartusiak.

E=mc² : a biography of the world's most famous equation / David Bodanis.

Easy lessons in Einstein : a discussion of the more intelligible features of the theory of relativity / by Edwin E. Slosson ; with an article by Albert Einstein and a bibliography.

Einshtein : izobreteniia i ėksperiment / V. IA. Frenkel, B.E. IAvelov ; otvetstvennyi redaktor A.T. Grigorian.

Einstein / Louis de Broglie, Louis Armand, Pierre-Henri Simon et al.

Einstein : a life / Denis Brian.

Einstein : a life in science / Michael White and John Gribbin.

Einstein : a pictorial biography.

Einstein : an intimate study of a great man / by Dimitri Marianoff with Palma Wayne.

Einstein : der Weltweise und sein Jahrhundert : eine Biographie / Armin Hermann.

Einstein : eine Biographie / Jürgen Neffe.

Einstein : his life and universe / Walter Isaacson.

Einstein : Leben, Tod, Unsterblichkeit / B. G. Kuznecov ; in deutscher Sprache hrg. von Helmut Fuchs ; mit einem Geleitw. von Hans-Jürgen Treder ; [aus dem Russ. übers. von Siegfried Wollgast, unter Mitw. von Helmut Fuchs].

Einstein : the formative years, 1879-1909 / Don Howard, John Stachel, editors.

Einstein : the passions of a scientist / Barry Parker.

Einstein [by] B. Kuznetsov. [Translated from the Russian by V. Talmy].

Einstein 1905 : the standard of greatness / John S. Rigden.

Einstein and culture / Gerhard Sonnert.

Einstein and Oppenheimer : the meaning of genius / Silvan S. Schweber.

Einstein and relativity : Le Maitre and the expanding universe.

Einstein and religion : physics and theology / Max Jammer.

Einstein and Soviet ideology / Alexander Vucinich.

Einstein and the ether / Ludwik Kostro.

Einstein and the humanities / edited by Dennis P. Ryan ; prepared under the auspices of Hofstra University.

Einstein and the quantum : the quest of the valiant Swabian / A. Douglas Stone.

Einstein and the universe : a popular exposition of the famous theory / by Charles Nordmann ; tr. by Joseph McCabe, with a preface by the Rt. Hom. the Viscount Haldane.

Einstein as I knew him / Alan Windsor Richards.

Einstein as myth and muse / Alan J. Friedman, Carol C. Donley.

Einstein before Israel : Zionist icon or iconoclast? / Ze'ev Rosenkranz.

Einstein between centuries / Salomon Bochner.

Einstein bibliography : publications held by major libraries in Maharashtra (and some outside libraries) / compiled by T I F R Library.

Einstein defiant : genius versus genius in the quantum revolution / Edmund Blair Bolles.

Einstein for beginners / Joe Schwartz ; ill. by Michael McGuinness.

Einstein for the 21st century : his legacy in science, art, and modern culture / Peter L. Galison, Gerald Holton, and Silvan S. Schweber, editors.

Einstein from "B" to "Z" / John Stachel.

Einstein in America : the scientist's conscience in the age of Hitler and Hiroshima / by Jamie Sayen.

Einstein in Berlin / Thomas Levenson.

Einstein in Berlin : Wissenschaft zwischen grundlagenkrise und Politik : arbeitsbericht der Arbeitsstelle Albert Einstein, geförrdert von der Senatsverwaltung für Wissenschaft und F orschung, Berlin 1991 bis 1993 / Max-Planck-Insitut für Bildungsforschung, Guiseppe Castagnetti ... [et al.].

Einstein in context : a special issue of Science in context / edited by Mara Beller, Robert S. Cohen, and Jürgen Renn.

Einstein in Spain : relativity and the recovery of science / Thomas F. Glick.

Einstein lived here : essays for the layman / Abraham Pais.

Einstein on politics : his private thoughts and public stands on nationalism, Zionism, war, peace, and the bomb / edited by David E. Rowe and Robert Schulmann.

Einstein on race and racism / Fred Jerome and Rodger Taylor.

Einstein privat : Herta W. erinnert sich an die Jahre 1927 bis 1933 / Friedrich Herneck.

Einstein Symposion, Berlin : aus Anlass der 100. Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages 25. bis 30. März 1979 / edited by H. Nelkowski ... [et al.].

Einstein und das Weltall / von Ch. Nordmann.

Einstein und die Religion : Mit einem Vorwort von Jürgen Audretsch und einem Beitrag von Carl Friedrich von Weizsäsker / Max Jammer.

Einstein und sein Weltbild : Aufsätze u. Vorträge / von Friedrich Herneck.

Einstein und Ulm : Festakt, Schülerwettbewerb und Ausstellung zum 100. Geburtstag von Albert Einstein / hrsg. von Hans Eugen Specker ; [Beiträge von Günter Dukek ... et al.].

Einstein versus Bohr : the continuing controversies in physics / Mendel Sachs.

Einstein, a centenary exhibition.

Einstein, a portrait / with an introduction by Mark Winokur.

Einstein, Bohr, and the quantum dilemma / Andrew Whitaker.

Einstein, Einblicke in seine gedankenwelt : Gemeinverständliche betrachtungen über die Relativitästheorie und ein neues Weltsystem / Entwickelt aus Gesprächen mit Einstein von Alexander Moszkowski.

Einstein, Hilbert, and the theory of gravitation : historical origins of general relativity theory / by Jagdish Mehra.

Einstein, his life and times / by Philipp Frank ; translated from a German manuscript by George Rosen, edited and revised by Shuichi Kusaka, with new introduction.

Einstein, his life and times / by Philipp Frank ; translated from a German manuscript by George Rosen, edited and revised by Shuichi Kusaka.

Einstein, history, and other passions : the rebellion against science at the end of the twentieth century / Gerald Holton.

Einstein, Picasso : space, time, and the beauty that causes havoc / Arthur I. Miller.

Einstein, profeta y hereje / Luis Navarro Veguillas.

Einstein, profile of the man.

Einstein, the first hundred years / edited by Maurice Goldsmith, Alan Mackay, and James Woudhuysen.

Einstein, the searcher : his work explained from dialogues with Einstein / by Alexander Moszkowski, tr. by Henry L. Brose.


Einstein: the life and times [by] Ronald W. Clark.

Einsteins Berlin : auf den Spuren eines Genies / Dieter Hoffmann.

Einstein's clocks and Poincaré's maps : empires of time / Peter Galison.

Einstein's cosmos : how Albert Einstein's vision transformed our understanding of space and time / Michio Kaku.

Einstein's daughter : the search for Lieserl / by Michele Zackheim.

Einstein's dice and Schrödinger's cat : how two great minds battled quantum randomness to create a unified theory of physics / Paul Halpern, PhD.

Einstein's dream : the search for a unified theory of the universe / Barry Parker.

Einstein's Jewish science : physics at the intersection of politics and religion / Steven Gimbel.

Einstein's jury : the race to test relativity / Jeffrey Crelinsten.

Einsteins Kosmos : Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Kosmologie, Relativitätstheorie und zu Einsteins Wirken und Nachwirken / herausgegeben von Hilmar W. Duerbeck und Wolfgang R. Dick.

Einstein's miraculous year : five papers that changed the face of physics / edited and introduced by John Stachel ; with the assistance of Trevor Lipscombe, Alice Calaprice, Sam Elworthy ; with a foreword by Roger Penrose.

Einstein's opponents : the public controversy about the theory of relativity in the 1920s / Milena Wazeck, University of East Anglia ; translated by Geoffrey S. Koby, Kent State University.

Einstein's physics : atoms, quanta, and relativity derived, explained, and appraised / Ta-Pei Cheng, University of Missouri--St. Louis, Portland State University.

Einsteins Relativitätslehre im Lichte der experimentellen Psychologie und des philosophischen Realismus / von Hans Henning.

Einsteins Relativitätstheorie / gemeinverständlich dargestellt von P. Theo Wulf ; mit 8 Abbildungen im Text.

Einsteins Relativitätstheorie und ihre kosmologischen und philosophischen Konsequenzen / von Otto Siebert.

Einstein's revolution : a study in heuristic / Elie Zahar.

Einstein's telescope : the hunt for dark matter and dark energy in the universe / Evalyn Gates.

Einstein's theory of relativity / by Max Born ; translated by Henry L. Brose with 135 diagrams and a portrait.

Einstein's theory of relativity.

Einstein's unification / Jeroen van Dongen.

Einstein's universe / Nigel Calder.

Essential Einstein : everything you need to know about the world's most acclaimed genius / Shana Priwer & Cynthia Phillips.

Essential Einstein introduction by Alan Bisbort.

Euclid or Einstein : a proof of the parallel theory and a critique of metageometry / by J.J. Callahan …

From Copernicus to Einstein.

From Newton to Einstein; changing conceptions of the universe, by Benjamin Harrow …

Genesis of relativity : Einstein in context / by Loyd S. Swenson, Jr.

How physics confronts reality : Einstein was correct, but Bohr won the game / Roger G. Newton.

Ideas of Einstein's theory : the theory of relativity in simple language / by J.H. Thirring ... tr. by Rhoda A.B. Russell, with 7 diagrams and an illustrative chart.

Images of Einstein : a catalog / compiled by Joan N. Warnow, with staff of the American Institute of Physics.

Initiation aux théories d'Einstein, par Gaston Moch ... préface de A. Berget ... 10 figures, 1 portrait hors texte.

Introduction à la théorie d'Einstein (exposé philosophique élémentaire)

Introduction to Einstein and universal relativity / [by] William F. Hudgings ; a popular explanation of the Einstein theory that approaches an actual visualization of the subject.

John Archibald Wheeler, "Albert Einstein: 1879-1955", Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences

La diffusion de la théorie de la relativité en France / par Michel Biezunski, 1981.

La theorie einsteinienne de la gravitation : essai de vulgarisation de la theorie : ouvrage traduit de l'allemand / Gustav Adolf Fedor Wilhelm Ludwig Mie.

L'eredità di Einstein / a cura di Gualtiero Pisent e Jürgen Renn.

Mathematische einführung in die gravitationstheorie Einsteins, nebst einer exakten darstellung ihrer wichtigsten ergebnisse / von prof. dr. Hans Bauer ... Mit 17 abbildungen.

Mgr Georges Lemaître, savant et croyant : actes du colloque commémoratif du centième anniversaire de sa naissance (Louvain-la-Neuve, le 4 novembre 1994). La physique d'Einstein : texte inédit / de Georges Lemaître ; édités par Jean-François Stoffel.

Mify teorii otnositelʹnosti / A.A. Denisov.

My Einstein : essays by twenty-four of the world's leading thinkers on the man, his work, and his legacy / edited by John Brockman.

Nobel Prize Biography

On the path of Albert Einstein / Orbis Scientiae ; chairman, Behram Kursunoglu ; editors, Arnold Perlmutter, Linda F. Scott.

Planck : driven by vision, broken by war / Brandon R. Brown.

Pour comprendre Einstein / par l'abbé Th. Moreux …

Proceedings of Einstein Centenary Symposium / edited by K. Kondo, T.M. Karade.

Quantum : Einstein, Bohr and the great debate about the nature of reality / Manjit Kumar.

Reality and scientific truth : discussions with Einstein, von Laue, and Planck / by Ilse Rosenthal-Schneider ; edited by Thomas Braun ; foreword by Arthur I. Miller.

Relativity and gravitation : an elementary treatise upon Einstein's theory / by T. Percy Nunn.

Relativity and the universe : a popular introduction into Einstein's theory of space and time / by Dr. Harry Schmidt ; authorised translation by Karl Wichmann ... with five diagrams.

Science and synthesis. An International Colloquium organized by Unesco on the Tenth Anniversary of the Death of Albert Einstein and Teilhard de Chardin. [By] René Maheu, Ferdinand Gonseth, J. Robert Oppenheimer [and others] French Contributions transl. by Barbara M. Crook.

Science, theology, and the transcendental horizon : Einstein, Kant, and Tillich / by Roy D. Morrison II.

Space, time, and relativity : the Einstein universe / by H. Horton Sheldon …

Spezielle relativitätstheorie Einsteins und die Logik / von J.H. Tummers.

The advancement of science, and its burdens : with a new introduction / Gerald Holton.

The Cambridge companion to Einstein / edited by Michel Janssen, University of Minnesota, Christoph Lehner, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.

The case against Einstein / by Arthur Lynch. --.

The common sense of the theory of relativity / by Paul R. Heyl.

The comparative reception of relativity / edited by Thomas F. Glick.

The curious history of relativity : how Einstein's theory of gravity was lost and found again / Jean Eisenstaedt ; translated by Arturo Sangalli.

The drama of Albert Einstein

The Einstein almanac / Alice Calaprice.

The Einstein decade, 1905-1915 / Cornelius Lanczos.

The Einstein theory explained and analyzed / by Samuel H. Guggenheimer.

The Einstein theory of relativity / by Garrett P. Serviss, with illustrations and photos taken directly from the Einstein relativity film ; illustrations by R.D. Crandall …

The Einstein theory of relativity / text by Lillian R. Lieber ; drawings by Hugh Gray Lieber.

The Einstein theory of relativity : a concise statement / by Prof. H.A. Lorentz …

The foundations of Einstein's theory of gravitation / by Erwin Freundlich ; authorised English translation by Henry L. Brose ; preface by Albert Einstein ; introduction by H.H. Turner.

The invented universe : the Einstein-De Sitter controversy (1916-17) and the rise of relativistic cosmology / Pierre Kerszberg.

The legacy of Albert Einstein : a collection of essays in celebration of the Year of Physics / Editor: Spenta R. Wadia.

The new physics : the route into the atomic age : in memory of Albert Einstein, Max von Laue, Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner / Armin Hermann.

The practical Einstein : experiments, patents, inventions / József Illy.

The private lives of Albert Einstein / Roger Highfield, Paul Carter.

The relativity theory simplified and the formative period of its inventor / by Max Talmey ; with an introduction by George B. Pegram.

The shaky game : Einstein, realism, and the quantum theory / Arthur Fine.

The story of Albert Einstein : the scientist who searched out the secrets of the universe / Mae Blacker Freeman.

The universe and Dr. Einstein / by Lincoln Barnett ; with a foreword by Albert Einstein.

The universe of general relativity / A.J. Kox, Jean Eisenstaedt, editors.

The young Einstein : the advent of relativity / Lewis Pyenson.

Über den Äther in der Physik : Bemerkungen zur Diskussion zwischen Albert Einstein, Gustav Mie und Emil Wiechert = Ether in physics : the discussion between Albert Einstein, Gustav Mie and Emil Wiechert / herausgegeben von Wilfried Schröder.

Variety of men / [by] C.P. Snow.

Von Kopernikus bis Einstein; der wandel unseres weltbildes, von dr. Hans Reichenbach …