Strap-On Shin Pocket (original) (raw)
Strap-On Pockets
Last revised 8 September 2005.
Many of the moonwalkers wore strap-on pockets during the EVAs.
Shin pockets displayed with Charlie Duke's training suit
photographed at NASA Johnson Building B34
by Dean Eppler in June 2005.
Shin Pockets on Charlie Duke's Training Suit - Flap Closed
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At the time this picture was taken, Charlie's training suit was displayed with shin pockets on both legs. The straps that go around behind the leg are visible on the pocket on the right (left leg). Note the four strips of Velcro hooks on the outside of the top flap on the pocket on the right leg.
View of the pocket from the side with the top flap closed.
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View of the pocket with the top flap open.
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With the top flap open, we see the strip of Velcro hooks on the front of the pocket which mate with one or both of the strips of Velcro pile on the inside of the top flap to keep the flap closed.
View of the suit above the left knee - Flap Closed
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This view of the left leg shows strips of Velcro pile just above the knee which mate with the strips of Velcro hooks on the outside of the top flap to keep the flap open when necessary.