Partie I - Aspects externes du droit international humanitaire M. Eric David [Read more] |
Partie II - Principes de structure internes du droit international humanitaire (Section 1/2) M. Eric David [Read more] |
Partie II - Principes de structure internes du droit international humanitaire (Section 2/2) M. Eric David [Read more] |
Partie III - Le contenu du droit international humanitaire M. Eric David [Read more] |
Partie IV - Les principes du droit de Genève M. Eric David [Read more] |
Partie V - Droit international humanitaire et droit international pénal M. Eric David [Read more] |
Relevance and Usefulness of International Humanitarian Law: The Laws of War Today Ms. Helen Durham[Read more] |
Droit international humanitaire dans le domaine de la protection des victimes de guerreMr. Hisakazu Fujita[Read more] |
Droit international humanitaire: Sa mise en oeuvre Mr. Hisakazu Fujita[Read more] |
Introduction to International Humanitarian LawJudge Christopher Greenwood[
Where Vienna and Geneva Meet: Treaty Interpretation and the Geneva ConventionsMr. Jean-Marie Henckaerts[Read more] |
The Beginning and End of OccupationMr. Vaios Koutroulis[
Le début et la fin de l'application du droit de l'occupationMr. Vaios Koutroulis[Read more] |
Protection of the Environment in Armed ConflictsMs. Marja Lehto[Read more] |
The End of an Armed Conflict under International LawMr. Dustin A. Lewis[Read more] |
Le droit international humanitaire applicable aux conflits armés non internationauxMr. Djamchid Momtaz[Read more] |
Protection of Natural Resources in Armed ConflictMs. Phoebe Okowa[Read more] |
Non-International Armed Conflict: Specific Challenges in International LawMr. Raul C. Pangalangan[Read more] |
Contribution of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia to the Development of International Humanitarian LawJudge Fausto Pocar[Read more] |
Crímenes de GuerraSr. Rafael Prieto Sanjuán[
The Use of WeaponsMr. Kevin Riordan[
The Equal Application of the Laws of War: A Principle Under PressureSir Adam Roberts[Read more] |
Human Rights in Armed ConflictsMs. Vera Rusinova[
Права человека в вооруженных конфликтахВера Николаевна Русинова[
Selected Issues on the Right to Reparation of Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Ms. Clara Sandoval[Read more] |
Temáticas relevantes en materia de derecho a la reparación para víctimas de violencia sexual en conflictos armados Sra. Clara Sandoval[Read more] |
Partie I - Le droit international humanitaire : des origines à la Seconde Guerre mondialeMr. Yves Sandoz[Read more] |
Partie II - Les Conventions de Genève de 1949 et leurs protocoles additionnelsMr. Yves Sandoz[Read more] |
Partie III - Le droit international humanitaire : développements récents et perspectives d’avenirMr. Yves Sandoz[Read more] |
Introduction to International Humanitarian Law Mr. Marco Sassòli [Read more] |
The Field of Application of International Humanitarian Law: International and Non-International Armed Conflicts Mr. Marco Sassòli [Read more] |
International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law Mr. Marco Sassòli [Read more] |
International Commissions of InquiryMs. Larissa van den Herik[
International Law and Child SoldiersMr. Gus Waschefort[