matplotlib.pyplot.figure — Matplotlib 3.9.2 documentation (original) (raw)

matplotlib.pyplot.figure(num=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, *, facecolor=None, edgecolor=None, frameon=True, FigureClass=<class 'matplotlib.figure.Figure'>, clear=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Create a new figure, or activate an existing figure.


numint or str or Figure or SubFigure, optional

A unique identifier for the figure.

If a figure with that identifier already exists, this figure is made active and returned. An integer refers to the Figure.numberattribute, a string refers to the figure label.

If there is no figure with the identifier or num is not given, a new figure is created, made active and returned. If num is an int, it will be used for the Figure.number attribute, otherwise, an auto-generated integer value is used (starting at 1 and incremented for each new figure). If num is a string, the figure label and the window title is set to this value. If num is a SubFigure, its parent Figure is activated.

figsize(float, float), default: [rcParams["figure.figsize"]](../../users/explain/customizing.html?highlight=figure.figsize#matplotlibrc-sample) (default: [6.4, 4.8])

Width, height in inches.

dpifloat, default: [rcParams["figure.dpi"]](../../users/explain/customizing.html?highlight=figure.dpi#matplotlibrc-sample) (default: 100.0)

The resolution of the figure in dots-per-inch.

facecolorcolor, default: [rcParams["figure.facecolor"]](../../users/explain/customizing.html?highlight=figure.facecolor#matplotlibrc-sample) (default: 'white')

The background color.

edgecolorcolor, default: [rcParams["figure.edgecolor"]](../../users/explain/customizing.html?highlight=figure.edgecolor#matplotlibrc-sample) (default: 'white')

The border color.

frameonbool, default: True

If False, suppress drawing the figure frame.

FigureClasssubclass of Figure

If set, an instance of this subclass will be created, rather than a plain Figure.

clearbool, default: False

If True and the figure already exists, then it is cleared.

layout{'constrained', 'compressed', 'tight', 'none', LayoutEngine, None}, default: None

The layout mechanism for positioning of plot elements to avoid overlapping Axes decorations (labels, ticks, etc). Note that layout managers can measurably slow down figure display.

If not given, fall back to using the parameters tight_layout and_constrained_layout_, including their config defaults[rcParams["figure.autolayout"]](../../users/explain/customizing.html?highlight=figure.autolayout#matplotlibrc-sample) (default: False) and [rcParams["figure.constrained_layout.use"]](../../users/explain/customizing.html?highlight=figure.constrained%5Flayout.use#matplotlibrc-sample) (default: False).


Additional keyword arguments are passed to the Figure constructor.




A newly created figure is passed to the new_managermethod or the new_figure_manager function provided by the current backend, which install a canvas and a manager on the figure.

Once this is done, [rcParams["figure.hooks"]](../../users/explain/customizing.html?highlight=figure.hooks#matplotlibrc-sample) (default: []) are called, one at a time, on the figure; these hooks allow arbitrary customization of the figure (e.g., attaching callbacks) or of associated elements (e.g., modifying the toolbar). See mplcvd -- an example of figure hook for an example of toolbar customization.

If you are creating many figures, make sure you explicitly callpyplot.close on the figures you are not using, because this will enable pyplot to properly clean up the memory.

rcParams defines the default values, which can be modified in the matplotlibrc file.

Examples using matplotlib.pyplot.figure#