_________ Cleansing Fires, set by Virginia Gabriel- pdf file, 2.8MB.――――♦―――― |
_________ Never Again, set by Federic H. Cowan-pdf file, 2.2MB.――――♦―――― |
_________ The Storm, set by Roland Rogersin 4 parts - pdf file, 4MB.――――♦―――― |
_________ The Storm, set by John Hullah- pdf file, 64KB.――――♦―――― |
_________ The Lost Chord, set by Arthur Sullivan- pdf file, 1.9MB.――――♦―――― |
_________ The Lost Chord, set by Arthur Sullivan- **pdf file, 3MB**courtesy of The National Library of Australia.――――♦―――― |
_________ Will he Come? set by Arthur Sullivan- **pdf file, 1.2MB**courtesy of The National Library of Australia.――――♦―――― |
_________ Spread Thy Silver Wings, O Dove! set by A. S. Gatty-**pdf file, 1.5MB**courtesy of The National Library of Australia.――――♦―――― |
_________ Cradle Song of the Poor set by Mrs J. Worthington Bliss-pdf file, 1.5MB.courtesy ofThe National Library of Australia. ――――♦―――― |
_________ It is not because Your Heart is Mine set byHerman L�hr - pdf file, 2.4MB.courtesy ofThe National Library of Australia. ――――♦―――― |
_________ Farewell, O dream of Mine, set by William Schulthes- zip file, 1.6MB.courtesy ofJohns Hopkins University.――――♦―――― |
_________ The Storm, set by John Hullah- zip file, 1.6MB.courtesy ofJohns Hopkins University.――――♦―――― |
_________ The Massage, set by Jacques Blumenthal- ** pdf, 4.6MB.**――――♦―――― |
_________ Lead Me Aright, set by E. L. Ashford- **pdf, 4.0MB.**――――♦―――― |