gcorani - JNCC2 Credal Classifier 2 (original) (raw)
JNCC2: archive of old releases
Version 1.1 (Sep 2008)
>> jncc2 - ver1.1 (zipped packaged with manual and sources)
Version 1.1 provides the following improvements over version 1.0:
- the file of results generated by the software are separated by commas instead of by tab, to facilitate import into Excel;
- code is recompiled under Java 5 (instead of 6) to facilitate inter-operability, for instance under Mac computers;
- the package now contains toy examples, designed to let the user become familiar with the software;
- reworked computation of probabilities for Naive Bayes, to be robust also when dealing with thousands of features;
Version 1.0 (May 2008)
>> sources(with javadoc) ver1.0
>> tutorial & user manual (pdf) ver1.0
Version 1.0 provides the following improvements over version 0.9:
- fixed a bug referring to the use of unknownclassesoption, which could lead to write to file predictions different from those actually issued by NCC2;
- reworked output format, much handlier when dealing with multiple data sets (see details in the user manual)
- major clean up of the source code.