torch.add — PyTorch 2.5 documentation (original) (raw)

torch.add(input, other, *, alpha=1, out=None) → Tensor

Adds other, scaled by alpha, to input.

outi=inputi+alpha×otheri\text{{out}}_i = \text{{input}}_i + \text{{alpha}} \times \text{{other}}_i

Supports broadcasting to a common shape,type promotion, and integer, float, and complex inputs.


Keyword Arguments


a = torch.randn(4) a tensor([ 0.0202, 1.0985, 1.3506, -0.6056]) torch.add(a, 20) tensor([ 20.0202, 21.0985, 21.3506, 19.3944])

b = torch.randn(4) b tensor([-0.9732, -0.3497, 0.6245, 0.4022]) c = torch.randn(4, 1) c tensor([[ 0.3743], [-1.7724], [-0.5811], [-0.8017]]) torch.add(b, c, alpha=10) tensor([[ 2.7695, 3.3930, 4.3672, 4.1450], [-18.6971, -18.0736, -17.0994, -17.3216], [ -6.7845, -6.1610, -5.1868, -5.4090], [ -8.9902, -8.3667, -7.3925, -7.6147]])