PSat 2 (Navy-OSCAR 104 / NO 104) (original) (raw)

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PSat 2 [USNA]

PSat 2 (ParkinsonSAT) is a student satellite project which is a two way communications transponder for relaying remote telemetry, sensor and user data from remote environmental experiments or other data sources back to experimenters via a global network of internet linked volunteer ground stations. The data transponder also includes all telemetry, command and control for a complete cubesat.

The PSat-2 is a 1.5U CubeSat. The unique features of PSAT-2 are the APRS transponder and the PSK31 transponder, both of which flew on PSAT-1 and the new APRStt (TouchTone)/Voice transponder, for which a prototype flies on the eXCITe (QIKCOM-2) satellite, which lets everyone do APRS using any radio with DTMF keypad, not just those with APRS radios.

Nation: USA
Type / Application: Experimental Communication
Operator: US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
Contractors: US Naval Academy Satellite Lab
Configuration: CubeSat (1.5U)
Propulsion: None
Power: Solar cells, batteries
Mass: 2 kg
Orbit: 306 km � 849 km, 28.53�
Satellite COSPAR Date LS Launch Vehicle Remarks
PSat 2 (Navy-OSCAR 104, NO 104) 2019-036R 25.06.2019 CCK LC-39A Falcon-Heavy (Block 5) with DSX , FORMOSAT 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F, GPIM, OTB 1, NPSat 1, Oculus-ASR, Prox 1, LightSail 2, ARMADILLO, FalconSat 7, E-TBEx A, E-TBEx B, BRICSat 2, Prometheus 2.6, Prometheus Mass Model, TEPCE 1, 2, CP 9 (LEO), StangSat

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