First World War Bibliography (original) (raw)

War in the Air
Maurice Baring Flying Corps: 1914-1918 G. Bell 1920
William Bishop Winged Warfare Grosset & Dunlap 1918
Andrew Boyle Trenchard Collins 1962
Christopher Cole The Air Defence of Britain Putnam 1984
Christopher Cole Royal Flying Corps William Kimber 1969
James Dudgeon Major Edward Mannock Robert Hale 1981
Norman Franks (ed.) Manfred von Richthofen Greenhill 1990
Raymond Fredette The First Battle of Britain Cassell 1966
Neville Jones The Origins of Strategic Bombing William Kimber 1973
H. Jones The War in the Air Oxford 1935
James Hudson In Clouds of Glory University of Arkansas 1990
Cecil Lewis Sagittarius Rising Peter Davies 1936
Cecil Lewis Farewell to Wings Temple Press 1964
Kenneth Munson Bombers 1914-1919 Blanford Press 1968
Walter Raleigh The War in the Air Chatto and Windus 1922
Manfred von Richthofen The Red Battle Flyer Robert McBride 1918
Edward Rickenbacker Fighting the Flying Circus J. B. Lippencott 1919
Raymond Rimell Zeppelin: A Battle for Air Supremacy Maritime Press 1984
Louis Strange Recollections of an Airman John Hamilton 1933
Life in the Trenches
Anthony Babington For the Sake of Example Leo Cooper 1983
Bruce Bairnsfather Bullets & Billets Grant Richards 1916
Herbert Barbuse Under Fire Dent 1933
Arthur Behrend An Adjutant in France and Flanders Eyre & Spottiswoode 1963
C. E. Callwell Experiences of a Dug-Out Constable 1920
Guy Chapman A Passionate Prodigality Buchan & Enright 1985
Guy Chapman (ed.) Vain Glory Cassell 1937
H. S. Clapham Mud and Khaki Hutchinson 1930
C. Clarrington Soldier From the War Returning Hutchinson 1965
Stuart Cloete A Victorian Son: An Autobiography Collins 1972
F. P. Crozier A Brass Hat in No Man's Land Cape 1930
A. S. Dolden Cannon Fodder Blanford Press 1980
Geoffrey Dugdale A War Narrative Shrewsbury 1932
Charles Edmonds A Subaltern's War Davies 1930
John Ellis Eye-Deep in Hell John Hopkins 1976
Roland Fife Mosaic of Memories Heath Cranton 1943
N. Fraser-Tytler Field Guns in France Hutchinson 1922
Brian Gardner Up the Line to Death Methuen 1964
Philip Gibbs Realities of War Heinemann 1920
Robert Graves Goodbye to all That Cassell 1929
L. Housman (ed.) War Letters of Fallen Englishmen Gollancz 1930
Ernst Junger Storm of Steel Chatto & Windus 1928
John Lafflin The Western Front Alan Sutton 1991
Frank Laird Personal Experiences of the Great War Easton & Son 1930
Peter Liddle The Soldier's War Blanford Press 1988
Alan Lloyd The War in the Trenches Granada 1976
Louise Mack A Woman's Experiences in the Great War Fisher Unwin 1915
Lyn MacDonald The Roses of No Man's Land Michael Joseph 1980
Lyn MacDonald 1914 Michael Joseph 1987
Lyn MacDonald 1915: The Death of Innocence Headline 1988
Arthur Marwick Women at War: 1914-1918 Fontana 1977
Martin Middlebrook The First Day on the Somme Allen Lane 1971
Gilbert Nobbs Englishman Kamerad! Right of the British Line Heinemann 1918
G. Oram & J. Putkowski Death Sentences: Military Courts 1914-1924 Francis Boutle 1998
G. Panichas (ed.) Promise of Glory Cassell 1968
A. O. Pollard The Memoirs of a VC Hutchinson 1932
Alexander Powell Fighting in Flanders Heinemann 1914
J. Putkowski & J. Sykes Shot at Dawn Wharncliffe 1989
Hugh Quigley Passchendaele and the Somme Methuen 1928
Donald Richter Chemical Soldiers: Gas Warfare University of Kansas 1992
Siegfried Sassoon Memoirs of an Infantry Officer Cassell 1932
Siegfried Sassoon Diaries: 1915-1918 Faber & Faber 1983
Andy Simpson Hot Blood and Cold Steel Tom Donovan 1993
Raymond Smith A Soldier's Diary: Sidelights on the Great War Journal Press 1940
Richard Thoumin (ed.) The First World War Secker & Warburg 1960
Peter Vansittart (ed.) Voices from the Great War Jonathan Cape 1981
E. C. Vaughan The Diary of a Young Officer Leo Cooper 1981
W. H. L. Watson A Company of Tanks Blackwood 1920
Denis Wheatley Officer and Temporary Gentleman Hutchinson 1978
Desmond Young Try Anything Twice Hamish Hamilton 1963
Political History
Herbert Asquith Memories and Reflections Cassell 1928
Randolph Churchill Lord Derby Heinemann 1959
Winston Churchill The World Crisis Butterworth 1923
J. R. Clynes Memoirs Hutchinson 1937
William Gallacher Revolt on the Clyde Lawrence & Wishart 1936
R. B. Haldane An Autobiography Hodder & Stoughton 1929
Roy Jenkins Asquith Collins 1964
David Lockward My Life of Revolt Harrap 1935
Stephen Koss Asquith Allen Lane 1976
David Lloyd George War Memoirs Ivor Nicholson 1936
David Marquand Ramsay MacDonald Cape 1977
C. E. Montague Disenchantment Chatto & Windus 1922
Herbert Morrison An Autobiography Odhams 1960
Henry Pelling Winston Churchill Macmillan 1974
Peter Rowland Lloyd George Barrie & Jenkins 1975
Viscount Samuel Memoirs Cressett Press 1945
Francis Stevenson Lloyd George Hutchinson 1971
Julian Symons Horatio Bottomley Cresset Press 1955
Will Thorne My Life's Battles Newnes 1925
The Home Front
Vera Brittain Testament of Youth Victor Gollancz 1933
Sheridan Jones London in War Time Grafton 1917
Michael MacDonagh In London During the War Eyre & Spottiswoode 1935
Martin Ceadel Pacifism in Britain Clarendon Press 1980
Arthur Marwick The Deluge Bodley Head 1965
Sylvia Pankhurst The Home front Hutchinson 1932
C. S. Peel How We Lived Then John Lane 1929
A. T. Rawlinson The Defence of London Andrew Melrose 1923
Bertrand Russell Autobiography: 1914-1944 Allen & Unwin 1968
Helena Swanwick I Have Been Young Gollancz 1935
E. S. Turner Dear Old Blighty Michael Joseph 1980
Beatrice Webb Diaries: 1912-1924 Longmans 1952
H.G. Wells An Experiment in Autobiography Victor Gollancz 1934
John Williams The Home Fronts Constable 1972
H.G. Wells An Experiment in Autobiography Victor Gollancz 1934