Codex Leiden VLF 108. University Library, Leiden, Netherlands (original) (raw)
| Introduction | | Details | | Bibliography | | ----------------------------- | | ------------------- | | ----------------------------- |
At Leiden in the Netherlands, catalogue Bibl. publ. Lugdunum-Bataviorum. p.376. Parchment. Folios 28-54 contain the Apologeticum. There is an index on the first folio by P.Petavius. First used by Havercamp for his edition of 1718, praef. p.6.
Petitmengin (2004, p.88): Originally from Berri. It was present in the library of the jurist Jacques Cujas.
All the following details are from
Parchment. 12th century. 98 folios. 280x185 (205/210x125) mm. 40 lines per page, littera prae-gothica. Post-medieval binding. Illustration is pen-flourished initials. Written in Southern France, western part. Acquired in 1690 as part of the collection of Isaac Vossius (1618-1689).
ff. 01r-15r - De anima / Cassiodorus. 11th or 12th century
ff. 15r-16v and 52r-53v - Cena / pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage. 11th or 12th century (the same text twice)
ff. 17r-21r - Two Letters / Cyprian of Carthage. 11th or 12th century ("Ad Vigilium de Iudaica incredulitate", and letter 13)
ff. 21r-23v and 054r-056r - Adversus Iudaeos / pseudo-Cyprian of Carthage. 11th or 12th century
ff. 25r-51r - Apologeticum / Tertullian. 11th or 12th century
f. 51 - Two Sermons on St. Cyprian / Maximus of Turin. 11th or 12th century
ff. 56v-83v - Letter to Quirinus / Cyprian of Carthage. 11th or 12th century
ff. 84r-90r - Passion of St. Ausonius of Angoulême. 11th or 12th century
ff. 91r-98v - Commentary on Prologue of John / pseudo-Origen (Johannes Scottus Eriugena). 11th or 12th century
ff. 96r-98v - Letter to Paul and Eustochius / pseudo-Jerome (Paschasius Radbertus). 11th or 12th century
Senguerdius, W. a.o., Catalogus librorum tam impressorum tam manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Publicae Universitatis Lugduno-Batavae (Leiden 1716). p.376.Not checked.
Catalogus compendiarius continens codices omnes manuscriptos qui in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae asservantur 1 (Leiden 1932). p.6.Not checked.
Meyier, K. and P. Obbema, Codices Vossiani Latini (Leiden 1973-1984). p. 230-232Not checked.
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