Tertullian : Codex Luganensis - Bodleian Lat. th. d. 34 (original) (raw)
Codex Luganensis - Bodleianus Lat. th. d. 34
(l [lambda])
Location : In Oxford, in Duke Humphrey's Library in the Bodleian Library, MS. Lat. th. d. 34. English, early 12th century. Contains the Apologeticum, plus two other non-Tertullian works. Parchment. Purchased by the Bodleian Library at Sotheby's, 11 July 1966, lot 262.
Not yet inspected.
Catalogue Entry :
Shelfmark: MS. Lat. th. d. 34
Author:Tertullian Title: Apologeticum
Author:Ps.-Ambrose Title: De dignitate sacerdotali
Author:Ambrose Title: Expositio de Psalmo CXVIII
Place of origin:England
Date:12th century, early
Physical description
Physical Facets: Dimensions: Leaves c. 280 x 200 mm.
Foliation: ii + 58 (fols. i-ii, 57-8 are modern flyleaves).
Collation: I-III8, IV6, V-VII8, VIII2?; quires II-VII with quires signatures 'a' - 'f' in crayon.
Ruling: Ruled in drypoint; fols. 26-9 originally pricked and ruled for two leaves of a larger book in two columns.
Script: Written by two hands: (1) fols. 1v-28r, with 30-2 lines per page, c. 200 x 140 mm; (2) fols. 30r-56v, with 31 lines per page, c. 205 x 135-40 mm.
Binding: Bound in 18th-century gilt English calf.
Sec.Fol.: 'quod oderant'.
1. (fol. 1r) Tertullian, Apologeticum (Clavis PL #3); the text belongs to the vulgate or common tradition. Ours is [lamba symbol] (Luganensis) of the
editions; fols. 28v-29v are blank.
2. (fol. 30) 'Liber iste aut(?) est Cassiodori de instr[uctione sacerdotis ?]' (written in 13th-century crayon in the upper margin), 'Si quis frater [sic] oraculum ...'; Ps.-Ambrose, De dignitate sacerdotali (Clavis PL, #171a).
3. (fol. 34r) Extracts from Ambrose, Expositio de Psalmo CXVIII (Clavis, #141), not in sequence: 'Non satis est ...'.
Initials in red, purple, or blue. An added 13th-century sketch includes a man holding a stick upraised (Pächt & Alexander, III, no. 381).
1. Inscribed, 12th century: 'Milburga/Mildburg' (fol. 41r, lower margin).
2. Joseph Martini, Lugano bookseller, c.1920-29.
3. William G. Kelso, New York (see de Ricci, 1937).
4. Stefan Mendl, New York.
5. Bought by the Bodleian at Sotheby's, 11 July 1966, lot 262.
Bodleian Library catalogue descriptions:
1.Unpublished typescript description
2.Otto Pächt and J. J. G. Alexander, Illuminated Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford. 3: British, Irish, and Icelandic Schools, (Oxford, 1973), no.381 (added drawings).
Other bibliography
1. Heinrich Hoppe, ed., Quinti Septimi Florentis Tertulliani 'Apologeticum', secundum utramque libri recensionem (Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, 69; Vienna, 1939), p. xi no. 4 (='lambda'; listed as belonging to Martini at that time). Checked
2. Seymour de Ricci and W. J. Wilson, Census of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the United States and Canada, II [Michigan - Canada] (New York, 1937, repr. 1961), 1202.
3. Sotheby & Co., Catalogue of important western and oriental manuscripts and miniatures ... which will be sold by auction ... 11th July, 1966 (London, 1966), lot 262 (with a line reproduction of the drawing).
4. Annual report of the Curators of the Bodleian Library for 1965-6, with a detail of fol. 1v reproduced facing p. 12. Checked
5. Rodney M. Thomson, 'Identifiable books from the pre-Conquest library of Malmesbury Abbey', Anglo-Saxon England 10 (1982), 1-19, at 11 n.62, and 15. Checked
6. F. G. Nuvolone, 'Il sermo pastoralis Pseudoambrosiano e el sermo Giberti ... de informatione episcoporum [CHECK]', Gerberto, scienza, storia e mito : atti del Gerberti Symposium (25-27 luglio 1983) (Editrice degli A.S.B, 1986), 493 no. 89.
7. Rodney M. Thomson, William of Malmesbury (Woodbridge, 1987), 42 and n. 18, 108 n. 64, 112 n. 88.
8. Valerie I. J. Flint, 'The "school of Laon": a reconsideration', Ideas in the medieval West: texts and their contexts (Variorum collected studies series; London, 1988).
Several Martini mss are now Marston mss at Yale
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Binding :
Spine :
End-leaves :
Material details :
Ultra-violet :
Other Notes :
Bibliography :
- Oxford University Gazette supplement 7 vol. xcvii (June 1967) : Annual Report of the Curators of the Bodleian Library for 1965-6, p.12 and plate. Records the purchase of the MS: "Tertullian, Apologeticum, etc. English, 12th century. (MS. Lat. th. d. 34). (See plate below)." Checked
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