St Petersburg, Publichnaya Biblioteka MS. Q.v.I.40 (original) (raw)

Codex Petropolitanus Latinus Q.v.I.40



In St.Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia, in the Publichnaya Bibliotheka. Formerly known as Codex Sangermanensis, and before that as Codex Corbeiensis. Parchment. 61 folios. 205mm x 170mm. 2 columns of 21 lines. Contains only the Apologeticum.

The volume originated at the Abbey of Corbie, from whence in 1638 400 MSSwere transferred to the library of the monastery of St. Germain des Près. In the catalogue of Corbie, dubiously dated to the 12th century, the MS is listed as no. 140. After the French Revolution in 1791, many rare MSSwere acquired by a Russian diplomat, Petrus Dubrowsky, and sent to St.Petersburg. This MS was sent there as part of a batch in 1805. In 1901 there were 50 MSS from St.Germains in the Imperial library in St.Petersburg, whose origin was in Corbie. In some of them, including this one, may be seen clearly the words Ex Musco Petri Dubrowsky. (See L.Delisle, Recherches sur l'ancienne bibliotheque de Corbie, in Memoires de l'academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, Paris 1861, p.319, 330. for the Corbie MSS)

I found the following additional details in Bischoff, Bernard, Latin Paleography: Antiquity and the Middle Ages, tr. O'Croinin D., and Ganz, D., Cambridge University Press (1990), which gives an excerpt as plate 12: None of this data has been checked.

Contains the Apologeticum. 61 folios, 205 x 170 mm, in 2 columns of 21 lines. 8th-9th century.

bischoff_f1r.gif (195633 bytes)

licet uobis romani imperii
antistites in aperto et edito ...

There is a bibliography given, which I reproduce:

Saltikova-Shchedrina, M.E., Publichnaya Bibliotheka im Leningrad. Staerk, Dom Antonio, Les manuscrits latins de la Bibliotheque Imperiale de St. Petersburg, St. Peterburg (1911) pp.130-131
Bischoff, B., Mittelalterliche Studien 3, Stuttgart (1981), p.160

This MS is also mentioned in David Ganz' study of the Corbie MSS. Here is his description of the MS (pp.155-6):

Leningrad, Lat. Q v I 40, ff. 61, 205 x 170, 2 cols, 21 lines. Tertullian Apologeticum.
Opens with initials against a gold background. Chapters begin with a gold initial and
a red title. Quires well prepared, unsigned. Staerk I, p. 130-1. Attributed by Bischoff
|p.155 to the palace school of Charlemagne, MS III, p. 160, n. 51, id, Paléographie (Paris
1985), pl. 12.

The MS has been annotated by one of the annotators whose mark turns up in many Corbie MSS (p.75-76):

"The second distinctive annotating hand employs a NOT monogram. It is found in several MSS beside texts explicitly referring to the eucharist and to predestination, suggesting that the annotator was linked to Ratramnus who composed a treatise on this theme. ... In the de Excessu Fratris, bound up with this manuscript [Paris B.N. Lat. 12137, Ambrose, _de Abraham_], notes occur on ff. 112r, 114v, 115v, 118r, 125r, concerned with the soul (CSEL LXXII, p.261), the fear of death (p.274), the wages of sin (p.274) and the resurrection (pp.300, 307, 311). Further evidence of interest in the soul is found in Tertullian, Apologeticum, Leningrad, Lat.Q v I 40, fol. 57r, col. 2 on the capacity of the soul to suffer, and issue which Ratramnus treats. ...

"A further group of notes in Corbie volumes show Ratramnus himself at work. Tironian notes used as excerpting marks occur beside passages quoted by Ratramnus in his de Praedestinatione, a work composed in 850. ..."

He adds the following additional details and references (p.36):

Peter Dubrovsky worked as a book-purchasing agent in Paris for Catherine II until 1792. For information on him:

Staerk's work has the following details, which differ a little from the above citation:

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